1、在这个特殊的日子里,我带着最真的.心,愿你生日快乐,幸福无限。 On this special day, with the most sincere heart, I wish you a happy birthday and infinite happiness.
2、今天生日,在此向你讲声:祝你生日快乐!青春美丽! Todays birthday,I would like to say to you:Happy Birthday!Youth and beauty!
3、愿祝福萦绕着你,在你永远与春天接壤的梦幻里。祝你:心想事成幸福快乐!生日快乐! May the blessings linger on you in the dream of your ever spring、I wish you: happy! Happy birthday!
4、五彩缤纷的世界,只有友情最珍贵,在这属于你的日子里,祝你快乐! Colorful world, only the most precious friendship, in this belongs to your day, I wish you happy!
5、N年前的今天,可爱的你呱呱坠地,N年后的今天,你显得更加美丽,今天是你的生日,明媚的阳光,蓝蓝的天空,都在帮我将祝福传递给你! N years ago today,the lovely you born,N years later,you look more beautiful,its your birthday today,the sunshine,the blue sky,all in help me pass the blessing to you!
6、愿你享尽今日之欢乐,祝你的生日百事顺心! May you enjoy all the joy of today and have a happy birthday!
7、手机铃响起的时候,请接受我真诚的祝福。这是属于我们的`热线,无论是生日还是每个时刻,两颗心都将在这里得到充分的表达:亲爱的,生日快乐! Mobile phone when the bell rang, please accept my sincere blessings。 This is our hotline, birthday and every moment, two hearts will find full expression here:my dear, happy birthday!
8、你有权保持沉默,但是你所看到的每一个字都将代表我的祝福。我谨代表我爸妈的儿子,我子女的老爸,我老婆的老公,祝你生日快乐! You have the right to remain silent, but you can see every word will be on behalf of my best wishes。 I, on behalf of the son of my parents, my childrens dad, my wifes husband, I wish you a happy birthday![述职报告之家 www.ys575.cOM]
9、送你一首生日歌,祝你今天最快乐。福神为你当陪客,寿星帮你把面做。财神送你红包了,喜神专为你唱歌。幸运女神是你姐,所有烦恼全消灭。 Send you a birthday song, I wish you a happy the most today。 God of fortune when accompany for you, longevity noodles do for you。 The god of wealth to send you a red envelope, pleased god designed for you to sing。 Lady luck is your elder sister, all my troubles all destroyed。
10、希望你的生日像你一样?不同寻常。生日快乐! Hope your birthday is like you? extraordinary. Happy birthday!
11、生活富庶喜盈盈,日子过得甜蜜蜜。 Life is rich and happy, life is sweet.
12、“今天是你的生日,我的朋友,清晨我送你一首好歌。”迷人的音符代表我祝你生活幸福甜蜜,悦耳的歌声代表我祝你生命更加精彩!祝生日快乐! Today is your birthday, my friend, the morning I send you a good song。" Charming notes represent I wish you a happy life, melodious song represents my wish you life more colorful!I wish a happy birthday!
13、轻轻捎给你我的祝福小小言语,浓浓情谊都在这一份真挚的心意永远伴随着你我祝你生日快乐。 Gently send to you my blessing small words, thick friendship in this sincere heart always with you I wish you a happy birthday.
14、祝你生日快乐,永远都幸福。 I wish you a happy birthday and happiness forever.
15、生日快乐!你快乐所以我快乐,你不快乐我不快乐。不管谁快乐,还是祝你生日快乐! Happy birthday! You happy so I happy, you are not happy I am not happy、No matter who is happy, or wish you a happy birthday!
16、鲜花为你开放,小鸟为你歌唱,鱼儿为你游荡,吃面条陪芝麻酱,教堂的钟声多么响亮,你的生活肯定充满希望。生日快乐,我的朋友。 Flowers open for you,the birds sing for you,fish,for you to eat noodles with sesame paste,how loud the sound of church bells,your life must be full of hope。 Happy birthday,my friend。
17、春天的礼物是苏醒,夏天的礼物是热情,秋天的礼物是收获,冬天的礼物是温暖,你的礼物是快乐,朋友,祝你生日快乐,四季平安,永远幸福美满。 Gift gift is awakening of spring, summer is warm, the gift of autumn is harvest, the gift of winter is warm, happy, is your gift, my friend, I wish you a happy birthday, four seasons peace, happiness forever。
18、愿这张小卡片,给你快乐的日子平添一分春色,一分乐趣,一分怡心! May this card, your birthday brings a spring, a fun, a happy heart!