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  • >2024冬至节的英文介绍(汇总3篇)
  • {year}冬至节的英文介绍



    在学习、工作、生活中,许多人都有过写作文的经历,对作文都不陌生吧,作文是从内部言语向外部言语的过渡,即从经过压缩的简要的、自己能明白的语言,向开展的、具有规范语法结构的、能为他人所理解的外部语言形式的转化。3篇什么样的作文才能称之为优秀作文呢?以下是小编整理的关于冬至的英语作文The Winter Solstice,欢迎阅读与收藏。

    2024冬至节的英文介绍 篇1

    The arrival of the winter solstice caught me off guard. The winter solstice means that my responsibilities are getting heavier and heavier. It means that my mind is not only loaded with myself, but also moving towards maturity.

    But am I ready? Do I have enough ability to face difficulties? Can I really take the responsibility? No, really not.

    I can't get rid of my childhood childishness, my dependence on my parents, and my cowardice. I cannot bear the wind and rain alone, meet the challenges, and accept failure. There are many more things I can't do

    Perhaps I am used to being a flower in the greenhouse and forget the hardships of weeds in the past, or I am used to being a bird in a cage and forget the strength of eagles in the past; Maybe I am used to being a tourist in the tank and forget the vicissitudes of life of the fish, or I am used to being a pet and forget my responsibilities. Only know how to rely, only know how to get, only know how to enjoy.

    Fear of failure, fear of difficulties, fear of hardship, fear of everything that goes against one's wishes. How can a young rose understand the strength of a tree, an easy fish understand the blue of the sea, and a rich man understand the sadness of a beggar. I know my heart is too soft, my eyes are too short, and my shoulders are not wide enough. In short, I am not strong enough.

    I want to learn to be strong.

    2024冬至节的英文介绍 篇2

    As early as 2,500 years ago, about the Spring and Autumn Period (770-476 BC), China had determined the point of Winter Solstice by observing movements of the sun with a sundial. It is the earliest of the 24 seasonal division points. The time will be each December 22 or 23 according to the Gregorian calendar.

    The Northern hemisphere on this day experiences the shortest daytime and longest nighttime. After the Winter Solstice, days will become longer and longer. As ancient Chinese thought, the yang, or muscular, positive things will become stronger and stronger after this day, so it should be celebrated.

    The Winter Solstice became a festival during the Han Dynasty (206 BC-220 AD) and thrived in the Tang and Song dynasties (618-1279). The Han people regarded Winter Solstice as a "Winter Festival", so officials would organize celebrating activities. On this day, both officials and common people would have a rest. The army was stationed in, frontier fortresses closed and business and traveling stopped. Relatives and friends presented to each other delicious food. In the Tang and Song dynasties, the Winter Solstice was a day to offer scarifies to Heaven and ancestors. Emperors would go to suburbs to worship the Heaven; while common people offered sacrifices to their deceased parents or other relatives. The Qing Dynasty (1644-1911) even had the record that "Winter Solstice is as formal as the Spring Festival," showing the great importance attached to this day.

    In some parts of Northern China, people eat dumpling soup on this day; while residents of some other places eat dumplings, saying doing so will keep them from frost in the upcoming winter. But in parts of South China, the whole family will get together to have a meal made of red-bean and glutinous rice to drive away ghosts and other evil things. In other places, people also eat tangyuan, a kind of stuffed small dumpling ball made of glutinous rice flour. The Winter Solstice rice dumplings could be used as sacrifices to ancestors, or gifts for friends and relatives. The Taiwan people even keep the custom of offering nine-layer cakes to their ancestors.

    They make cakes in the shape of chicken, duck, tortoise, pig, cow or sheep with glutinous rice flour and steam them on different layers of a pot. These animals all signify auspiciousness in Chinese tradition. People of the same surname or family clan gather at their ancestral temples to worship their ancestors in age order. After the sacrificial ceremony, there is always a grand banquet.

    早在2500年前的春秋时期(公元前770-476年),中国就已经通过用日晷观测太阳确定了冬至。它是24个季节划分点中最早的一个。时间为每年公历12月22日或23日。【F215.COm 中学范文网】





    2024冬至节的英文介绍 篇3

    Winter is coming, when it comes to the traditional festival is my favorite, I cannot hide the excitement of the heart. Winter solstice can make dumplings, eating dumplings, it makes me feel the winter solstice is the most happy.

    Once in the winter solstice, my mother and I are ready to make dumplings materials: some meat, some of the wrappers. I picked up a piece of the wrappers on the left hand, right hand dug a little fresh, use chopsticks to dumplings lining. But fresh meat seems very lively, leap to jump, very not easy sealing top results open again... Making dumplings is really not easy!

    Speak of the winter solstice eat dumplings, there is also a custom! In my hometown - the north of henan province, the winter solstice every family tradition is to make dumplings, eating dumplings. As the saying goes: "the winter solstice misconduct dumplings bowl, frozen off ears is nobodys business."

    The custom of the northern winter eat dumplings is due to the memory of "the medical sage" zhang zhongjing winter solstice medicine left. Hungry people eat dumplings, to drink the "remove cold soup", and warm, fever, two ears frostbite ears were cured.

    No matter you have the habit of eating dumplings, wish everyone happy winter solstice, happily and family spent together the happy holiday!






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