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  • 高三课件




    高三课件 篇1


    Warming up

    Look at the pictures and match each flower with its correct name

    Which flower is your favorite? Explain why.


    Why was Carl Linnaeus important to the history of botany as a science?

    His system of grouping plants in families was unique, which based on the arrangement of the male and female organs in the flowers.


    Fast reading

    How many people are mentioned in the passage?

    Carl Linnaeus Daniel Solander Joseph Banks Captain Cook

    Careful reading

    1. Before Linnaeus botany was ________.D

    A.studied by doctors B.unknown to anyone C.fully developed D.a branch of medicine

    2. Some economic species plants such as____ could help to develop local economies.C

    A.rose and peony B.tea and apple C.cocoa and hemp D.Cocoa and lemon

    3. It was ____ who made Kew a centre of scientific and economic research.A

    A.Joseph Banks B.Captain Cook C.Linnaeus D. Daniel Solander

    4.Paragraph one of the text mainly tells us ___ .C

    A.the importance of botany B.how to classify plant species into groups

    C.Linnaeus’contribution to botany D.Linnaeus’discoveries about different species

    5.Captain Cook made ___voyages altogether around the world. C

    A.one B.Two C.Three D.four


    1. How did scientists classify plants before Linnaeus?

    Some scientists classified plants into herbs and trees, or according to the shape of the fruit, or whether they had flowers or not.

    2. What were the goals of James Cook’s first voyage around the world?

    To study the passing of the planet Venus across the sun; to record, classify and describe all plant and animal life observed during the trip; to search for an unknown southern continent.

    3. Why did Joseph Banks have to supply his own money to equip part of the expedition?

    Because the government would not pay for such a new field of science as botany.

    4. What could be a possible explanation for the name “strawberry”?

    When people plant strawberry, they spread straw under the fruit to reduce the necessary amount of watering.

    Translate the following phrases into English:

    1. 详细地 in detail

    2. 处于支配的地位,负责 in charge of

    3. 由……负责 in the charge of

    4. 任命某人为…… appoint sb. as

    5.将……分类成 classify…into…

    6. 计算……之间的距离 calculate the distance between…

    7. 一代一代传下去 pass on from one generation to the next

    8.建于……之上;以……为基础 be based on

    9.参与; 陷入 ……的活动 be involved in

    10.根据;视……而定;按照 according to

    11.搜索;寻找 search for

    12.总而言之 altogether

    1.match…with (在品质;颜色;设计等方面)相等,相当,相配

    2.at the age of 在……岁时

    3.look out for 警惕;留心;守侯

    4.on a large scale 大规模地;大范围地

    5.year after year 年年;年复一年

    6.pass away 逝世

    7.name…after 给……取名;命名

    8.in detail 详细

    9.take care of 关心;照顾

    10.classify…into 分类;归类

    11.develop a lifelong friendship with 与……结存了终生好朋友

    12.born into 出生

    13.have an appetite for knowledge 有求知欲

    14.appoint sb. as… 委派;任命某人为……

    15.spread over 传播;流传

    16.a great deal of 大量;许多(用于不可数名词)

    17.lie in 在于

    18.related to 与……有关

    19.the key to 关键是(在于)

    20.adapt to 适应于

    21.be sunken into 堕入

    Integrating skills


    Find out the important people mentioned in the text.

    Charles Darwin From England Gregor Mendel From Austria

    Gote Turesson From Sweden

    Choose the best answers according to the passage

    1. The research by Darwin, Mendel and Turesson shows that_ . C

    A. genetics is more important than the environment to plants

    B. genetics is less important than the environment to plants

    C. both genetics and the environment are important to plants

    D. neither genetics nor the environment is important to plants

    2. Darwin observed that the birds with _ _ would eat_ . B

    A. small beaks l hard seeds B.broad beaks;hard seeds

    C. hard beaks;hard seeds D.broad beaks;soft seeds

    3.Darwin joined the scientific expedition on _____ . C

    A. the Endeavour B.Tahiti C.the Beagle D.space

    4. Scientists of the nineteenth century believed that . D

    A.the development of new species was behind the influence of the environment

    B.the development of new species and the influence of the environment were hand in hand

    C.the development of new species had nothing to do with the influence of the environment

    D the influence of the environment was behind the development of new species .

    5. Darwin studied physics,chemistry and botany because_________ . B

    A.he was invited to join scientific expedition

    B.he was interested in them

    C.he could do a lot Of experiments

    D.he wanted to finish his book“On the Origin of Species”

    Fill in the following blanks




    Charles Darwin

    The wild life of Galapagos, many varieties of garden roses

    There were differences between the species of the different islands’yet all showed a clear relationship with those of America’ differences in habitat could lead to different species in birds as well as in plants.

    Gregor Mendel

    Flowers and peas

    Many characteristics were passed on from one generation to the next, without influence by the environment. His research gave birth to the science of genetics.

    Gote Turesson

    A wild plant found on the Swedish west coast

    Found evidence for the existence of stable varieties within species in nature. He showed that differences between plants of one species occurred as a result of the environmental conditions in their habitat.

    The text can be divided into four parts

    Part I Pa1-3: Darwin and his research.

    Part II Pa4-5: Mendel and his experiment.

    Part III Pa6: Turesson and his study

    Part IV Pa7: the importance and significance of the research of the three.

    Important sentences in the passage

    1. It was Darwin’s visit on the Beagle to the Galapagos Isles that gave him the key to his new theory.

    2. Back home, in England, Darwin realized that differences in habitat could lead to different species in birds as well as in plants.

    3. As a result of Darwin and Mendel’s research, scientists of the nineteenth century formed the belief that that influence of the environment was behind the development of new species.

    4. It would take a next generation of scientists to bring the importance of the environment on species back in view.

    Unit 5 Getting the message


    Look at the pictures on page37 and fill in the chart


    Ad 1

    Ad 2

    Ad 3

    The products they persuade you to buy

    Advanced electronic roducts


    Soft drinks

    How to persuade

    By using abstract design, slogan and pictures

    By using wonderful pictures ,slogan and realistic products

    By using wonderful pictures, slogan and products

    The message each ad gives

    High quality,

    Help customers to succeed

    Create beauty,bring happiness and love to customers

    Help athletes to refresh themselves.

    How is the information conveyed

    Pictures, slogan, spokesman

    Products,slogan, pictures

    Pictures,slogan, products

    Words related to advertising

    advertise, advertisement advertiser, brand, post, spokesman, spokeswoman, designer, entertain, promote, customer, slogan, text, writer mislead, humorous, persuasive, broadcast, annoy, appeal to


    Collect advantages and disadvantages of advertisements from the students

    Advantages Disadvantages

    Provide information Mislead customers

    Increase sales Give false or incorrect information

    Make the public aware of social problem Raise the price of products

    1.the first form of advertising : in Greece and Egypt around 1500 B.C.

    2.the first printed advertisement: in London 1477

    3.the first commercials on radio: about 1920

    4.the first commercial on TV: after World War 2

    Reading Find out the main idea for each paragraph

    Pa1: Ads are found almost everywhere

    Pa2: People react to advertisements in different ways.

    Pa3: The basic principle of advertisements is to influence customers’ choices.

    Pa4: Ads help companies and customers n a variety of ways.

    Pa5: the most important function of advertising is to introduce new products.

    Pa6: Governments and other organizations use ads to make people aware of government policies and social problems.

    Pa7: Customers should be careful of illegal ads.

    Pa8: Customers should learn to protect themselves from false ads and make smart choices.

    Answer the following questions

    Fast reading

    1.What is people’s reaction to ads.? P2

    2.What is the basic principle of advertising? P3

    3.What is the most important function of ads? P5

    4.what’s the advantage of good ads? P8

    Careful reading

    1.Why is advertising popular?

    2.How does advertising help consumers and companies?

    3.What is the basic principle behind advertisements?

    4.Why do advertisers often have to work hard to attract people’s attention?

    5.What is a “bait-and-switch” a?

    6.How can we protect ourselves from misleading ads?

    Choose the best answers:

    1.The word “advertising” means to make a product known to . D

    A managers through broadcast B leaders by radios

    C firms by printed notices D people in various ways.

    2.One advantage of advertising is that it helps . A

    A increase product sales B make a product more expensive

    C increase production D reduce the costs of a product

    3.Advertising is a highly developed . B

    A information B industry C trade D science

    4.The development of radio, television, cinema, magazines and newspapers has with the development of advertising. B

    A followed up B gone hand in hand C gone behind D taken place

    5. The best chance to reach customers is to . C

    A sell them the product B sell them what money can not buy: love, happiness and success.

    C appeal to their emotions D reduce the price of the products.

    6.The development of media has gone hand hand the development of advertising. C

    A. by; by B. by; with C. in; with D. in; by

    8.People react to advertisements in different ways.Because . 答案:A

    A. ads are useful and entertaining to some people while annoying to others

    B. ads are useful and entertaining C. ads are annoying

    D.ads are not only useful and entertaining but annoying

    9.When we buy an expensive product, can help us make the right decision. 答案:B

    A. sellers B. ads C. our friends D. defenders

    10.“Not all ads are used to promote a product or to increase a company’s profits” means . 答案:D

    A. all ads are used to promote a product or to increase a company’s profits

    B. few ads are used to promote a product or to increase a company’s profits

    C. no ads are used to promote a product or to increase a company’s profits

    D. all ads are not used to promote a product or to increase a company’s profits

    11.In order not to become easy target for ad makers, we must . 答案:A

    A. distinguish between fiction and facts B. watch TV more often

    C. believe all the ads D. never believe any ads

    12.The best chance to reach customers for the advertisers is to . 答案:A

    A. appeal to their emotions B. make interesting pictures

    C. give customers proper prices D. send messages to customers

    13.Paragraph 4 is mainly about . 答案:C

    A. ads must increase the production B. ads must reduce the price of the production

    C. ads must help companies and customers D. ads must make a product more expensive

    14.Which sentence tells us the main idea of Paragraph 5? 答案:C

    A. The most important function of advertising is to introduce the prices of the products.

    B. The most important function of advertising is to introduce the types of the products.

    C. The most important function of advertising is to introduce new products.

    D. The most important function of advertising is to introduce the company where the products come from.

    15.Why is advertising popular? 答案:C

    A. Because ads are found in newspapers. B. Because ads are found on the Internet.

    C. Because ads are found on TV. D. Because ads are found everywhere.

    16.We can infer from the last sentence of the text that . 答案:C

    A. we must learn to believe ads B. we must learn to accept ads

    C. we must learn to analyse ads D. we must learn to accuse ads

    T or F

    1.People react to advertisements in different ways.( )

    2.The basic principle of advertising is fairly difficult.( )

    3.Since an increase in sales means an increase in production, the price may be increased, too. ( )

    4.Truthful ads provide good information that helps customers to decide whether they want or need the advertised product.( )

    5.Perhaps the most important function of advertising is to increase a company’s profits. ( )

    6.By using the techniques developed by the advertising industry, governments and other non-profit organizations can spread knowledge, change attitudes and improve society.( )

    7.All ads are not used to promote a product or to increase a company’s profits.( )

    Difficult sentences

    1.The development of radio ,television and other media has gone hand in hand with the development.

    2.Customers see so many ads every day that advertisers must work hard to get their message across.

    3.The best chance to reach customers is to appeal to their emotions.

    4.First of all ,we should always keep an eye out for “hidden information”.

    Integrating skills

    Fill in the blanks for the revision

    Advertising is a highly developed industry. It has gone hand in hand with radio, television and other media.

    People react to ads in different ways. Some think ads are useful and help consumers

    make informed choices while others accuse companies of using ads to mislead us. Companies can influence customers’ choices by introducing a brand name and by associating products with customers’ needs. There are so many ads for customers that advertisers must try to get their message across by appealing to their emotions.

    Ads help companies and customers in all kinds of ways. They can help companies increase sales . At the same time , they help customers choose among all the available products. In fact, truthful ads provide good information,and help customers compare feathers, functions and costs. Some governments name a famous person as their spokesman or spokeswoman to make people aware

    of their social problems and policies.

    Customers should protect themselves by keeping an eye out for bad ads, telling false information from real facts and making good choices.

    II Lead-in

    1 what product do they persuade you to buy?

    2 what information about product can you get?

    3 How is the information conveyed?

    4 What are the skills of making good ads?

    III Reading

    1 How do the ad-makers create a positive image of the product they are promoting?

    2 How do ad-makers choose a name for the product?

    3 What kind of slogans should be used to make the consumers to form a positive image? Can you give an example?

    4 How are the ads presented ?

    How to create a positive image of the product

    Choose the words and brand names --- tell the consumer about the advantages of the product ---choose a funny name(use a well-known word--- choose names from old stories--- invent a new word )

    A good slogan( should be catchy --- easy to remember --- convey a message)

    Ads are started with a puzzle or question And presented in a humorous way

    1.in order to 为的是;目的在于

    2.take …into consideration 考虑某事物

    pare…with… 把……与……比较(对比)

    plain about 对某人与某物抱怨

    5.in charge of… 负责;处于控制或支配的地位

    6.hand in hand 手拉手;密切关联的

    7.with the develop of 随着……发展

    8.on the other hand 另一方面

    9.get… across 传播或为人理解

    10.instead of 代替(后面接名词代词动名词或介词短语)

    11.appeal to 呼吁;上诉;投合(兴趣或心愿)

    12.armed with用…… 做准备;备有

    13.make sb. aware of 使人明白;觉察;意识到

    14.keep an eye out for 留心或注意到某人或某事物

    tect…from… 防护而不受

    16.at the right time 在恰当的时候

    17.point out to (向某人)指出;使注意

    18.make sense 有意义;有道理;讲得通

    19.accuse…of… 指责;控告

    20.attach to 系;贴;固定;附着

    21 differ from 不同于

    22 attach to/connect with 附着/联想

    23 attach importance to 给予重视

    24 start with 以 开始

    25 with the purpose of 以 为目的

    26 point out 指出

    27 refer to 指/参考

    28 think twice 慎重考虑

    Unit 6


    Read the text then answer some questions.

    1 When did we decide to move to another place? 1845,10

    2 How long did the journey last? About a year

    3 What is our first destination? India Greek in Kansas

    4 Is the journey hard? Can you make some examples about it?

    Yes, it is hard. You can make many examples.


    Listen to the tape carefully then do these exercises.


    Exercise1. True or False

    1 We traveled alone. (F with many other families)

    6 When a young man in our group suggested that I stay behind with the children and wait for help, I agreed. (F I didn’t agree.)

    ( )7 When the animals smelt the water, they all ran.

    Exercise 2

    Choose the best answers

    1.The reason why my father wanted to go to California is that . 答案:C

    A. California was in desert B. California was far away

    C. California was a wonderful land described in a book

    D. California was the largest state in the USA

    2.People moving to the west would meet in . 答案:A

    A. Kansas B. California C. Salt Lake Valley D. Salt Lake Desert

    3.On which day did the author enter the Salt Lake Desert? 答案:B

    A. April 12. B. November 4. C. October 15. D. December 25.

    4.Why did the travelers call their ninety-mile drive through the Salt Lake Desert the “Long Drive”? 答案:D

    A Because the landscape was dry and barren. B. Because water was salty and not drinkable.

    C. Because their water supply was so low. D. All of the above.

    5.After the travelers burnt their wagons, they had to go on their feet with another miles to go. B

    A.2 500 B.500 C.90 D.45

    6.Why didn’t the author stay behind with the children and wait for help? A

    A. Because that meant he/she would die.

    B. Because he/she knew that children were tiresome.

    C. Because he/she knew that there was a wagon waiting for him/her.

    D. Because he/she felt he/she could get a prize by his/her father.

    7.The animals almost ran when the travelers reached the edge of the desert, why? 答案:C

    A. Because they were tired and weak. B. Because they had no burden.

    C. Because they must have smelt the water. D. Because they went back to their home.

    8.How long did the author spend finishing the journey? 答案:A

    A. More than 40 months. B. About 2 months.

    C. About a year. D. About a year and a month.

    9.From the text, we can infer . 答案:D

    A. the author and the travelers had to go all day and all night long

    B. there was no oxen left when the travelers reached California

    C. many travelers died when their days of hardship came to an end

    D .it’s a long way to travel from the author’s hometown to California

    10.The best title of the text is . 答案:B

    A.A Journey To California B. Long Drive

    C. The Salt Lake Desert D. Enjoy Your Life


    1 Where in the text do you find evidence that the wagons were not he most suitable means of transport? You can find your answers in paragraph 3.

    2 Why did the travelers call their ninety mile-drive through the Salt Lake Desert the “long drive”?

    We had to travel long without water or grass for the animals to eat. It was hard.

    3 What can you learn from this reading passage? What impresses you most?

    1)After suffering from many difficulties, we can live a better life. Facing the hardship, never give up, etc.

    2)The courage of the people impresses me most.

    1.believe in 信任;信耐

    2.stand for 代表;代替

    3.adapt to 适宜

    4.lose heart 灰心;泄气

    5.be cast away (被)抛弃

    6.give up 放弃

    7.less than 少于;不足

    8.set off for 开始(旅程;赛跑);出发

    9.move on 继续前进

    10.take the way 出发;首途

    11.lose one’s way 迷路

    12.hang out 伸出

    13.in desperate need of 在极度需要的(时候)

    14.on our feet=on foot 步行

    15.be accustomed to doing sth. (通常用于被动语态)习惯于

    16.suffer from 患病;遭受……之苦

    17.hurry on to (with) 赶紧办理;急急忙忙地去做某事

    18.stop to do sth. 停下来去做某事

    19.start doing sth. 开始做某事

    20.go on all fours 用四肢

    21.(at)the edge of of (在)……边缘

    22.stare at 瞪视; 凝视

    e to an end 结束;终止

    24.a race against time 与时间赛跑

    25.save…from 挽救……免于

    26.take up to 占用(时间;空间)

    27.at stake 在危险中;关系重大

    28.risk one’s life to 冒险去做某事

    29.apply…to… 运用;应用

    30.add up (两个或两个以上的数量或量)加起来

    31.take it easy 别紧张;放松点

    32.keep up 维持;保持;使某事处于高水平

    mon sense 常识;情理

    34.leave behind 忘带;留下

    35. live through sth. 经历某事物而幸存

    36.tie up 系;拴;捆

    37.go for 为……去;努力获取

    Unit 7

    Step one . Answer the following questions.

    1.When does the story happen ?

    2.Who is Ebenezer Scrooge ? Which word is he always to comment everything ?

    3.Who is Bob Cratchit ? What does he want to do ?

    4.What does the gentleman want to do ? Has he Promised ? What happened to Scrooge ?

    Step2.Judge the following sentences True or false

    1.It was cold in scrooge’s office and Bob had to warm himself over the candles. T

    2. Scrooge was willing to let Bob have a day off because it would be Christmas the next day. F

    3. Scrooge was invited by his niece and he accepted happily. F

    4. A gentleman arrived at Scrooge’s office because he wanted to collected money for the poor. T

    5. Scrooge didn’t want to give the poor any money because he was poor himself. F

    6. According to the dialogue, in Scrooge’s dream he met his old friend ------Jacob Marley. F

    Step three : Fill in the blanks according the passage

    It was the day before Christmas and the weather was terrible . Bob wanted to have a day off in order to have a good Christmas dinner but his boss , Scrooge, who was cold , mean and only interested in making money didn’t allow him to do so at first. Scrooge’s nephew--- Fred wanted to invite Scrooge to attend their Christmas dinner but he was refused . A gentleman who wanted bo connect some money for the poor was also turned down by Scrooge. At last when all the others left Scrooge had a dream , in which he Santa Claus

    Integrating Skills

    Divide the play into 3 parts. Try to find out what caused Scrooge to turn over a new leaf.

    Find out something about the firs scene

    Place:_ The place where Scrooge live once lived

    The time when Scrooge was young.

    Time: Young scrooge and his girlfriend

    The girl wanted to be separated from Scrooge

    Characters: Scrooge cared nothing except money

    Event: He felt very uneasy.

    In the second scene, Scrooge saw the Christmas party held in Bob Cratchit’s houses. Judge the following sentences True of False .

    1.In the dream it was Christmas Eve and the Cratchits were having a Christmas dinner. 2. In the dream Tiny was ill but his father couldn’t afford the medicine for him.

    3. These things really happened to the Cratchits. F

    4. On seeing the scene Scrooge wanted to change his life.

    5. Scrooge ordered a big Christmas tree for the cratchits’. F

    Scene 3

    From here we say the Scrooge turned over a new leaf. How did Bob Cratchit feel when he saw Scrooge and his turkey ? D

    A. Satisfied B. Interested C. Angry D. Surprised

    He hadn’t expected that Scrooge would be so generous

    Choose the best answers

    1.Christmas is traditionally celebrated on . 答案:B

    A. December 24 B. December 25 C. December 30 D. December 31

    2.Which of the following is not true according to the dialogue? 答案:A

    A. The business is now owned by Scrooge and his partner, Marley.

    B. Marley died on December 24th.

    C. The gentleman tried to persuade Mr Scrooge to do something good for the poor.

    D .Many thousands of people don’t have enough money to keep themselves warm.

    3.Ebenezer Scrooge is . 答案:D

    A. a warm-hearted boss B. a lazy kind boss

    C. a hospitable boss D. a greedy ungenerous boss

    4.According to the dialogue,which of the following sentences is right? 答案:C

    A. Nothing happened when the clock struck one.

    B. Scrooge’s eyes were wet because he had a cold.

    C. The girl who used to love Scrooge has married another man.

    D. Scrooge,a kind old man is always commenting on everything by saying “Humbug”.

    5.In the sentence,“He is cold, mean and selfish old man ”,“mean” is . 答案:D

    A.有技巧的 B.心情不好的 C.普通的 D.吝啬的

    6.From the dialogue, we can infer . 答案:C

    A. Fred helps Scrooge become a helpful man

    B. everyone does wish Ebenzer Scrooge a merry Christmas

    C. Ebenzer scrooge corrects his mistakes and makes a fresh start

    D. Scrooge’s partner, Marley died at Christmas

    7.The main factor that makes Mr Scrooge change his mind is that . 答案:A

    A. he feels afraid the bad thing will happen to him in the future

    B. he regrets what he did in the past

    C. he is moved by what Santa Claus says

    D. he loses his fortune and becomes a poor man himself

    8.What can’t be concluded from the passage? 答案:D

    A. People usually have turkey for Christmas.

    B. The place they live in is cold in winter.

    C. Bob is quite astonished Scrooge’s generousness.

    D. All the poor people can enjoy a merry Christmas now.

    9.According to Fred,Christmas is the day of the year when people . 答案:D

    A. think of the past and look forward to the future

    B. put valuable things in their pockets

    C. have dinner together

    D. show kindness to people and help others

    10.Mr Scrooge is reluctant to open his heart to the poor because . 答案:D

    A. there are plenty of prisons in the world B. he is poor himself

    C. the union work houses can help the poor

    D. he only cares about his own business and never shows kindness to others


    1.care for 喜爱;照顾

    2.in the race to do sth. 在做某事的竞赛中

    3.put on 穿上

    4.so far 至此

    5.in want of 需要

    6.at this festive season of the year 在一年中喜庆的季节

    7.close up (尤指暂时)关闭;使靠近

    8.leave alone 不管;随…去

    9.toast to 干杯

    10.date back to 追溯到(过去的某个时间)

    11.on the contrary 相反

    12.have an eye for 关注;能判断;能欣赏

    Unit 8

    Fast reading

    1 What is the most puzzling question in learning our mother tongue?

    2 If we develop our study skills and way of learning, is learning foreign language twice as hard or as easy?

    Careful reading

    Tell the sentences true or false

    1 Although experts don’t agree each other, they all share a common opinion :Life is a very successful language school. T

    2 We study our mother tongue all day long for about 5 years before we master it. But we only spend a few hours a week and in a few years’ time we can speak a foreign language. T

    3.Successful language learners usually step away from the academic challenges. F

    4The less anxious and more relaxed the learner, the worse their language acquisition.F

    Choose the best answers

    1.Most children have mastered their mother tongue . 答案:C

    A. at the age of five B. by the age of eight C. before they are five D. since they were five

    2.Successful language learners do share the following characteristics except . 答案:A

    A. the ability to memorize the words B. an interest in understanding their own thinking

    C. willingness to take chances D. confidence in their ability

    3.The best option for the exchange students is . 答案:A

    A. living with local people B. living in the dormitory

    C. choosing exchange programmes at various academic levels at a reasonable cost

    D. making friends with the other students

    4.The disadvantage of studying abroad is . 答案:B

    A. language and culture B. cost and safety C. custom and culture D. exchange programme

    5.Visiting students do the following things except . 答案:C

    A. staying in the host family’s house B. eating in the host family’s house

    C. becoming a member of the family D. keeping in touch with the host family afterwards

    6.Before going out to study in a foreign country,you should not . 答案:C

    A. care much about the money that may cost you B. collect as much information as possible

    C. plan a long course to study D. discuss every detail with your family

    7.The sentence “Life is a very successful language school” means . 答案:B

    A. we are equipped with a special ability to learn language

    B. the key to learn the language well is to communicate with the people around us

    C. parents can give children language lessons

    D. people can learn the language by themselves

    8.What makes it easier to study abroad nowadays? 答案:D

    A. The cost has become reasonable. B. There are programmes for all levels.

    C. Students can find “home-stay” service and live with the host family.

    D. All the above.

    9.The greatest value of an exchange student studying abroad is . 答案:C

    A. to learn the language B. to widen one’s views and understand the culture of other country

    C. to get better idea of yourself and your own culture D. to learn to be independent of oneself

    10.What’s the purpose of writing this article? 答案:C

    A. Learning a foreign language is twice as hard as learning our mother tongue.

    B. Learning a foreign language is more important than learning our mother tongue.

    C. Learning a foreign language is twice as easy if we develop our study skills.

    D. In fact,the number of people learning a foreign language has increased with years.

    Decide which language ( mother tongue or foreign language) each of the sentences below

    A We learn quite fast.

    B We are not taught but learn anyway. M

    C Some people think that we are born with an ability to learn this. M

    D We can learn faster if we develop study skills.

    E Most people have mastered this by the age of five. M

    F We learn this in a special place where we can get help.

    G It takes longer to learn this. M

    H We Learn this by communicating with others. M

    Main idea of each paragragh .

    1. The environmental factor of learning mother tongue.

    2. Different opinions of language experts.

    3. The difference between learning mother and learning a foreign language.

    4. The characteristics of successful language learners.

    5.Different learning ways of successful language learners

    6. The importance of the purpose of learning.

    The purpose of writing the passage to tell us that learning a foreign language does not have to be twice as hard as learning our mother tongue.

    Integrating Skills

    What is the best way to learn a language ? Why ?

    I think the best way to do this is to go to a country where the language is spoken.

    We can use the language at any places at any time . It’s good for language learning.

    2. Is it possible for you to study abroad ? Yes, it is.

    3. What should you do before you go abroad?

    We should find out as much as possible about different programmes, including the cost and length of our stay.

    4. Can you list the advantages and the disadvantages of studying abroad ?

    Advantages of studying abroad

    1). become fluent in the new language

    2). make friends with people from different background.

    3). Understand another culture

    4). broaden your horizons and improve your understanding of the world

    5). learn about yourself and what your culture is really like

    6). learn to depend on yourself

    Disadvantages of studying abroad

    1). Some of them may fall behind in their studies when studying abroad.

    2).They may not be able to take classes at the same level as at home.

    3). Parents worry about the safety of their children and may also be concerned about the cost.

    Choose the main idea of each paragraph

    Para. 1 It is possible for a student of any level to study a foreign language in a country where the language is spoken.

    Para. 2 Advantages of studying abroad.

    Para. 3 disadvantages of studying abroad.

    Para.4 What should you do in order studying abroad ?


    1.make progress 前进;进步

    2.make sense of 弄懂…的意思

    3.in other words 换句话说;换言之

    4.take risks/a risk 冒险

    5.experiment with 进行试验;进行实验

    6.piles of 一大堆;一大批;一大团

    7.knock down 击倒;撞倒

    8.that is to say 也就是说

    9.fall behind 落后

    10.be different from 与…不同

    municate with 与…联系;与…交流

    12.distinguish…from… 把与区别开来

    13.adjust to 调整;调节;使适合;使便于使用

    14.in the process 在进行;经过;在…过程中

    15.in common (团体)共同的;公有的

    16.make mistakes 犯错误

    17.make friends with 与…交朋友

    18.take (an active ) part in (积极)参加

    19.take patience to 有耐心去做….

    高三课件 篇2

    Aims and demands:

    1. Develop the Ss’ listening ability .

    2. Grasp the usage of the language points:

    at the doctor’s , take a look,, knock into fell over

    It feels a bit tense .

    That sounds very interesting.

    Difficulty: Ask the Ss to make a dialogue between the doctor and a patient.

    Teaching methods: listening, speaking, practicing

    Learning method: How to listen smartly

    Teaching aids: tape recorder, some slides


    Step 1. New words:

    Step 2. Introduction

    T: How many gold medals did the Chinese players win?

    There are a lot of international champions in China in the Olympic Games.

    The two of whom are gymnasts . Who are they ?

    Ss: They are 李小鹏 and 刘璇 .

    T: Li is an international champion on the double bars.

    Liu is an international champion on the beam.

    And also the whole Chinese gymnastic team have won the gold prize.

    T: Today we are going to learn “ Gymnastics” .

    Do you know what pieces of equipment are used in gymnastics ?

    ( Picture talking )

    rings , beam, high bar, high-and-low bars, double bars, beam, “horse”(side horse / pummelled horse(鞍马) , vaulting horse(跳马))

    T: Do men and women , boys and girls do the same kinds of exercises?

    ------- Men perform on the rings, on the double bars, on the high bar, and on a type of “horse” with our legs which has two handles fixed to the top surface.

    While women perform on the high-and-low bars, one of which is higher than the other, and the beam, which is a length of wood only four inches wide which is fixed at a height of 1.20 meters above the ground.

    Step 3. Listening

    Listen to the tape and choose the correct answers:

    1. Sharon is a gymnast. She is ______.

    A. at the teacher’s B. at the doctor’s C. at her friend’s D. at home

    2. Something is wrong with Sharon’s ______.

    A. left leg B. right shoulder C. left shoulder D. right leg

    3. Sharon hurt herself when she was _____.

    A. doing some exercises B. finishing some exercises

    C. on the high-and-low bars D. jumping

    4. The change between ___ temperatures makes the blood move and the damaged parts begin to repair themselves.

    A. hot and cool B. warm and cool C. cold and cool D. hot and cold

    5. At the end of the week, throw the frozen peas away. They _____ to eat.

    A. will be fit B. won’t be fit C. would not like D. would like to


    Step 4. Read by themselves and answer the questions;

    1. Who was Sharon? ---- gymnast

    2. What’s wrong with her? ---- Something is wrong with her left shoulder.

    3. How did she hurt her shoulder? ---- While she was doing gym.

    4. What kind of treatment did the doctor advise her to use? ----- to use the hot-cloth-and-frozen-peas treatment.

    5. How often does she have to take this treatment? ---- twice a day for a week

    6. Do you think that this interesting treatment is effective? ----- Yes.

    7. Have you ever used the hot-cloth-and-frozen peas treatment? ---------

    What treatment does the doctor tell her to do?

    ---- To use the hot-cloth-and-frozen-pea treatment.

    Step 4. Reading and find out the language points

    1. at the doctor’s

    at my uncle’s

    at the tailor’s

    2. take a look at : have a look at

    3. It feels a bit tense.

    4. knock into sb.

    Can you knock the nail into the wall?

    The boy ran for the ball and knocked into a man.

    He walked in the dark and knocked into a tree.

    5. fall over

    He slipped into a banana skin and fell over.

    6. so on and so on : repeatedly

    7. That sounds very interesting.

    8. fit to eat:

    Step 5. Practice

    Make up a dialogue between the two---- one is a doctor and the other is a patient

    Doctor: Asks a question

    Patient: Says what the problem is

    Doctor: Makes one or more comments and then gives some advice


    D: Can I help you?

    P: Yes, I can’t sleep well.

    D: How can I help you?

    P: Can you give me some medicine so that I can have a good sleep?

    D: What can I do for you?

    P: I’ve got a pain here. My left shoulder hurts.

    D: Let me have a look at it.

    P: Oh, I feel terrible.

    D: Mmn, I see. It feels a bit tense, but it’s nothing serious.

    P: Shall I take any medicine?

    D: Yes. Take this medicine, two pills a time, three times a day. And try to use the hot-cloth-and-frozen peas treatment.

    Step 6. workbook----- Ex 2

    Homework : read two passages

    At the doctor’s

    When a patient comes in what will the doctor say?

    What can I do for you?

    How can I help you?

    What seems to be the matter?

    Can I help you?

    What will the patient say?

    I’ve got a pain…

    I’ve got a headache and a cough day and night.

    I’ve got a temperature and all my bones ache.

    I feel terrible.

    I hurt my leg while I was….

    I don’t feel well.

    Then what will the doctor say?

    Let me take a look at it / you.

    Let me feel your pulse.

    Left me take your temperature.

    Oh, I see. It’s nothing serious.

    Have a good rest and you’ll ..

    You’ll be all right / well better soon.

    Take this medicine / two pills a time, three times a day.

    Unit 9 Lesson 34~35 Gymnastics

    Aims and demands: Develop the Ss’ reading ability and have a good understanding of the text

    Difficulty and importance: Have a deeper understanding of the text

    Teaching methods: Reading and listening and discussion

    Learning methods: How to read fast

    Teaching aids: a tape recorder and some slide shown


    Step 1. Presentation

    What kinds of equipment are used in doing the gymnastic exercises?

    As we know from the dialogue , Sharon hurt her left shoulder while doing some exercises on the high-and-low bars. So while you are doing gym, you should be more careful.

    Now look at the pictures and tell :

    Where are the gymnasts doing exercises / performing? ( P 51)

    Ss: He is performing on the high bar.

    He is performing on the double bars.

    He is jumping / performing on a “horse”.

    She is performing on a beam.

    Step 2. Listening

    Listen to the tape of Lesson 34 and tell whether the following statements are true or false.

    1. Olympic competitions started in Greece. T

    2. Modern gymnastics began in the 18th century. F

    3. If you want to become a top gymnast, it is important to start when you are 14 or 15 years old.F

    4. Boys win Olympic gymnastics medals usually between the age of 19 and 25. T

    5. Both boys and girls perform on the rings, on the double bars, on the high bar and so on. F

    6. Only girls perform on the high-and-low bars. T

    7. Only boys do floor exercises on the mat. F

    8. Make sure you put on some watches, rings, and necklaces before you start. F

    9. Ww simple safety measures to follow while ( you are ) training.

    8. Follow : a) to take or accept 遵守,采纳,听从

    follow the safety measure

    follow the teacher’s instructions

    follow one’s advice

    b) understand 领悟

    You are speaking too fast and we can’t quite follow you.听懂

    c) go along 沿..而行

    Follow the path and you will see the cinema.

    d) come or go after

    She followed me into the classroom.

    e) following can be used together with “the” , it means “next”

    in the following year=== next year

    9. …… can be highly dangerous

    highly: to a high degree 高度的,非常的

    eg: Advertising is a highly developed twentieth-century industry. 高度发达的

    He is a highly skilled worker. 非常熟练的


    Speak highly of 高度赞扬

    Think highly of 高度评价

    Sing high praise for 高度表扬

    Hold one’s head high 头抬得高高地

    1. be content to do sth. 满足干…… 满意做……

    be content with sth. 对……满意

    2. each used as an

    They each have a computer on the desk.

    Each of them has a computer on the desk.

    3. in all

    in a word 总之

    all in all

    4. glance at : look quickly at / give a quick at

    5. be busy doing sth.

    They are busy training in the gymnastic.

    We had been bus preparing for the mid-term examination.

    6. gain points 得分

    gain mark 得分

    win the medal 得奖牌

    7. drills

    The first thing …. . was to go up her trainer and thanked her.

    句中两个作表语的不定式 go up to 和 thank her for 都省略了 to ,这是因为主语有定语从句 she did 来修饰的缘故.

    一般地说,解释 do 的精确意思的分句,可以用不带 to 的动词不定式.


    What we want to do now is ( to ) lie down and rest.


    What I did was ( to ) give him a little push.


    What a dictionary does is ( to) help the students to find out the meaning and the usage of new words.


    Correct the mistakes if any. ( Lesson 34~35)

    1. It was in Greece where the Olympic competition started. ( that )

    2. It was in 1811 when an outdoor gymnastics center for men was opened in Berlin. (that)

    3. There are also records of gymnastics performing in China. ( being performed/performed)

    4. My bike is repairing . ( being repaired)

    5. He didn’t mind leaving at home alone . ( being left )

    6. Being lost can be a terrifying experience. (true )

    7. Dance is an important part of training as it prepares they for the types of movements required in gymnastics. ( them )

    8. The students are preparing the exam. ( add for )

    9. In competitions women perform some of their exercises with music. ( to )

    (We do eye exercises to music.)

    10. Men usually gained Olympic gymnastics medals between 19 to 25. ( won, between…and)

    11. The gymnasts should hold a position steady, keep their balances while doing a handstand. (balance)

    (steady adj, adv. Steadily adv. )

    12. Training by yourself in a gym can be high dangerous. (highly )

    Highly : to a high degree


    Advertising is a highly developed twentieth century industry.


    He is a highly skilled worker.

    Speak highly of

    Think highly of

    Sing high praise for

    Hold one’s head high

    Replace the following underlined phrases with the phrases in L35.

    13. She is satisfied with her present job.

    be content with sth.

    be content to do sth.

    14. In a word , she gave a good performance and landed neatly and steadily. (In all / all in all)

    15. She gave a quick look at the judge. ( glanced at )

    16. What we want to do now is lie down and rest. ( true )


    What a dictionary does is ( to) help the students to find out the meaning and the usage of new words.

    Correct the mistakes if any. ( Lesson 34~35)

    1. It was in Greece where the Olympic competition started.

    2. It was in 1811 when an outdoor gymnastics center for men was opened in Berlin.

    3. There are also records of gymnastics performing in China.

    4. My bike is repairing .

    5. He didn’t mind leaving at home alone .

    6. Being lost can be a terrifying experience.

    7. Dance is an important part of training as it prepares they for the types of movements required in gymnastics.

    8. The students are preparing the exam.

    9. In competitions women perform some of their exercises with music.

    10. Men usually gained Olympic gymnastics medals between 19 to 25.

    11. The gymnasts should hold a position steady, keep their balances while doing a handstand.

    12. Training by yourself in a gym can be high dangerous.

    Replace the following underlined phrases with the phrases in L35.

    13. She is satisfied with her present job.

    14. In a word , she gave a good performance and landed neatly and steadily.

    15. She gave a quick look at the judge.

    16. What we want to do now is lie down and rest. ( true or false ?)

    Exercises for Unit 9 ---3A DCABB CBB

    1. ___ him and then try to copy what he does. (99)

    A. Mind B. Glance at C. Stare at D. Watch

    2. The little boy runs for the football and ___ a man standing there.

    A. knocks down B. knocks at

    C. knocks into D. knocks

    3. I cheered do loudly at the match that I completely ___ my voice.

    A. lost B. missed C. forgot D. left

    4. --- Do you think the Stars will beat the Bulls?

    --- I don’t know. But this is the last time. The fans ___ them to win whole – heartedly.

    A. hope B. require C. prefer D. demand

    5. It was how the young man had learned five foreign languages ___ attracted the audience’s interest.

    A. so that B. that C. what D. in which

    6. It was for this reason __ her uncle moved out of New York and settled down in a small village. ( S)

    A. which B. why C. that D. how

    7. It is the ability to so the job ___ matters not where you come from or what you are. (2000)

    A. one B. that C. what D. it

    8. It was not ___ she took off here dark glasses ___ I realized she was a famous film star. (92)

    A. when; that B. until; that

    C. until; when D. when; then

    Correct the mistakes: (for Unit 9 --- 3A )

    It was Sunday and Zhou Lan was going 1.____

    to take part in the first gymnastic compe-

    tition. As soon as her competition started, 2.____

    she tried her best and did good in per- 3.____

    forming on three pieces of equipments 4.____

    as well as on the floor. Now the time came

    to her performance on the high -and-low 5.____

    bars. She stands below them and waited. 6.____

    When the judge nodding, she began . 7.____

    She jumped upwards, caught the high bar

    in two hands and did a neat circle . 8.____

    Altogether,she performed wonderful and 9.____

    landed nearly and steadily on the floor. Then

    came the results. Victory for Zhou Lan!

    She was the one. 10.____

    1. true 2. her--- the 3. well 4. equipment 5. to – for 6. stood 7. nodded 8. in – with

    9. wonderfully 10. first

    高三课件 篇3







































































    高三课件 篇4



























    高三课件 篇5




    1.What does the woman think the man should do?

    A.Wait patiently.

    B.Place another order.

    C.Go and find the furniture.

    2.What is the relationship between the two speakers?

    fessor and assistant.

    B.Teacher and student.

    C.Manager and secretary.

    3.How much does the man have to pay if he buys two pencils now?

    A.10 cents.

    B.15 cents.

    C.20 cents.

    4.What do we know about the woman?

    A.She is going abroad before Christmas.

    B.She hasn’t been invited to the Christmas party.

    C.She doesn’t want to spend Christmas with the man.

    5.Whom has the man called to come over?

    A.A salesman.

    B.An engineer.

    C.A repairman.


    (Text 1)

    M:I haven’t received the furniture I ordered yet.Maybe I should call to check on it.

    W:Don’t worry.It takes at least a week to arrive.

    (Text 2)

    W:Excuse me,I’m having trouble hearing at the back of the room.Did you say that your assistant would correct the final exams?

    M:No,I said that he would collect them.I’ll grade them﹎yself.

    (Text 3)

    W:What can I do for you?

    M:How much are these pencils,please?

    W:2 for 15 cents now.Prices have been reduced on all our school supplies since the holiday.Pencils used to be 10 cents each.

    (Text 4)

    M:I hope you’ll spend Christmas with us.We’re going to have a big party on Christmas Eve.

    W:I’d love to,but Jack and I are going to Australia.We’ll send you postcards from there.

    (Text 5)

    W:Hello.Sunlight Housing Service.Can I help you?

    M:This is Mr.Jones.My heater isn’t working and the temperature is going to get down below uld you come over to fix it?

    W:This is our busiest time of the year,but I’ll speak to one of our men about it sometime today.

    1~5 ABBAC

    高三课件 篇6

    Step 1 Lead-in

    When were the inventions in the pictures made?

    Picture 1:It was invented in the early years of the 20th century. electricity is used for light, heating, power, etc.

    Picture 2:Thomas Edison invented the light bulb in 1879

    Picture 3:In 1769 James Watt built a steam-powered boat.

    Who is the father of these inventions?

    electric railway:The first electric railway was built by German Werner von Siemens in 1879.

    light bulb:The electric light bulb was invented by Thomas Alva Edison in the united states and Sir Joseph Wilson Swan in England in 1879.

    steam-powered boat:The first successful steam-powered ship was developed and produced by John Fitch in 1785.

    Step 2 Reading

    Who is the father of science fiction? Jules Verne

    Do you know about him? How much?

    If not, read the first passage of the text and fill in the chart to understand his life.

    Jules Verne

    Born in:1828 Died in:1905 Nationality: French Interested in: theatre

    Studied : botany, applied science

    Famous novels:20,000 Leagues under the Sea, Journey to the Center of the Earth, the Children of Captain Grant, the Mysterious Island, 80 Days around the World .

    Step 3 Listen to the tape carefully:

    Answer the questions below correctly.

    1.Why do Dr Aronnax set out with his followers?

    2. What does the monster turn out to be?

    3. Is Nautilus an ordinary ship?

    4. What do you think of Nautilus? Can you describe it?

    5. How do you like the Captain Nemo?

    6. How does he treat his guests?

    Step 4 Fast Reading:

    1.When was Jules Verne born and when did he die

    He was born in 1828 and died in 1905.

    2.How many science fictions are mentioned in the text?

    There are two: 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea and Journey to the Centre of the Earth.

    Step 5 Find the main idea for the following paragraphs:

    Para. Main idea

    Para.1 The life of Jules Verne

    Para.2-5 The film “20,000 Leagues Under the Sea

    Para.6 The film “Journey to the Center of the Earth

    Step 6 True or False:

    1. Verne had to sell newspaper to make a living when he was in Paris.(F)

    2. Verne died at 77, with his dreams realized.(F)

    3. The furniture on the Nautilu is precious and the food aboard is all sea food.(T)

    4. Captain Nemo is a very cruel man and no one likes him.(F)

    5. The story Journey to the Center of the Earth is a science fiction. (T)

    Step 7 Tick out the right answers:

    1. What did they see in the centre of the earth?

    ( ) A. layers of coal and marble

    ( ) B. boiling water from underground river

    ( ) C. a huge lake or underground ocean

    ( ) D. forests of mushrooms and plants

    ( ) E. ancient sea creatures

    ( F) F. an ancient document in an old book

    ( F) G. some modern ships

    2. What is mentioned in the novel 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea?

    ( F ) A. Ships are disappearing is caused by a real monster.

    ( F ) B. Captain Nemo decides to kill the three men.

    ( ) C. Electricity is used for heating and power.

    ( F ) D. They walk around under the sea without clothes

    Step 8 Have a quick read of the paragraphs(2-5).

    Find the answer to these questions:

    1.Are ships sinking then?

    2.How many people set out?

    3.Do they meet some dangers during the voyage?

    4. What’s their means of transportation?

    5. Who drives it?

    6.Why do Dr Aronnax and his followers set out to find the monster?

    7.What does the monster turn out to be?

    8.What does Nautilus look like? precious furniture ; huge glass windows protected with thick iron plates

    20,000 Leagues Under the Sea

    1. How were they on board the submarine

    disappear---set out---find ---be thrown overboard ---survive--turn out--- on boar--permanent guests

    2.What is mentioned about the submarine?

    Extraordinary--precious furniture--huge glass windows-- thick iron plates-- all that is needed-electricity-- The food aboard

    3. What did they do under the sea?

    dressed in-- walk around--lighted by-- surrounded by… (r,f,s,p)waving and moving slowly

    Journey to the Centre of the Earth

    1.How did they begin the journey

    decided to-- a narrow passage-- a chimney in an extinct volcano

    2.What did they do in the center of the earth?

    pass through layers of coal and marble--

    drink water from a boiling underground river--

    reach a huge lake or underground ocean-

    go through forests of mushrooms and plants

    3. What happened to them in the end?

    build a raft to cross the sea--

    are attacked by ancient sea creatures –

    be drawn into a fast steam-

    shot out of a volcano

    Step 9 List what the two men do in the adventure of going to the centre of the earth.

    1.travel to Iceland

    2.enter…through a chimney in a dead volcano

    3.through a narrow passage deep into…

    4.Pass through layers of coal and marble

    5.reach a huge lake or underground ocean

    6.through forests of mushrooms and plants

    7cross the sea in a raft

    8.drawn into a fast stream

    9.shot out of a volcano in southern Italy

    First reading:

    What do the two men do in the adventure of going to the centre of the earth?

    Pick out the main verbs in the description of the story. Retell the story in groups according to the given verbs.

    Main verbs:

    …enter…lead through…pass through…drink…reach…walk along…go through…build…cross…be attacked…be shot out

    Step 10 Further understanding:

    Describe the character of Captain Nemo :sympathetic? clever? brave? selfish? warm-hearted? greedy? cruel?

    What do your think of the character of Captain Nemo? Captain Nemo is the kind of person of whom it is difficult to say whether you like him or not. You may think he is hard and cruel, but he also has a soft and gentle side.

    Step 11 Fill in the blanks according to the text

    Jules Verne was born in (1828) in France. His father sent him to Paris to study (law), but instead Verne developed his love for the (theatre). To make a living, Verne had to (write) and(sell) stories. Jules spent many hours in Paris libraries studying(geology), (physics and many other (subjects). He used the (latest) ideas and (technical)(inventions) of his day in his books. Many of the(instruments) in his novels will remind the reader of Dr Benjamin Franklin’s experiments with(electricity). By taking the scientific developments of his day one step further, Jules Verne laid the foundation of (modern)(science)(fiction). He also suggested how inventions could be used (in)(the)(future) to allow man to do things that were considered(impossible) in his own time. Jules Verne died in(1905), long before any of his dreams ((came) (true).

    Step 12 Test yourself on some linguistic knowledge:

    (use your own words to paraphrase)

    1. “ To make a living, Verne had to write and sell stories” .

    Verne had to …in order to make a life/ make money.

    2.applied science theoretical, not practical

    3.By taking the scientific developments of his day one step further, Verne laid the foundation of modern science fiction. (translation通过将他所处时代的科学发展向前推进一步,儒勒.凡儿纳奠定了现代科幻小说的基础

    4. It is believed to be caused by a sea monster.

    People believe that it is caused by a sea monster.

    5. set out to do set about doing

    6.In their efforts to survive, they find themselves on the surface of the monster itself, which turns out (to be) a submarine.

    e to be known; prove to be sb/sth


    (1)Though it looked like rain this morning, it turned out (to be) fine.


    2)The meeting turned out to be a boring one.

    8. All that is need for life on board comes from ocean.

    What is needed for life in the ship are all from The ocean.

    9.Dressed in diving suits, Captain Nemo and his guests walk around in the magic world. Because they are dressed in diving suits, Captain Nemo walk around in the magic world with his guests.

    10.his permanent guests :his long-term guests

    What does the inside of the earth look like?The earth on which we live is a big ball of very hot rock, which consists of three parts: the earth’s crust, the earth’s mantle and the earth’s core.

    The temperature inside is very high. It’s hot inside but cold outside. It has a shell just like an egg. There are some cracks in the shell of the earth in some places.

    Hot water shoots into the air through those cracks and steam comes up from pools of hot water.

    Step 13 Discussion:

    What can we learn from Jules Verne and his novels about fact and fantasy?fact? fantasy?

    Step 14 Homework:

    1.Finish the exercises on Page 13.

    2.Imagine a journey to some place in the future and write a composition about it. Prepare a role card in groups of three first.

    First, how do you begin the journey?

    First, how do you begin the journey?

    First, how do you begin the journey?

    Integrating Skills

    The Story of Dr Frankenstein

    Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft (1797-1851), English novelist.

    Step 1 Skimming:

    What did Dr Frankenstein create at last?

    He had planned to create a larger human being but at last it turned out a living horror.

    Step 2 Scanning

    Now please read the text again and discuss

    How many periods can Dr Frankenstein’s experiment be divided?

    Three periods:

    Period 1(Para1-Para3): He decided to create life from dead matter.

    Period 2(Para4-Para5): He decided to create a larger human being than man.

    Period 3(Para6-Para7): He succeeded in creating a creature, but a living horror.

    Step 4 Detailed Reading:

    Period 1:

    Para 1: What did Dr Frankenstein want to do when he was young?

    He wanted to learn the secrets of heaven and earth when he was young.

    Para 2 After he was sent to university, what did he think of the things taught at university?

    He felt them very disappointing and decided to pioneer a new way himself.

    Para 3: What attracted his attention?

    The structure of the human body and any animal that was alive attracted his attention.

    What did he discover? He discovered the cause of life and how to create life from dead matter.

    Period 2:

    Para 4: Although he knew how to create life,what remained difficult work for him?

    How to prepare a body for it with all its muscles and organs still remained a difficult job for him.

    Para 5: Why did he decide to create a larger human being than man about eight feet in height? Because the small size of the parts slowed down his speed

    Period 3:

    Para 6: How did he create a life form that looks like a human being?

    Step 5 Please rearrange the following steps in the right order.

    1. He gained many materials from butcher shops and hospitals.

    2. He finished his work on a night in November.

    3. The dead creature came to life at one in the morning.

    4. He lighted the flame of life into the dead thing.

    5. He collected bones from graves and cut up dead bodies

    5 1 2 4 3

    Para 7: What did the creature look like? He got black hair, white teeth, yellow skin, black lips and strange sounds. He looked like a terrible monster

    What did Dr Frankenstein think of the creature?

    While unfinished, he was ugly but now he was a living horror

    What do you think of the story?

    A “Frankenstein” is any creation that ultimately destroys its creator.

    高三课件 篇7






    amazing,spot,surround,astonishment,to one't astonishment,troop,downward


    Prohibitions and warnings(禁止与警告)

    1.You can't/Mustn't do…

    2.If you…,you will…

    3.You had better not do…

    4.Don't smoke.

    5.No noise,please.

    6.Look out!/Take care!/Be careful!

    7.Make sure you lock the door when you levave!

    8.Mind the wet paint!

    9.Mind your own business!别管闲事!

    10.Watch out where you are walking.




    kind of 与sort of


    This kind of question(questions)is not easy.


    That kind of food is too expensive.

    3.口语中,学习惯说These kind (s)of+单数或复数名词,动词复数。因其结构不太亚谨,在书面语中常改用另一种说法。试比较:

    These kind(s)of flower(S)are very beautiful.

    Flowers of this kind (sort)are very beautiful.

    These kinks of deer are very rare.

    Deer of this kind are very rare.这种鹿非常罕见。




    These kind of bikes are made in Shanghai.

    These sorts of bikes are made in Shanghai.

    These kinds of bike are made in Shanghai.



    This sort of thing is often heard about.

    This sort of things is often heard about.

    Things of this sort are often heard about.

    5.还应注意,在修饰不定代词时,this kind(sort)常放在不定代词之后。例如:

    I have never heard of anything of this kind.

    6.a kind of…与…of a kind

    (1)a kind of表示“一种……”的意思。但并非都可译为“一种”,在对所说事物(人)不能确定其真正含义时,常常译成“大致可以说成是……”,“类似……的东西”。例如:

    He is a kind(sort)of genius(天才).

    At the same time another kind of paper was developed.同时另一种纸也被研制出来。

    (2)…of a kind (sort),也有很多不同的含义。表示“同种类的”,“徒有其名的,劣质的,勉强算是……的”等意思。例如:

    Things of a kind come together.物以类聚。

    You bought some tea leaves of a sort yesterday.你昨天买了什么劣质茶叶。

    The boss gave his workers rice of a kind.那老板给工人们吃极差的米饭。

    7.kind(sort)用于复数,也可用of kinds(sorts)形式。应注意修饰kinds(sorts)的形容词也应放在of之后。例如:

    People eat different kinds of food (food of different kinds) which change into energy.

    He saw all kinds (every kind)of people (people of all kinds/every kind.)



    The new car goes at an amazing speed.

    amazing可以作形容词。amazed作形容词是“被惊异”。amazement是名词“惊异,惊愕”。常用词组有:to one's amazement使某人惊异的是……。如:

    I was amazed to find him there as well.

    To my amazement I came first.


    Mystery surrounded the actress's death.女演员之死笼罩着神秘的气氛。


    The wall surrounds the church.=The church is surrounded by/with the wall.

    We found the village surrounded by a river.

    The old man sat there telling stories,surrounded by some children.

    The beauty of the surrounding scenery is beyond description.


    She like to bring up her child in healthy surroundings.她希望在健康的环境中养育孩子。


    1.varieties of多种多样的

    in large groups群居

    municate with sb与某人交流信息

    with bees=make a study of bees=do research on bees研究密蜂

    5.to the left 向左。on the left在左边

    6.mark sth blue把某物标成蓝色记号

    e to light被发现

    8.set out to do sth=set about doing sth着手干……

    9.fly through the air 在空中飞行

    10.be away on holiday外出研究

    11.improve one's understanding of增进对……的了解

    12.out of the research of够不着的地方




    1.There are also other varieties that do not live in groups at all.还有些蜂根本不群居。

    (1)variety n.变化:多样化;种种;种类。如:a variety of fruits 各种水果,make a choice from three varieties of whisky从3种威士忌酒中作一选择,a life full of variety 丰富多彩的生活,different varieties of plant不同种类的植物。

    (2)in groups一组一组的;一群一群的。in large groups 大批地。

    2.…many more came to it one after another in a short time .不一会儿,越来越多的蜜蜂很快就来了。

    (1)one after another一个接一个地(着重表达连续性,且是三者以上),不能变形为one…after another。但one after the other一个接一个地(常指两个间的连续动作),有时也变形为one…after the other。而one by one 一个一个地,依次地(不着重连续性,而着重逐个,各个)如:

    They entered the meeting-room one after another.


    We destroyed the enemy forces one by one.我们各不歼灭敌军。

    (2)in a short time 很快,不久。in such a short time在如此短时间内。

    3.Vone Frisch wanted to find out whether the dance told them how far away the feeding place was .冯弗里施想要弄清楚这种舞是否告诉它们喂食的地方离得有多元。

    how far away有多远距离(带与静态性动词连用)。而how far 多远(多与移动性动词连用)。如:

    How far did you go?你走了多远?

    How far away do you live?你住得多远?

    4.Thedancer ran in a straight line,wagging from side to side.跳舞的蜜蜂沿着直线跑,边跑边左右摇摆。

    (1)in a straight line以直线的方式。in常用于表达形式、方式、排列等,译作“按照,以,符合于”。如:stand in a cicle站成圆圈,speak in a whisper低声讲话,run in threes and fours三五成群地跑,in a good order井井有条地,in my opinion/view以我之见。

    (2)from side to side从一侧到另一侧;左右地。已学过的类似无结构还有:from mouth to mouth中中相传,from sun to sun 从日出到日落,from door to door沿门,挨家挨户地,from day to day 日复一日地,from end to end从头到尾(=from cover to cover),from hand to hand从一人之手到队人之手,from time时常,不时。

    5.Back at the hive they watched the wagging dance closely.他们回到蜂房旁,密切注视着摇摆舞。

    closely密切地。close 既可作形容词表“密切的”又可作副词表“紧紧地”亲近地。像这种有两种形式的副词在使用中应注意:一般与形容词同形副词不能用在动词之前,而带…ly 的副词可以;与形容词同形的副词不能置于It be…that强调句型中,而带-ly的副词则可以;表示距离远近、物体高度、深度及宽度时,与形容词同形的副词往往表具体含义;而加-ly的副词表抽象意义。又如:

    We flew high in the sky.我们在高空飞行。

    We think highly of their research.我们对他们的研究评价很高。

    6.He set out to discover whether the wagging dance showed direction.他开始着


    set out to do开始干/set about doing开始干/set off for 出发到某地;使爆炸

    7.sit up for sb;sit up with sb;sleep late;stay late;stay up

    (1)sit up for sb深夜不睡以等待某人;sit up with sb熬夜照看(或护理)某人。如:He sat up for his son, who sat up with hissick mother-in-law.


    (2)sleep late睡懒觉;stay late(或stay up late)很晚才睡觉。如:

    I wonder why Tom never sleeps late and Mike always stays up late.


    8.put aside,put away,lay up


    It's wise to have some money put away(或:laid up,put aside)for old age.为养老而储蓄些钱是明智之举。

    但put saide着重“把……这放到一边”暂不去动它,或不做某事,而put away着重“把……收藏起来”以便以后使用。如:

    Put your books aside.We are going to have a dictation.


    Put all the instruments away on the shelf so that they won't yet broden.


    9.put an end to; put a stop to

    (1)put an end to使结束,使终止,使消灭。如:

    That accident put an end to his life .那次事故断送了他的命。

    (2)Put a stop to =bring sth to a stop使……停下来(说明只是停止,而不是终结)。如:

    It's saining hard, we have to put a stop to the work.


    10.owe sb sth;owe sthe to sb

    owe sb sth欠某人债务;应向某人表达……。如:

    I owe her 20 yuan=I owe 20 yuan to her .我欠她20元。

    We owe you an apology(=we owe an apology to you)我们应向您道歉。

    owe sth to sb还可表达:应把……归功于……。如:

    We owe our happy life to our Party.(注意这时不能改换为:we owe our party our happy life.)我们的幸福生活归功于党。

    11.of one's own;on one's own

    of one's own“自己的”,常作定语。on one's own“独自地,独立地”,常作状语。如:

    We have a house of our own.我们自己有一座房屋。

    He directs the film on his own.他独自导演那部影片。


    A Bad Neighbor

    Mr.and Mrs.Wu were fed up with their neighbor. He was always borrowing things

    from them.

    “It's not right,”Mr,Wu said to his wife one evening.“At some time or another that man thing.”

    “You're quite right,”hiswife replied,“and most of the thing he's never returned.”

    “What i want to know,”her husband said,“is why can't he buy the things he needs,like everyone else?”

    “Because people like us are foolish enoughto lend him what he needs,”she replied.“As long as we arewilling to lend,he'll keep on borrowing.”

    “Then we'll never lend him anything again,”Mr.Wu said.“The next time he asks to borrow something,I'll say no.”

    “We must have a good reason for saying no,”his wife said,“and we must always try to be polite to him.We don't want to make an enemy of the man.”

    It was not long before their decision not to lend their neighbor anything ever again was put to the test.

    The next morning there was a knock on the door.

    Mr.Wu went to answer it.

    Their neighbor was standing there.Mr.Wu knew he was going to ask to borrow something,and was ready to refuse him politely.

    “Good morning,”their neighbor said,“I'm sorry to trouble you,but I wonder if I could borrow your garden scissors.”

    “I'm sorry,”Mr.Wu said,“but I'm afraid my wife and I will be using them today.We'll be spending all day working in the garden.”

    “Oh,I see,”the neighbor said ,“in that case,may I borrow your golf clubs?You won't be needing them if you're working in the garden all day,will you?”


    1.If you were to throw a stone into the Red Sea, what would it become?

    2.What is a boxer's motto?

    3.What's a 747's motto?

    4.What's every baby's motto?

    答案:1.wet 2.If at first you don't succeed,try,try again. 3.If at first you don't succeed,fly,fly again. 4.If at first you don't succeed,cry,cry again.






    This is one of the books which were written by Charles Dickens.

    He is the only one of the boys in our class who has learned French.


    He said he a Frenchman,which was not true.


    A young man from our school,whose name I have forgotten,has gone to Scotland.

    This is the desk,whose legs we have repaired.(whose legs可改为the legs of which)




    I don't know the foreigner with whom my teacher shook hands.

    (或I don't know theforeigner(whom)my teacher shook hands with.)

    但要注意:who和that不能直接位于介词后作宾语;有的短语动词是不能拆开的,因为这些介词存在于关系密切的固定短语中,常见的这类短语有:look for,look after等,如:

    This is the pencil that Ma Lili is looking for.(对)

    This is the pencil for which Ma Lili is looking.(错)


    He stood by the window,through which he could see what was happening outside.(the window 是介词through的逻辑宾语)


    This is the house in which(=where)Chairman Mao once lived.

    Everyome knows the reason for which(=why)the High Dam was built.

    I still remember the day on which(=when)we visied the temple.


    The evening that people spent singing and playing music was exciting.(充当宾语)

    The Summer Palace,where we spent last Sunday,is a famous place.(作状语)

    The islands of Britain that we visited last year are made up of four parts.(作宾语)


    The factory where he works there is a large one.(应去掉there)

    This is the factory which we visited it last Sunday.(应去掉it)






    This is the reason(for which/why/that)he came last for class.

    I don't like the way (in which/that)he talks.




    1.Finally the thief handed he had stolen to the police.

    A.every thing B.that C.which D.all

    2.This is the highest building .

    A.we have ever built in out school B.that has ever been built since1994

    C.where all the senior students will live D.built for us to live in

    3.The building are bright at night is our school library.

    A.which B.whose windows C.where D.the windows of which

    4.The girl is our new English teacher.

    A.you spoke to B.that you talded

    C.of whom hair is beautiful D.you said something to

    5.She has two daughters .

    A.two of them are bright B.neither of whom works as a teacher

    C.who are both workers D.both of whom have gone to college

    6.The person is a professor.

    A. who is talking to the shop assistant B.that the shop assistant is talking to

    C.whom you are talking D.with who they are talking

    7.That is the office my mother once worked.

    A.which B.in which C.when D.where

    8.The skirt is mine, .

    A.whose colour is blue B.that I bought last year

    C.which cost me twenty yuan D.whose colour I am interested in

    9.The washing machine works well.

    A.I bought last Thursday B.my mother is eager to buy

    C.whose sides are all white D.that is made is Shanghat

    10.Shanghai is the very place .

    A.which the foreigners are interested in B.the foreigners are eager to visit

    C.where live a lot of foreigners D.what the foreigners like to stay at

    11.Joan is one of the best writers .

    A.who are thought highly of

    B.whose books the people in the world enjoy very much

    C.who have published a lot of books

    D.that has been given medals

    12.the two friends met again,and tehy talked about a lot of things an persons

    they could remember at college.

    A.who B.whom C.which D.that

    13.He is everyone likes to work with.

    A.one B.theone that C.the person D.whom

    14.This is the modern hotel the visitors can enjoy all good things.

    A.which B.in which C.that D.where

    15.The earth goes round the sun, even a child knows.

    A.which B.that C.as D.it

    16.The railway bridge will be finished in two days.

    A.which is being built now B.where we visited yesterday

    C.we visited yesterday D.where there are a lot of busy workers

    17.Is that laboratory ?

    A.the one that we visited yesterday B.where we visited yesterday

    C.the one we visited yesterday D.that we visited yesterday

    18.Is that the laboratory yesterday?

    A.we visited B.where we visited yesterday

    C.the one we wisited D.which we visited

    答案:1.AD 2.ACD 3.BD 4.AD 5.BCD 6.AB 7.BD 8.ACD 9.ABCD 10.BCD 11.ABC 12.D 13.BC 14.BD 15.AC 16.AC 17.AC 18.ABD











    1.I heard from you yesterday,/I received/got you letter yesterday.或者:Your letter reached me yesterday.

    2.Thank you for your invitation.

    3.While/When I stayed in your home,you gave me a lot of help.

    4.Please come to our city for a visit if you have time./Please come to our city to visit if it is convenient to you.

    5.I wish you to succeed./I wish you successful./I wish you success.

    6.May you have a good trip./A good journey to you.

    7.There will be an English evening party this evening.An English evening party will be held this evening.



    1.My father persuaded me not to time TV all day and all night.

    A.waste;to see B.spend;to watching C.waste;watching st;to see

    2.Did you watch the TV broadcast of the football match last night?

    B.alive C.living ly

    3.She must have known the result of her maths exam, she?

    A.mustn't B.haven't C.hasn't D.isn't

    4.The manager is over there.Why not make yourself him?

    A.know about B.known to C.known by D.known as

    5.I'm glad to see you here.But in fact,I know you .

    A.don't;are coming B.don't;have come

    C.didn't;came D.didn't;were coming

    6.These wet clothes should to dry.

    A.hung up B.be hung up C.hang up D.be hanged up

    7. ,we plant young trees.And the young trees grow taller .

    A.Year after year;year after year B.Year by year;year by year

    C.Year by year;year after year D.Year after year;year by year

    8.She is a good student.She is always the first to school and the last


    es;leaves B.to come;to leave

    ing;leaving e;leave

    9.The museum they visited last week the 15th century.

    A.dates from B.dates back from C.dates since D.dating back to

    10.Thinking you know in fact you don't is a terrible mistake.

    A.that;what B.that;that C.what;that D.what;what

    11.I feel like in the fresh air after supper,but I'd like at home today.

    A.towalk;to stay B.walking;staying

    C.to walk;staying D.walking;to stay

    12.-Where are you from?

    - .

    A.I'm British B.I speak English

    C.I was born in Ireland D.i used to live in Wales

    13.The that the church is great.

    A.part;makes B.parts;plays C.part;plays D.role;play

    14.The girl took of the two oranges and gave one to her brother.

    A.smaller;bigger B.the small;the big

    C.the smallest;the biggest D.the smaller;the bigger

    15.To be honest,that problem made me .

    A.puzzled;puzzled B.puzzling;puzzling

    C.puzzled;puzzling D.puzzling;puzzled

    16.Everything must be ready.Chairman Zhang in the minutes.

    A.will arrive B.is about to arrive

    C.is possible to arrive D.is probable to arrive

    17.My cousin went abroad ,that is .

    A.in his thirties;in the 1990s B.in his thirty;in the

    C.at the age of 30;in 1999s D.at thirty;in 1990's

    18.You won't get well unless you the doctor's advice.

    A.hear B.listen C.follow D.receive

    19.Our headmaster would like with the boy Henry.

    A.to have words;whose name is B.having a talk;with the name of

    C.have to word;his name is D.to have a word;named

    20.-How are you getting along with you work?

    -I haven't made I should.

    A.so more progress as B.as much progress as

    C.as many progress as D.much progress like


    We are often warned by our teachers not to waste time because time(1)will never return.I think it quite(2).What does time look(3)?Nobody knows,and we can't see it or touch it and no(4)of money can buy it.Time is abstract,so we have to (5)about it.

    Time passed very quickly.(6)students say they don't have(7)time to review their lessons.It is(8)they don't know how to make(9)of their time.They waste it in going to theatres or parks,and (10)other useless things.Why do we study every day?Why do we work?Why do most people(11)take buses instead of walking?The answer is very(12).We wish to save time because time is (13).

    Today we are (14)in the 20th century.We(15)time as life.When a person dies,his life ends.Since life is short,we must (16)our time and energy to our studies so that we (17)be able to serve the people well in the future.Laziness is the(18)of time,for it not only brings us(19),but also does other(20)to us.If itis(21)for us todo our work today,(22)us do it today and not(23)it until tomorrow.(24)that time is much more(25).

    1.A.lost B.passed C.missed D.used

    2.A.important B.true mon D.terrible

    3.A.for B.like C.after D.over

    4.A.amount B.quality C.quantity D.price

    5.A.think B.imagine C.examine D.check

    6.A.Such B.Some C.Sometime D.Most

    7.A.spare B.free C.enough D.much

    8.A.reasonable B.why C.because D.certain

    9.A.good B.use C.something D.up

    10.A.doing B.making C.taking D.getting

    11.A.ought to B.have to C.would rather D.had better

    12.A.easy B.simple C.obvious D.clear

    13.A.worthless B.priceless C.limiting D.little

    14.ing B.living C.struggling D.advancing

    15.A.look upon B.use C.think D.believe

    16.A.devote B.spend C.give D.set

    17.A.must B.should C.may D.can

    18.A.helper B.thief C.butcher panion

    19.A.wealth B.health C.failure D.illness

    20.A.danger B.harm C.trouble D.difficulty

    21.A.successful nvenient C.necessary D.important

    22.A.help B.let C.make D.have

    23.A.keep B.remain C.repeat D.leave

    24.A.Remember B.Think C.Realize D.Save

    25.A.valuable B.expensive C.worth D.fragile



    There was a time when the owners of shops and businesses in Chicago had to pay large sums of money to gangsters(匪徒)in return for “protection”.If the money was not paid immediately,the gangsters would quickly put a man out of business by destroying his shop.Getting“protection money”is not a modern means.As longago as the fourteenth centruy,an Englishman,Sir John Hawkwood,made the remarkable discovery that people would rather pay large sums of money than have their life work destroyed by gangsters.

    Then Sir John Hawkwood arrived in Italy with a group of soldiers and settled near Florence.He soon made a name for himself and came to be known to the Italians as Giovanni Acuto.Whenever the Italian city-states were at war with each other,Hawkwood used to hire his soldiers to those who were willing to pay the high price he demanded.In times of peace,when business was bad,Hawkwood and his men would march into a city-state and,after burning down a few farms,would offer to go away if protection money was paid to them,Hawkwood made large sums of money with this method.In spite of this,the Italians regarded him as a sort of hero.When he died at eighty,the Florentines gave him a state funeral and had his picture painted,which was in memory of“this bravest man”.

    1.What protection did Chicago gangsters give to those who paid them?

    A.They saved those people's businesses from destruction.

    B.They left those people's business unharmed much.

    C.They sent soldiers to serve them no matter what help they needed willingly.

    D.They didn't take those people's lives

    2.Sir John Hawkwook's Italian name‘Giovanni Acuto'was one which .

    A.he gave himself in order to become better known to the Italians

    B.he earned through his sharp practice of selling his‘protection'

    C.he needed so as to hire his soldiers to Italians

    D.was given him in telling his services to the others'

    3.The Italians regarded Hawkwood as a sort of hero .

    A.because they couldn't help admiring his bravery and boldness

    B.as he aided the citizens in peacetime when business was bad for them

    C.he had played an important role in their daily life

    D.for he lived so long and was given a state funeral by the Florentines

    4.From the passage,we can guess the gangsters were those .

    A.who were of great importance to the poor

    B.who made the businessmen do whatever they were in need of

    C.who were always ready to be sent abroad

    D.who did harm to others

    5.According to the writer,Hawkwood was .

    A.a sort of national hero B.an experienced leader

    C.a brave soldier C.a noble gangster


    The sun had gone behind a cloud.I was very tired and wanted nothing in the world so much as to be at home.At last I got to the gate of Hide Park.But this was worse than ever;there were buses there-high and terribly red cars,taxis and still more buses in an endless line.Everywhere there were people hurrying past or waiting to get into the buses,while I stood lost in the middle of them.

    I was ready to cry.In despair,I crossed the street on to an“island”, where I found a policeman. I took my last bit of courage in both hands and said, “Please,sir,where is Addison Road?”He began to explain,but when he saw that I couldn't understand he became helpless,too.“Are you French at school?”A few minutes later,he smiled and raised his hand.How wonderful!The traffic stopped.Even the red buses stood still and waited until I had crossed the road.

    6.That is the most probable reason why she was tired out.

    A.it had been very hot by then

    B.the writer had been standing lost for a long time

    C.the writer had been completely lost

    D.the writer had been wandering in the park for a long time

    7.Because the writer was made so worn out, .

    A.she wanted nothing on earth but her home

    B.she thought it perfect to stay at home

    C.she would never leave her home at all

    D.she didn't get to the park on time.

    8.In this passage“island”means .

    A.a piece of land surrounded by water

    B.a raised place in a busy street where people may be safe from traffic

    C.a safe place that can omly be used by policemen

    D.a safe place that nobody can use without permission

    9.Why did the traffic stop? Because .

    A.all the drivers could understand French

    B.perhaps a certain driver had broken the traffic rules

    C.all the drivers knew the policeman very well

    D.the policeman was directing the traffic

    10.In which country do you think the story happened?

    A.Switzerland. B.france.

    C.England. D.A certain non-English speaking country.


    is my physics teacher.He has 1.75metres 1.

    in the height.He was born on November4,1952.So 2.

    he is a middle-aged man. graduated Qinghua 3.

    University in 1978.After graduation,he becomes a middle 4.

    school teacher.He has been taught physics for 20years. 5.

    He is a success as a teacher.He has been given a 6.

    lot of honors.He is not only a good teacher in the 7.

    physics but also opeak English and Russian very well. 8.

    In his spare time,he likes reading books,collect 9.

    stamps and listening music.Also, is kind-hearted. 10.

    答案:(一)1.C 2.A live“实况的” 3.C。对过去肯定推测的反意疑问句用have与主语相一致。 4.B 5.D对说话前动作的陈述。 6.B 7.D 8.D序数词后常用不定式作定语。 9.A date from=date back to 10.A 11.D 12.A 13.C 该句是为强调part而使其提置句首,后跟that定语从句。play a part/role in 在……起作用;扮演……角色。14.D “the+比较级+of the two+复数名词”表“两者中最……”。15.D puzzling“令人迷惑的”,puzzled“被迷惑的”。16.A“be about to ”不与表将来的时间状语连用。17.A 18.C follow/talk with advice听取……的意见,ask for one's advice征求……的意见。19.D have a word/talk with 和……聊一聊,have words with sb=quarrel with sb和……争吵 20.B

    (二)1.A 2.B 3.B 4.A 5.B 6.B 7.C 8.C 9.B 10.A 11.B 12.B 13.B 14.B 15.A 16.A 17.C 18.B 19.C 20.B 21.C 22.B 23.D 24.A 25.A


    (四)1.has改为is 2.去掉the 3.graduated后加from 4.becomes改为became 5.taught改为teaching 6.对 7.去掉the 8.speak改为speaks llect改为collecting 10.listening后加to

    高三课件 篇8







    高三课件 篇9

    Period 1 New words and expressions

    Teaching aims and demands:

    (1) To learn some words and expressions .

    (2) To use the words and expressions correctly

    1 advertise ___________

    advertisement ___________

    advertising ____________

    advertiser ____________

    advertise a soap _____________

    advertise for a new secretary _____________

    eg: (1) Amy saw _____in a local newspaper a teaching post at a high school close to where she lived.

    A advertised B advertises C advertising D advertisement

    (2) Nowadays,some stars like _____because they can _____a lot of money.

    A advertisements;bring B advertising;make C to advertise; earn D making advertisements make

    2 consider v ___________ 考虑干-----

    ____________ 认为-------

    consideration n ________

    considering prep__________

    eg (1) 你应该考虑到你的健康状况.___________________________________

    (2)______ he has only just started ,he knows a lot about it.

    A Considering B Considered C To consider

    consideration n

    (1). 考虑[U][(+for/to)]

    That matter is_____________________________那件事正在考虑之中。

    Before writing your answers please give careful consideration ___the questions. 请在回答之前仔细考虑一下问题。

    (2.) 需要考虑的事;动机,原因[C]

    Price and quality are the two chief considerations.


    (3). 体贴;关心[U][(+for)]

    He __________________________________his wife. 他不体贴他的妻子。

    词组: in consideration of=in return for/ on account of/ because of ______________ take---into consideration=take account of/ take…into account ___________

    under consideration___________ on no consideration ___________ out of consideration for________________

    You take quality into consideration. 您必须要考虑到质量问题

    We must take into consideration our ability to pay when we import goods.


    I always take fuel consumption(消耗) into consideration when buying a car. 我买汽车时总要把燃油消耗量考虑在内.

    We may take into consideration accepting government-to-government or non-government loans( 贷款)only if the conditions permit. (注意宾语后置) 只要条件合适,我们可以考虑接受政府间贷款或非政府间贷款。

    under consideration在考虑中,在研究中

    3 charge (1) 使---充满 a voice _______with tension

    (2) 控告,指控 charge----with

    (3)要价,收费 charge--- for

    (4)记在 ---帐上

    (5)使承担:使承担任务、责任或义务:charge sb to do/charge sb with

    They charged him with the task of watching the young swimmers.


    n (1) 主管,看管 _________________(由----掌管)


    (2) 费用,价钱 _____________________(免费的)

    (3) in charge 最常见用法是作后置定语,也作表语;表示主管的,负责的:

    the person__________负责人;

    the officer__________ 主管警官;

    Who is in charge here? 这里谁负责?

    eg (1) How much did the hotel charge you _______a room for the night?

    (2) The police charged him ______careless driving.

    (3) It is said that he is the manager of the company.In other words ,the company is ______________him.

    4 blame blame sb for sth

    blame sth on sb

    be to blame

    eg (1) ---Who is ______for the accident?

    A to blame B to be blamed

    (2) Don’t blame it_____,___________.别怪他,该怪我。

    They __________________________George.他们把失败归咎于乔

    (3)They blamed the secretary for the delay of the plan.


    5 appeal v (1)恳求,呼吁 appeal to sb for sth /to do

    (2) 对---有吸引力,感兴趣 sth/sb appeal to sb

    (3) 上诉 appeal to ----against

    eg: (1)对露营这种想法我从来不感兴趣________________________

    (2) 他不服判决而向高级法院上诉_________________________


    appeal n 呼吁,请求;上诉

    He made one last appeal___ his father___ forgive him.


    an appea_____ forgiveness


    The teacher listened to his appeal.


    6 keep an eye out of ___________

    keep an eye on ___________

    keep watch ____________

    keep back _____________

    keep out _____________

    keep off ______________

    keep up _______________

    keep up with ______________

    keep---from doing _______________

    eg (1) The boss _________100$ from my salary with no good reasons.

    (2) It is important for us to _________a good state of mind when we take an important exam.

    (3)_______the dog ,It might bite you.

    7 attach---to ---- 系在,附在; 与---有联系

    be attached to 迷恋,依恋

    eg (1) He bought a house with a garage ______at a low price.

    (2) Do you attach any importance _____what he said?

    (3) We have grown _____to the old house and would hate to move.

    8 convey vt. -veyed, -veying

    (1). 运送,搬运,转运[(+from/to)]

    Passengers are conveyed by bus to the air terminal.


    The truck conveyed machinery across the country.


    ( 2.) 传播(声音等)

    A wire conveys an electric current.电线传导电流。

    Wires convey electricity.金属线导电。

    (3). 传达,传递,表达[(+to)][+(that)][+wh-]

    I found________________________________ 我觉得难以用言语表达我的感情。

    I will convey the information to him.我将把这消息通知他。

    If you'll leave a message, I'll convey it to him. 如果你愿意留下口信,我会转告他的。

    (4). 转让(财产等)[(+to)]


    比较:convey, carry, transport, transmit


    convey 常常含有持续、有规律地运动或流动的意思。

    carry 适用范围很广,但常常表示运动时支撑着某物:

    The train carries baggage, mail, and passengers. 火车运送行李、邮件及乘客。

    transport 主要限于人或有形物体的常常是长距离的运动:

    Huge tankers are used to transport oil.用巨型油轮来运输石油。

    The city uses buses to transport students to school.这城市用公共汽车载送学生去学校。

    transmit 指经过、发送或传播某物:

    Please transmit the stock certificates by special messenger.


    The cost of transmitting books by air is very high.空运书籍的费用很高。

    Period 2 Warming up

    Teaching aims and demands:

    (1)To improve the Ss’speaking and listening skills

    Teaching procedure:

    Step 1 Disscussion

    SB p37 Let the Ss disscuss the questions in the text then check the answers with the Ss.

    Step 2 Listening

    Listen to the tape and finish the exercise on page 38

    Step 3 Speaking

    Divide the Ss into several groups to disscuss and let them report their ideas to the class

    Period 3 Reading

    Teaching aims and demands:

    (1)To get general ideas of the passage

    (2)To improve the Ss’ reading skill

    (3)To learn some knowledge about advertising

    Teaching procedue

    Step 1 Pre-reading

    Disscussion : Disscuss the advantages and disadvantages of advertisements.

    How can we make good use of good ads?

    Fill in the form on page 39

    Step 2 While reading

    Read the text quickly and try to get general idea of each paragraph

    Paragraph 1________________________________________________

    Paragraph 2________________________________________________

    Paragraph 3_________________________________________________

    Paragraph4-6 _______________________________________________

    Paragraph 7_________________________________________________

    Paragroph 8_________________________________________________

    Step 3 Careful-reading


    (1) How do people react to ads?And why?


    (2) what is the basic principle of advertising?


    (3) What are the advantages of advertising?


    (4) How bad ads mislead consumers?


    (5) How can we protect ourselves from false ads?


    1.The development of media has gone hand ___ hand____ the development of advertising.

    A.by;by B.by;with C.in;with D.in;by

    2.People react to advertisements in different ways.Because .

    A.ads are useful and entertaining to some people while annoying to others

    B.ads are useful and entertaining

    C.ads are annoying

    D.ads are not only useful and entertaining but annoying

    3.When we buy an expensive product, can help us make the right decision.

    A.sellers B.ads C.our friends D.defenders

    4.“Not all ads are used to promote a product or to increase a company’s profits” means .

    A.all ads are used to promote a product or to increase a company’s profits

    B.few ads are used to promote a product or to increase a company’s profits

    C.no ads are used to promote a product or to increase a company’s profits

    D.all ads are not used to promote a product or to increase a company’s profits

    5.In order not to become easy target for ad makers,we must .

    A.distinguish between fiction and facts B.watch TV more often

    C.believe all the ads D.never believe any ads

    6.The best chance to reach customers for the advertisers is to .

    A.appeal to their emotions B.make interesting pictures

    C.give customers proper prices D.send messages to customers


    7.Paragraph 4 is mainly about .

    A.ads must increase the production

    B.ads must reduce the price of the production

    C.ads must help companies and customers

    D.ads must make a product more expensive

    8.Which sentence tells us the main idea of Paragraph 5?

    A.The most important function of advertising is to introduce the prices of the products.

    B.The most important function of advertising is to introduce the types of the products.

    C.The most important function of advertising is to introduce new products.

    D.The most important function of advertising is to introduce the company where the products come from.

    9.Why is advertising popular?

    A.Because ads are found in newspapers.

    B.Because ads are found on the Internet.

    C.Because ads are found on TV.

    D.Because ads are found everywhere.


    10.We can infer from the last sentence of the text that .

    A.we must learn to believe ads B.we must learn to accept ads

    C.we must learn to analyse ads D.we must learn to accuse ads

    Step 4 Post-reading

    Answer the following questions

    1 Why is advertising popular?

    2 How dose advertising help consumers and companies?

    3 Why do advertisers often have to work to attract people’s attention?

    4 What is a “bait-and-switch” ad?

    5 Make a list of advantages and disadvantages.

    Period 4 Language points in reading

    Teaching aims and demands:

    (1) To learn and grasp some important phrases in the text

    (2) To learn some important language points

    Learing the following points

    1 hand in hand





    权和钱密不可分。 _______________________________________

    by hand __________

    on one hand,on the other hand __________

    give/lend sb a hand __________

    hand in ___________

    hand down ___________

    hand out ___________

    eg: The custom is handed _____from generation to generation.

    2 react

    react to 作出反应,反应

    react on/upon 影响,起作用

    react against 反抗,反对

    react with/on 发生化学反应

    eg How did she react____ the news?

    How did your mother react___ the news? She reacted by getting very angry.

    The two react upon each other. 这两者互相影响。

    Children tend to react_______ their parents by going against their wishes.

    How do acids react on metals?


    An acid can react ____a base to form a salt.


    3. annoy

    (1). 惹恼,使生气;使烦恼 be annoyed with sb/be annoyed at sth

    eg His mother ____him___ being so rude to their neighbors.

    A annoyed with;for B annoyed for;for

    C was annoyed with;f D was annoyed for ;with

    We’re annoyed____ his impolite treatment of his old friends.


    The sound of footsteps on the bare floor ______the downstairs neighbors. 楼上地板的脚步声吵得楼下住户心烦。

    (2) 困扰,打搅

    These flies are annoying me. 这些苍蝇一直在打搅我

    4 accuse---of 指控,指责

    eg She______________________ her watch. 她控告他偷她的表。

    He accused his boss of having broken his word. 他指责老板不守信。

    He was accused of murder. 有人指控他谋杀

    6 by+n/Ving=by means of

    Some ads mislead us _____(show)pictures that are only partly true or have been changed better.

    7 associate v n___________.

    (1.) associate----with 联想,把...联想在一起

    They associate turkey with Thanksgiving.他们把火鸡和感恩节联系在一起。



    (3). 使有联系 I didn't want to________________ it at all.我根本 不想与这事有牵连。

    (4) 结交,交往[+with]


    Never associate with bad companions. 千万不要与坏人为伍

    8 get across

    (1). 使...被理解,为人理解

    I couldn't get my point across in the debate.


    He found it difficult to_______________ them.


    (2) 使信服:使有说服力或可了解:

    How can I get across to the students? 我怎样才能让学生心服口服

    (3). (使)越过;(使)渡过 I can't get across the river.

    9 frequent adj.常见的;频繁的frequency n频率 frequently adv经常地

    I enjoyed his________ visits.


    Frequent failures did not affect his morale(士气).


    Rains are______ here in early summer. 这儿在初夏季节常下雨。

    10 not all/both/every/everything/everyone /everywhere/always----并非

    =all--- not/both---not/not---every/---

    eg:All the anwers are not right.=___________________________

    None of the answers are right.__________________________

    It is not always easy to spot a bad ad._____________________

    11 be better able to

    12 be aware of 熟悉---- 了解------


    13 figure

    (1) 外形;体形;人影

    I saw a figure in the darkness.我看到暗处有一个人影。

    (2) 体态;风姿 保持身材________________

    She has an attractive figure.


    She has a slender figure.


    (3) 人物;名人

    He has become a figure known to everyone.



    Where did you get those figures?



    14 distinguish---from

    distinguish---bet ween A and B



















    Period 5 Word study and Grammar

    Teaching aims and demands

    (1) Consolidate the words that has been learned

    (2) Rerview grammar:the Object Complement

    Period 6 Integrating skill

    Teaching aims and demands:

    (1) To improve the students’ abilities of reading and comprehension

    (2) To learn some language points

    Step 1 Reading comprehention

    (1) How does the language used in ads differ from ordinary languages?

    (2) How do companies choose names for their products?

    (3) What are the advantages and disadvantages of using a story as an advertisement?

    (4) What is strange about the phrases “a free gift” and “an added bonus”

    Step 2 Language points

    make sense

    1 mke sense of

    in a sense

    eg: The manager has got a good business_____, so the company is doing well.

    A idea B sense C thought D thinking

    No matter how I tried to read, the sentence ____________________(我还是不懂这个句子)

    You are right _________but you don’t know all about the fact.

    2 bargain for/on sth 期望;预备

    bargain with sb about (over/for) sth 与---讨价还价

    It’s a bargain ______________

    A bargain price=at a low price

    Eg;After much _____,the shop owner agreeed to cut down the price by 2 0%.

    A debating B talking C disscussing D bargaining

    3 with the purpose of ______________

    on purpose ______________

    4 partly---and partly----一方面----另一方面




    高三课件 篇10


    Warming up

    Look at the pictures and match each flower with its correct name

    Which flower is your favorite? Explain why.


    Why was Carl Linnaeus important to the history of botany as a science?

    His system of grouping plants in families was unique, which based on the arrangement of the male and female organs in the flowers.


    Fast reading

    How many people are mentioned in the passage?

    Carl Linnaeus Daniel Solander Joseph Banks Captain Cook

    Careful reading

    1. Before Linnaeus botany was ________.D

    A.studied by doctors B.unknown to anyone C.fully developed D.a branch of medicine

    2. Some economic species plants such as____ could help to develop local economies.C

    A.rose and peony B.tea and apple C.cocoa and hemp D.Cocoa and lemon

    3. It was ____ who made Kew a centre of scientific and economic research.A

    A.Joseph Banks B.Captain Cook C.Linnaeus D. Daniel Solander

    4.Paragraph one of the text mainly tells us ___ .C

    A.the importance of botany B.how to classify plant species into groups

    C.Linnaeus’contribution to botany D.Linnaeus’discoveries about different species

    5.Captain Cook made ___voyages altogether around the world. C

    A.one B.Two C.Three D.four


    1. How did scientists classify plants before Linnaeus?

    Some scientists classified plants into herbs and trees, or according to the shape of the fruit, or whether they had flowers or not.

    2. What were the goals of James Cook’s first voyage around the world?

    To study the passing of the planet Venus across the sun; to record, classify and describe all plant and animal life observed during the trip; to search for an unknown southern continent.

    3. Why did Joseph Banks have to supply his own money to equip part of the expedition?

    Because the government would not pay for such a new field of science as botany.

    4. What could be a possible explanation for the name “strawberry”?

    When people plant strawberry, they spread straw under the fruit to reduce the necessary amount of watering.

    Integrating skills


    Find out the important people mentioned in the text.

    Charles Darwin From England Gregor Mendel From Austria

    Gote Turesson From Sweden

    Choose the best answers according to the passage

    1. The research by Darwin, Mendel and Turesson shows that_ . C

    A. genetics is more important than the environment to plants

    B. genetics is less important than the environment to plants

    C. both genetics and the environment are important to plants

    D. neither genetics nor the environment is important to plants

    2. Darwin observed that the birds with _ _ would eat_ . B

    A. small beaks l hard seeds B.broad beaks;hard seeds

    C. hard beaks;hard seeds D.broad beaks;soft seeds

    3.Darwin joined the scientific expedition on _____ . C

    A. the Endeavour B.Tahiti C.the Beagle D.space

    4. Scientists of the nineteenth century believed that . D

    A.the development of new species was behind the influence of the environment

    B.the development of new species and the influence of the environment were hand in hand

    C.the development of new species had nothing to do with the influence of the environment

    D the influence of the environment was behind the development of new species .

    5. Darwin studied physics,chemistry and botany because_________ . B

    A.he was invited to join scientific expedition

    B.he was interested in them

    C.he could do a lot Of experiments

    D.he wanted to finish his book“On the Origin of Species”

    Fill in the following blanks




    Charles Darwin

    The wild life of Galapagos, many varieties of garden roses

    There were differences between the species of the different islands’yet all showed a clear relationship with those of America’ differences in habitat could lead to different species in birds as well as in plants.

    Gregor Mendel

    Flowers and peas

    Many characteristics were passed on from one generation to the next, without influence by the environment. His research gave birth to the science of genetics.

    Gote Turesson

    A wild plant found on the Swedish west coast

    Found evidence for the existence of stable varieties within species in nature. He showed that differences between plants of one species occurred as a result of the environmental conditions in their habitat.

    The text can be divided into four parts

    Part I Pa1-3: Darwin and his research.

    Part II Pa4-5: Mendel and his experiment.

    Part III Pa6: Turesson and his study

    Part IV Pa7: the importance and significance of the research of the three.

    Important sentences in the passage

    1. It was Darwin’s visit on the Beagle to the Galapagos Isles that gave him the key to his new theory.

    2. Back home, in England, Darwin realized that differences in habitat could lead to different species in birds as well as in plants.

    3. As a result of Darwin and Mendel’s research, scientists of the nineteenth century formed the belief that that influence of the environment was behind the development of new species.

    4. It would take a next generation of scientists to bring the importance of the environment on species back in view.

    Translate the following phrases into English:

    详细地 in detail 处于支配的地位,负责 in charge of

    由……负责 in the charge of 任命某人为……appoint sb. as

    将……分类成classify…into… 计算……之间的距离 calculate the distance between…

    一代一代传下去pass on from one generation to the next 建于…;以…为基础be based on

    参与; 陷入 ……的活动be involved in 根据;视……而定;按照according to

    搜索;寻找 search for 总而言之 altogether

    match…with (在品质;颜色;设计等方面)相等,相当,相配

    at the age of 在……岁时 look out for 警惕;留心;守侯

    on a large scale 大规模地;大范围地 year after year 年年;年复一年

    pass away 逝世 name…after 给……取名;命名

    take care of 关心;照顾 classify…into 分类;归类

    develop a lifelong friendship with 与……结存了终生好朋友 born into 出生

    have an appetite for knowledge 有求知欲 a great deal of 大量;许多(用于不可数名词)

    lie in 在于 related to 与……有关

    the key to 关键是(在于) adapt to 适应于

    be sunken into 堕入 a bunch of flowers

    at first sight lead a cosy life

    make two more voyages be involved in

    lead sb. to do sth. calculate the distance between

    pass on from on generation to the next form the belief

    in view adapt to the new environment

    Unit 5 Getting the message


    Look at the pictures on page37 and fill in the chart


    Ad 1

    Ad 2

    Ad 3

    The products they persuade you to buy

    Advanced electronic roducts


    Soft drinks

    How to persuade

    By using abstract design, slogan and pictures

    By using wonderful pictures ,slogan and realistic products

    By using wonderful pictures, slogan and products

    The message each ad gives

    High quality,

    Help customers to succeed

    Create beauty,bring happiness and love to customers

    Help athletes to refresh themselves.

    How is the information conveyed

    Pictures, slogan, spokesman

    Products,slogan, pictures

    Pictures,slogan, products

    Words related to advertising

    advertise, advertisement advertiser, brand, post, spokesman, spokeswoman, designer, entertain, promote, customer, slogan, text, writer mislead, humorous, persuasive, broadcast, annoy, appeal to


    Collect advantages and disadvantages of advertisements from the students

    Advantages Disadvantages

    Provide information Mislead customers

    Increase sales Give false or incorrect information

    Make the public aware of social problem Raise the price of products

    1.the first form of advertising : in Greece and Egypt around 1500 B.C.

    2.the first printed advertisement: in London 1477

    3.the first commercials on radio: about 1920

    4.the first commercial on TV: after World War 2

    Reading Find out the main idea for each paragraph

    Pa1: Ads are found almost everywhere

    Pa2: People react to advertisements in different ways.

    Pa3: The basic principle of advertisements is to influence customers’ choices.

    Pa4: Ads help companies and customers n a variety of ways.

    Pa5: the most important function of advertising is to introduce new products.

    Pa6: Governments and other organizations use ads to make people aware of government policies and social problems.

    Pa7: Customers should be careful of illegal ads.

    Pa8: Customers should learn to protect themselves from false ads and make smart choices.

    Answer the following questions

    Fast reading

    1.What is people’s reaction to ads.? P2

    2.What is the basic principle of advertising? P3

    3.What is the most important function of ads? P5

    4.what’s the advantage of good ads? P8

    Careful reading

    1.Why is advertising popular?

    2.How does advertising help consumers and companies?

    3.What is the basic principle behind advertisements?

    4.Why do advertisers often have to work hard to attract people’s attention?

    5.What is a “bait-and-switch” a?

    6.How can we protect ourselves from misleading ads?

    Choose the best answers:

    1.The word “advertising” means to make a product known to . D

    A managers through broadcast B leaders by radios

    C firms by printed notices D people in various ways.

    2.One advantage of advertising is that it helps . A

    A increase product sales B make a product more expensive

    C increase production D reduce the costs of a product

    3.Advertising is a highly developed . B

    A information B industry C trade D science

    4.The development of radio, television, cinema, magazines and newspapers has with the development of advertising. B

    A followed up B gone hand in hand C gone behind D taken place

    5. The best chance to reach customers is to . C

    A sell them the product B sell them what money can not buy: love, happiness and success.

    C appeal to their emotions D reduce the price of the products.

    6.The development of media has gone hand hand the development of advertising. C

    A. by; by B. by; with C. in; with D. in; by

    8.People react to advertisements in different ways.Because . 答案:A

    A. ads are useful and entertaining to some people while annoying to others

    B. ads are useful and entertaining C. ads are annoying

    D.ads are not only useful and entertaining but annoying

    9.When we buy an expensive product, can help us make the right decision. 答案:B

    A. sellers B. ads C. our friends D. defenders

    10.“Not all ads are used to promote a product or to increase a company’s profits” means . 答案:D

    A. all ads are used to promote a product or to increase a company’s profits

    B. few ads are used to promote a product or to increase a company’s profits

    C. no ads are used to promote a product or to increase a company’s profits

    D. all ads are not used to promote a product or to increase a company’s profits

    11.In order not to become easy target for ad makers, we must . 答案:A

    A. distinguish between fiction and facts B. watch TV more often

    C. believe all the ads D. never believe any ads

    12.The best chance to reach customers for the advertisers is to . 答案:A

    A. appeal to their emotions B. make interesting pictures

    C. give customers proper prices D. send messages to customers

    13.Paragraph 4 is mainly about . 答案:C

    A. ads must increase the production B. ads must reduce the price of the production

    C. ads must help companies and customers D. ads must make a product more expensive

    14.Which sentence tells us the main idea of Paragraph 5? 答案:C

    A. The most important function of advertising is to introduce the prices of the products.

    B. The most important function of advertising is to introduce the types of the products.

    C. The most important function of advertising is to introduce new products.

    D. The most important function of advertising is to introduce the company where the products come from.

    15.Why is advertising popular? 答案:C

    A. Because ads are found in newspapers. B. Because ads are found on the Internet.

    C. Because ads are found on TV. D. Because ads are found everywhere.

    16.We can infer from the last sentence of the text that . 答案:C

    A. we must learn to believe ads B. we must learn to accept ads

    C. we must learn to analyse ads D. we must learn to accuse ads

    T or F

    1.People react to advertisements in different ways.( )

    2.The basic principle of advertising is fairly difficult.( )

    3.Since an increase in sales means an increase in production, the price may be increased, too. ( )

    4.Truthful ads provide good information that helps customers to decide whether they want or need the advertised product.( )

    5.Perhaps the most important function of advertising is to increase a company’s profits. ( )

    6.By using the techniques developed by the advertising industry, governments and other non-profit organizations can spread knowledge, change attitudes and improve society.( )

    7.All ads are not used to promote a product or to increase a company’s profits.( )

    Difficult sentences

    1.The development of radio ,television and other media has gone hand in hand with the development.

    2.Customers see so many ads every day that advertisers must work hard to get their message across.

    3.The best chance to reach customers is to appeal to their emotions.

    4.First of all ,we should always keep an eye out for “hidden information”.

    Integrating skills

    Fill in the blanks for the revision

    Advertising is a highly developed industry. It has gone hand in hand with radio, television and other media.

    People react to ads in different ways. Some think ads are useful and help consumers

    make informed choices while others accuse companies of using ads to mislead us. Companies can influence customers’ choices by introducing a brand name and by associating products with customers’ needs. There are so many ads for customers that advertisers must try to get their message across by appealing to their emotions.

    Ads help companies and customers in all kinds of ways. They can help companies increase sales . At the same time , they help customers choose among all the available products. In fact, truthful ads provide good information,and help customers compare feathers, functions and costs. Some governments name a famous person as their spokesman or spokeswoman to make people aware

    of their social problems and policies.

    Customers should protect themselves by keeping an eye out for bad ads, telling false information from real facts and making good choices.

    II Lead-in

    1 what product do they persuade you to buy?

    2 what information about product can you get?

    3 How is the information conveyed?

    4 What are the skills of making good ads?

    III Reading

    1 How do the ad-makers create a positive image of the product they are promoting?

    2 How do ad-makers choose a name for the product?

    3 What kind of slogans should be used to make the consumers to form a positive image? Can you give an example?

    4 How are the ads presented ?

    How to create a positive image of the product

    Choose the words and brand names A good slogan

    1 tell the consumer about 1 should be catchy

    the advantages of the product 2 easy to remember

    2 choose a funny name 3 convey a message

    3 use a well-known word

    4 choose names from old stories

    5 invent a new word

    Ads are started with a puzzle or question

    And presented in a humorous way

    in order to 为的是;目的在于 take …into consideration 考虑某事物

    compare…with…把……与……比较(对比) complain about 对某人与某物抱怨

    in charge of… 负责;处于控制或支配的地位 hand in hand 手拉手;密切关联的

    with the develop of 随着……发展 on the other hand 另一方面

    get… across 传播或为人理解 instead of 代替(后面接名词代词动名词或介词短语)

    appeal to 呼吁;上诉;投合(兴趣或心愿) armed with用…… 做准备;备有

    make sb. aware of 使人明白;觉察;意识到 keep an eye out for留心或注意到某人或某事物

    protect…from… 防护而不受 at the right time 在恰当的时候

    point out to (向某人)指出;使注意 make sense 有意义;有道理;讲得通

    accuse…of… 指责;控告 attach to 系;贴;固定;附着

    differ from 不同于 attach importance to 给予重视

    start with 以 开始 with the purpose of 以 为目的

    point out 指出 refer to 指/参考

    think twice 慎重考虑 large amounts of money

    make good choices out of ten

    take a critical attitude towards advertisements with the purpose of

    a series of at a loss

    profit by / from

    Unit 6


    Lead-in and Pre-reading

    1. Who the Native Americans were? Where did they live and what do you know about their life?

    The Native Americans were the Indian. They lived in the vast land of West America and their life was simple and hard. They hunt for food and rode on horses.

    2. History counts many cases in which settlers moved into areas that belonged to other people. Can you give some examples? What happened?

    The American continents were peopled as a result of two long-continuing immigration movements, the first from Asia, and the second from Europe and Africa. The first movement began probably 25, 000 years ago when Siberian tribes, in search of new hunting grounds or of refuge from pursuing enemies, crossed over the Bering Strait to Alaska. By 1492, over 10-20 million people, mistakenly called Indians by Christopher Columbus, inhabited the Americans. They developed their own aboriginal cultures, which ranged from the simple to the complex, from those of the primitive tribes to the brilliant civilizations of the Aztecs, the Incas and the Mayas. The second migration to the Americas began with the expansion of Europe at the start of the modern period from the 16th century.

    3. The new settlements in America soon became known as the Wild West. Why?

    Because the western states of the US during the years were settled by the first Europeans. There was not much respect for the law there.

    Read the text then answer some questions.

    1 When did we decide to move to another place? 1845,10

    2 How long did the journey last? About a year

    3 What is our first destination? India Greek in Kansas

    4.What does “account” in the first line means?

    The “account” here means description. For example, “She gave the police a full account of the incident.”

    5. In paragraph two, the author mentioned Indian Greek. Where was it and was it very important?

    It was in Kansas. It was the frontier at that time and also the meeting place for people moving to the west.

    6. Do you know what difficulties they ran into during the journey?

    They entered the desert and lost their way, and didn’t have enough water to drink. Their animals died from lack of water.

    7. According to the fourth paragraph, why do people call the desert Death Valley?

    People showed coldness and were not willing to help others in trouble. They abandoned everything they could. Valley is in chaos and full of dead animals. Therefore, we called it Death Valley.

    8. Is the journey hard? Can you make some examples about it?

    Yes, it is hard. You can make many examples.

    9. What is the theme of this passage?

    If you make unremitting efforts, you will achieve your goals. Don’t give up before difficulties.


    Listen to the tape carefully then do these exercises.


    Exercise1. True or False

    1 We traveled alone. (F with many other families)

    2.When a young man in our group suggested that I stay behind with the children and wait for help, I agreed. (F I didn’t agree.)

    3. When the animals smelt the water, they all ran.

    Exercise 2

    Choose the best answers

    1.The reason why my father wanted to go to California is that . 答案:C

    A. California was in desert B. California was far away

    C. California was a wonderful land described in a book

    D. California was the largest state in the USA

    2.People moving to the west would meet in . 答案:A

    A. Kansas B. California C. Salt Lake Valley D. Salt Lake Desert

    3.On which day did the author enter the Salt Lake Desert? 答案:B

    A. April 12. B. November 4. C. October 15. D. December 25.

    4.Why did the travelers call their ninety-mile drive through the Salt Lake Desert the “Long Drive”? 答案:D

    A Because the landscape was dry and barren. B. Because water was salty and not drinkable.

    C. Because their water supply was so low. D. All of the above.

    5.After the travelers burnt their wagons, they had to go on their feet with another miles to go. B

    A.2 500 B.500 C.90 D.45

    6.Why didn’t the author stay behind with the children and wait for help? A

    A. Because that meant he/she would die.

    B. Because he/she knew that children were tiresome.

    C. Because he/she knew that there was a wagon waiting for him/her.

    D. Because he/she felt he/she could get a prize by his/her father.

    7.The animals almost ran when the travelers reached the edge of the desert, why? 答案:C

    A. Because they were tired and weak. B. Because they had no burden.

    C. Because they must have smelt the water. D. Because they went back to their home.

    8.How long did the author spend finishing the journey? 答案:A

    A. More than 40 months. B. About 2 months.

    C. About a year. D. About a year and a month.

    9.From the text, we can infer . 答案:D

    A. the author and the travelers had to go all day and all night long

    B. there was no oxen left when the travelers reached California

    C. many travelers died when their days of hardship came to an end

    D .it’s a long way to travel from the author’s hometown to California

    10.The best title of the text is . 答案:B

    A.A Journey To California B. Long Drive

    C. The Salt Lake Desert D. Enjoy Your Life


    1 Where in the text do you find evidence that the wagons were not he most suitable means of transport? You can find your answers in paragraph 3.

    2 Why did the travelers call their ninety mile-drive through the Salt Lake Desert the “long drive”?

    We had to travel long without water or grass for the animals to eat. It was hard.

    3 What can you learn from this reading passage? What impresses you most?

    1)After suffering from many difficulties, we can live a better life. Facing the hardship, never give up, etc.

    2)The courage of the people impresses me most.

    Passage analysis

    1. What the writing techniques of this text are?

    A. Use of the chronological order to narrate the story.

    B. Use many participles to make the text readable and concise.

    C. The landscape of the Salt Lake Valley sharply contrasts with that of the Salt Lake Desert. The scenery of the Salt Lake Valley is very beautiful, however, that of the Salt Lake Desert is dry and barren. Use the sharp contrastive scenery, expressing the hero’s optimism about the life that he dreamed of in the West and coming across the difficulties on the way to the West.

    2. What is the writing style of the text?

    The text is a narrative writing, which related a story that the hero’s family and other many families moved to the West. They ran into many difficulties on the way to the West. Finally they got to the West and started a new life. The text, which uses the first person to relate the hero’s true experiences, gives us a vivid description.

    3.What is the main idea of the text?

    The text related a story that the hero’s family and other many families moving to the West. They ran into many difficulties on the way to the West. Finally they got to the West and started a new life. When they came across the problems, they didn’t escape them. However, they faced reality and solved the problems. They insisted on and made unremitting efforts, so they made their dream come true. Moreover, An iron pestle can be ground down to a needle - perseverance will prevail.

    4. What’s the purpose of the writer?

    The writer wanted to tell us “When one comes across the problems, one shouldn’t escape them. However, he should learn to face reality and solve the problems. As long as he overcomes the difficulties and never gives up, he will achieve his goals and succeed. Moreover, he has dreams in his heart. As long as he insists on and makes unremitting efforts, I believe he will make his dreams come true some day. In fact, life itself is a battle. Natural environment and nature are your enemies. If you defeat them, you can live in the world, or it is death that is waiting for you.”

    5. What can we learn from this text?

    We learned that during our lifetime, we may run into many difficulties. When we come across the problems, we shouldn’t try to escape. Instead, we should learn to face reality and solve the problems. As long as we overcome the difficulties and never give up, we will achieve our goals and succeed. Moreover, we all have dreams in our heart. As long as we insist on and make unremitting efforts, we will make our dreams come true one day.

    Integrating skills


    What did he describe in the novel The Call of Wild by Jack London? And where did the story happen?

    This story happened in Alaska, a far and cold land. It described the life of a dog named Buck as well as other dogs’ encounter.


    1. Who do you think the three persons are? What are they talking about?

    I think Mr. Rivers is the host of a program. I guess Mr. Parks is a historian or something else. Ms. Welch is the granddaughter of Dr Welch. And Dr Welch was a doctor of a small city called Nome.

    2. Where did the story happen? And what happened to the children?

    The story happened in a small city called Nome. Some children in the city had a terrible disease and they would die if they couldn’t get enough vaccine.

    3. Where could they get the vaccine that would save the children?

    A hospital in Anchorage had a good supply of vaccine. It was far away from Nome.

    4. What difficulties did they meet on the way and how did they overcome them?

    They faced many difficulties. First, the time was limited. The children would die if their treatment was delayed too long. Second, at that time, the sea was frozen and the only two planes had been stored, nothing got to Nome quickly. Third, The Arctic winter was very cold and there were terrible storms.

    Difficulties with the medicine delivery

    Their attitudes and solutions

    Traffic problems: The sea frozen; the only two planes stored; no quick traffic

    A train took the medicine from Anchorage to Nenana; A relay of dog teams between Nenana and Nome

    Snow storms and low temperature

    Kept going without stop

    Time limitation

    Covered almost 700 miles in little more than 127 hours


    Questions on P53 and P54.

    Suggested answers:

    1. Flu and diphtheria

    2. As we all know, SARS spread through the world in . SARS is short for Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome.

    3. Dr Welch could save the children if he could get enough vaccine as quickly as possible.

    4. Relay is an act of passing something along from one person, group, or station to another. We have relay race in sports, and torch relay.

    5. A relay of dog sleds was chosen as the best transportation because in 1925, nothing got to Nome quickly, the sea was frozen, and the only two planes had been stored.


    believe in 信任;信耐 stand for 代表;代替

    adapt to 适宜 lose heart 灰心;泄气

    be cast away (被)抛弃 give up 放弃

    less than 少于;不足 set off for 开始(旅程;赛跑);出发

    move on 继续前进 take the way 出发;首途

    lose one’s way 迷路 hang out 伸出

    in desperate need of 在极度需要的(时候) on our feet=on foot 步行

    be accustomed to doing sth. (通常用于被动语态)习惯于 suffer from 患病;遭受……之苦

    hurry on to (with) 赶紧办理;急急忙忙地去做某事 stop to do sth.停下来去做某事

    start doing sth. 开始做某事 go on all fours 用四肢

    (at)the edge of of (在)……边缘 stare at 瞪视; 凝视

    come to an end 结束;终止 a race against time 与时间赛跑

    save…from 挽救……免于 take up to 占用(时间;空间)

    at stake 在危险中;关系重大 risk one’s life to 冒险去做某事

    apply…to… 运用;应用 add up (两个或两个以上的数量或量)加起来

    take it easy 别紧张;放松点 keep up 维持;保持;使某事处于高水平

    common sense 常识;情理 leave behind 忘带;留下

    live through sth. 经历某事物而幸存 tie up 系;拴;捆

    go for 为……去;努力获取 be more of a leader than a follower

    be honest with by day / by night

    pass through be on one’s feet

    be accustomed to in anxiety of

    reach the promised land come to an end

    a relay of dog teams take up to 13 days

    高三课件 篇11


    类别 新 课 标 要 求

    词 standard conscience anyway admit abundant personally occupy ambition constant welfare composer noble gain selfish wage clap dictation alphabet stick academic acquire acquisition awful instruct motivation anxious tyre secure translator interpreter adopt patience overweight operation comprehension junior association senior

    1. leave alone 不管,随……去

    2. in need of /in want of 需要

    3. lose up (犹指暂时)关闭

    4. bring in 生产,介绍,引进

    5. afford to 承担得起

    6. in the race to do sth 可能成功地做……

    7. make it short 长话短说

    8. have no eye for 不关心, 不注意

    9. have eyes/an eye for 对……感兴趣

    10. urge sb. to do sth. 催促某人做某事

    11. comment on 评论

    12. in honor of 为纪念,为庆祝

    13. in favor of 支持

    14. in face of 面对……

    16. make sense of 弄懂……的意思

    17. in other words 换句话说

    18. take risks/ a risk 冒险

    19. experiment with 进行实验

    20. fall behind 落后于

    21. adjust to 适应

    22. in common 共同,共同享有的

    23. as a consequence 结果是

    24. contribute to 捐献 对……起作用

    25. be concerned about 关心

    法 1.The Adverbial

    2.The subjunctive mood

    型 1. If I hear another sound from you, you will go where it is really cold. 要是再听到你说一个冷字,我就叫你到真正冷的地方去。(地点状语从句)

    2. Personally, I don’t care. 我个人是无所谓的。

    3. I think it’s because he walks slower than he used to, as of late. 我觉得是因为他走路比以前慢了,最近总是迟到。(表语从句)

    4. If we develop our study skills, we may find that learning a foreign language does not have to be twice as hard as learning our mother tongue … (倍数表达法)


    5.…it is probably best to start with a shorter visit.



    1.In the race to become rich quickly, some people forget that business is not only about making money and profits.有可能迅速致富,但有些人忘记了做生意不仅仅是赚钱和获取利润。

    in the race =in the running 有获胜、胜利的希望

    in the race可在句中做表语或后接动词不定式

    Despite setbacks he is still much in the race.


    Charles is still in the race as a possible next head of the firm. 查尔斯仍有希望当这家公司下一任的主管。

    2. It’s so cold in here. 这里很冷。


    I live not far away near here. 我住的地方离这儿不远。

    He took a look at me from above his glasses.


    There was no way except by boat. 除了乘船没有出路。

    3. If I hear another sound from you, you will go where it is really cold. 要是再听到你说一个冷字,我就叫你到真正冷的地方去。 (地点状语从句)


    Please make marks where you have questions when you are reading books. 阅读的时候在有问题的地方划上记号。

    They teach wherever their pupils live.




    We should go where it is quieter.=We should go to a place where / in which it is quieter.


    Sit wherever you like. =Sit at any place where / in which you like. 请随便坐。


    Generally speaking, where there is water, life is likely to be seen. 一般而言,在有水的地方,你就能见到生命。


    ⑴If you are traveling _____the customs are really foreign to your own, please do as the Romans do. (天津)

    A. in which B. what C. when D. where

    【题解】D where引导的是地点状语从句;A项只可能出现在定语从句中,in which前面应该有先行词。

    ⑵-Mom, what did your doctor say? (2006四川)

    -He advised me to live _____the air is fresher.

    A. in where B. in which

    C. the place where D. where

    【题解】D根据句子结构,A项明显错误;B项引导定语从句,选项前无先行词;live是不及物动词,应有一介词in才能选C项。引导状语从句的where=in/at/to the place where.

    ⑶We’re just trying to reach a point ____ both sides will sit down together and talk. (2006山东)

    A. where B. that C. when D. which

    【题解】A where 引导定语从句,指地点,在从句中作状语。意思是:在这一点上。类似的结构有:I can hardly find a situation where this idiom can be used.

    ⑷In peace, too,the Red Cross is expected to send help ____ there is human suffering. (2006江西)

    A. whoever B. however C. whatever D. wherever

    【题解】D 地点状语从句考查,从题干理解“无论在什么地方出现人类灾难”,才能“期待红十字会提供帮助”。

    ⑸The place _____the bridge is supposed to be built should be ____the cross-river traffic is the heaviest. (江苏)

    A. which; where B. at which; which

    C. at which; where D. which; in which

    【题解】C 检查考生对逻辑关联用语的掌握和运用能力。第一空为介词+关系代词引导定语从句,第二空为表语从句,表示地点,应用连接词where。

    ⑹If a shop has chairs ____women can park their men, women will spend more time in the shop. (2005上海)

    A. that B. which C. when D. where

    【题解】D 定语从句考查,where替代先行词chairs在从句中作地点状语;句意:如果商店提供让男人坐的椅子,女人会在商店花更多的时间选购。

    ⑺I walked in our garden, ______Tom and Jim were tying a big sign onto one of the trees. (2005辽宁)

    A. which B. when C. where D. that


    4. I have to pay you a whole day’s wages for no work at all. 你一整天都不工作,我还得付你工钱。


    wage n. (pl.) 每日或每周以现金支付的工资

    pay 泛指工资

    salary 按月支付、直接转入银行帐户

    fee 指专业服务的费用如私人医生、律师等

    payment 一次性或不定期工作所得报酬

    income 指全部的固定收入包括工资及存款利息



    ⑴My ____ is paid directly into my bank account.

    A. wages B. salary C. incomes D. fees

    【题解】B 从题干into my bank account“进入银行账户”理解,可排除其余各选项。

    ⑵He takes his ____ home to his wife every weekend.

    A. wages B. salary C. incomes D. fees

    【题解】A 从题干信息every weekend理解,应是 “每日或每周以现金支付的工资”,可排除其余各选项。

    ⑶Most ticket agencies will charge a small ____.

    A .fee B. wage C. pay D. income

    【题解】A 从题干will charge a small理解,指的是“专业服务费用”。

    5. Many thousands are in want of basic needs;hundreds of thousands of are in want of basic comforts, sir.


    in want of 缺少;缺乏;需要


    in want of be short of be low in a shortage of

    lack a lack of lack of


    in want of是一短语介词,在句子中常用作表语:

    We are so well provided that we are not in want of anything. 我们应有尽有,什么也不缺。

    short of是一形容词惯用语作表语用:

    We are short of cash. 我们现在现金不足

    low in是一形容词惯用语作表语用:

    Food supplies are running low in the expedition team.


    a shortage of中shortage是一可数名词。

    There has been a shortage of teachers.(U12,SBⅢ)



    She lacks the money to buy new shoes. 她没钱买新鞋。

    There is no lack of vegetables. 蔬菜不缺。

    The disease is spreading fast in Africa and parts of Asia, mainly because of a lack of proper health care,...

    因为缺乏卫生保健,这种疾病在非洲和亚洲的部分地区传播很快……。 (U7, SBⅡ)

    6. Personally, I don’t care. 我个人是无所谓的。


    Personally, I think he is dishonest, but many people trust him. 就我个人而言,我认为他不诚实,可是有许多人信任他。

    Personally, I don't approve of her.

    就我本人而言, 我不喜欢她。

    She said she didn’t like it, but personally I thought it was very good.





    in one’s opinion/view that is (to say) in other words

    in one’s own words so far as I know in general

    ⑴In general, Scotland is cold throughout the year.

    一般说来,苏格兰终年寒冷。 (U5,BⅡ)

    ⑵They are all used to their environment; that is, they have learnt how to live successfully in their habitat.

    它们全都习惯于周围的环境,也就是,它们学会了在栖息地繁衍生息。 (U10, BⅠ)

    ⑶In my opinion, you ought to ask your father’s opinion about your plans. (U14,BⅠ)


    ⑷So far as I know, the Natural History Museum is free.


    ⑸In other words, the way tomatoes grow from a natural seed is changed. (U19,BⅠ)



    I dislike him personally (himself), but I admire his art.


    She personally (herself) saw to the comforts of her guests.


    7. The rich only occupied themselves with making money, and had no eye for the needs and welfare of their workers. 这些有钱人只忙于赚钱,一点也不关注员工们的需要和福利。

    1) occupy oneself +in/with (doing) sth连用,意为“忙于做某事;从事于……;专心于……”;=devote oneself to。

    After he has retired, he will occupy himself with gardening.


    He occupied himself with various research projects.


    be occupied in doing sth. / with sth. =be busy doing sth. / with sth.忙于做某事;忙于某事

    The workers were occupied in building new houses.


    She is occupied in writing a novel. 她忙于写小说。

    2)have an eye for 关注;对……感兴趣;能欣赏/判断/识别出。

    Their parents are only concerned about the health of their children but have no eye for their studies.


    She has an eye for beauty. 她很有审美能力。




    ⑴Chuck learns that we need friends to share happiness and sorrow, and it is important to have someone (to care about). (U1,SBⅠ)

    ⑵The media can often help solve problems and (draw attention to) situations where help is needed.(U2, BⅡ)

    ⑶Many parents worry about the safety of their children and may also (be concerned about) the cost.(U8, BⅢ)

    ⑷They (give close attention to) both the content of the discussion and the way that things are said…

    (U12, BⅢ)

    ⑸To our sadness, it is only herself who she (cares for).

    8. If quite convenient, sir. 先生,如果方便的话。

    这是个省略句,其完整形式为If it is quite convenient to you, sir.

    convenient adj. 方便的;合适的

    It is convenient for / to sb. to do sth.(对某人而言)做……方便


    While (she was) still a student, she played roles in many plays. (U4, BⅠ)


    When (he was) asked about the secret of his success, Steven Spielberg said that he owes much of his success to his wife and children. (U4, BⅠ)


    You do not need to worry about all these rules while (you are) having dinner with your friends or family. (U6, BⅠ)



    ⑴____with the size of the whole earth, the biggest ocean does not seem big at all. (湖北)

    A. Compare B. When comparing

    C. Comparing D. When compared

    【题解】D 本小题非谓语形式考查,the biggest ocean与When compared逻辑关系是被动的,应用过去分词;从句部分是When(it is)compared with the size of the whole earth省略。

    ⑵When help, one often says “Thank you.” or “It’s kind of you.” ([2005福建)

    A. offering B. to offer C. to be offered D. offered

    【题解】D本小题非谓语形式考查,从句完整部分是When (one is)offered help, 逻辑关系是被动的应用过去分词;同样省略了从句中主语和助动词be。

    ⑶When asked by the police, he said that he remembered ___ at the party, but not _____. (2005北京)

    A. to arrive, leaving B. to arrive, to leave

    C. arriving, leaving D. arriving, to leave

    【题解】C检查对非谓语动词做宾语的掌握和运用; remember doing记得做过……表完成;remember to do 记住要做……表将来,题干中从句完整部分是When (he was) asked by the police。

    ⑷While watching television, ____. (2005全国)

    A. the doorbell rang

    B. the doorbell rings

    C. we heard the doorbell ring

    D. we heard the doorbell rings

    【题解】C 本小题对句子逻辑概念的考查,题干只有状语部分,完整的从句是While we were watching television,从逻辑关系看可排除A、B项;D项的宾补rings加s错误。

    9. I think it’s because he walks slower than he used to, as of late.


    1)because 可以引导表语从句。

    I think it’s because I criticized him.


    It may be because he is our boss and he can talk to us anyway he wants.



    He didn’t attend the meeting. That was because he was ill. 他没有出席会议,那是因为他病了。

    He was ill. That was why he didn’t attend the meeting.




    ⑴That is why stone walls are used instead of fences around New England fields.

    ⑵Many people like the film very much. It’s because most of the people in the film use their real names and play themselves.

    ⑶It was because his old car had broken down again.

    ⑷I spoke of his part in the game. That was because he had done better in it than others.

    ⑸Music can give us a great deal of pleasure. That is why so many people like it.

    2)为了避免重复,he used to后省略了已知信息walk。如

    有系动词be, 助动词have的时候, 省略时要保留be或



    ⑴-Would you like to go on with your work this evening?

    -Yes, ____.

    A. I would like to do B. I would like

    C. I would D. I would like to

    【题解】 D为了避免重复,承前省略了go on with my work this evening

    ⑵Our hometown used to be very poor. But now it is not___.

    A. what it used to be B. that it used to be

    C. what it used to D. that it used to

    【题解】A what在从句中充当系动词be的表语, 而that只起连接作用,可排除B、D项;省略了重复出现的内容very poor, 但要保留be。

    3)of late =lately =recently 最近


    latter adj. (两者中)后者的;较后的;

    late adj. 迟的;晚期的;已故的

    adv. 迟

    later adv. 后来

    adj. 后期的;晚年的

    latest adj. 最近的,最新的

    lately adv. 最近;近来

    at the latest 至迟

    later on 后来

    sooner or later 迟早;早晚


    ⑴You need to hand your projects in by Friday ______.

    A. at the latest B. sooner or later

    C. later on D. at last

    【题解】A根据题干理解,at the latest“最迟”符合题意。

    ⑵Advertising has a lot of advantages. It keeps us ______about the _____products, and also provides entertainment.

    A. informed;latest B. to know;latest

    C. learning; newest D. to think;newest

    【题解】 A keep us 后可接现在分词和过去分词作宾补,先排除B、D项,us与informed构成逻辑上的被动关系;latest强调的是时间距现在“最近的”,the latest products最新产品;newest强调的是性质, 与“旧”相对应。

    ⑶Her health seemed to have improved _____.

    A. ever since B. as usual C. of late D. for ever

    【题解】C ever since“从那时到现在”,题干seemed是过去时,可排除;as usual“照常”,for ever“永远;总是”与题意不合;C项of late“最近”贴近题意。

    10. …you were studying the language all day long.


    all day long 整天=all day=the whole day




    ⑴During the next ten years we both worked day and night to pay for it. 在以后的十年期间,我们俩为还债没日没夜地工作。 (U15,BⅠ)

    ⑵Every four years athletes from all over the world take part in the Olympic Games. 每四年,世界各地的运动员都要参加奥运会。 (U8,BⅠ)

    ⑶For example, do not plant rice year after year in the same fields。


    ⑷Scotland is colder throughout the year, and receives more rain.

    苏格兰全年较冷,雨水更多。 (U5,BⅡ)

    ⑸The vast centre of Australia is hot and dry all the year round. (U3,BⅢ)


    ⑹We travelled by day. 我们白天赶路。(U6,BⅢ)

    ⑺Although the styles may change from year to year, jeans never go completely out of fashion. (U15,BⅢ)


    11. They are more willing to take risks and place themselves in new learning situations.

    take/ run a risk / risks冒险

    take /run the risk of sth. / doing sth.冒着……的危险

    at any risk 无论如何,


    at one’s own risk 由自己负责

    at risk = in danger 处于危险中

    at the risk of sth. / doing sth 冒着……的危险

    risk doing sth. 冒险干某事




    He saved my life at the risk of his own.

    He took risks of his own life life to save me.


    The disease is spreading, and all children under 5 are at risk.


    He got well-prepared for the job interview, for he couldn’t risk losing the good opportunity.



    take a risk/risks take a chance/chances

    take a sip take patience taken a holiday job

    take a deep breath take a day off take a bank loan

    take an active part take a critical attitude

    ⑴During the summer I have taken a holiday job in your uncle’s food company.

    ⑵It takes patience to look after the babies when they cry during the night.

    ⑶They have to take a bank loan or borrow money from the government, called a student loan.

    ⑷They took a critical attitude toward the problem at today’s meeting.

    ⑸The custom of toasting in some parts of China is to finish the drink at once, but Westerners usually take a sip.

    ⑹I’m afraid you are taking a risk/risks setting sail in such stormy weather.

    ⑺Don’t take a chance/chances but make full preparations earlier.

    ⑻He said he was taking a day off. That’s why he had come to see us.

    ⑼Take a deep breath, and then you may feel relaxed.

    ⑽I think your parents should take an active part and it helps find out what to do next.

    12. …it is probably best to start with a shorter visit.


    It is better / best to do sth是一非常有用的句型,可以和You’d better/ best do sth句型转换,只是You’d better句型主观对象更明确,而且一定注意两句型to do sth和do sth原型动词的微小区别。

    It is better to say little. 少说为妙。

    It is best to contact students who have been abroad to hear about their experiences.


    My advice is that it's best to forgive and forget.


    13. Review the adverbial



    ⑴____more about university courses, call (920)746-3789.

    A. To find out B. Finding out (2005浙江)

    C. Find out D. Having found out


    ⑵_____and happy, Tommy stood up and accepted the prize.

    A. Surprising B. Surprised (2006全国)

    C. Being surprised D. To be surprised

    【题解】B 形容词作状语。

    ⑶_____, the more expensive the camera, the better its quality. (2005全国)

    A. General speaking B. Speaking general

    C. Generally speaking D. Speaking generally

    【题解】 C评述性状语,常见的类似状语还有considering 考虑到;judging from /by 通过……来判断;to tell the truth 讲实话;to be honest老实说;to be (more) exact更确切地说;to make things worse/worse still/what’s worse糟糕的是。

    ⑷Much of the power of the trade unions has been lost. , their political influence should be very great.


    A. As a result B. As usual C. Even so D. So far

    【题解】 C副词词组做状语;根据语境,应该用even so, “虽然如此”。

    ⑸I’m certain David’s told you his business troubles.____, it’s no secret that he owes a lot of money to the bank.


    A. However B. Anyway C. Therefore D. Though

    【题解】B在语境中考查副词做状语的用法。根据题干中his business troubles理解,“总之”他欠债已不是秘密了”。

    ⑹This is a very interesting book. I’ll buy it, _____.


    A. how may it cost B. no matter how it may cost

    C. how much may it cost D. however much it may cost

    【题解】 D 本题考查让步状语从句,可直接根据句意得出答案D。

    14. Review the subjunctive mood



    1. 句型转换

    ⑴I didn’t know the result at that time.

    →I wish I had known the result at that time.

    ⑵It’s time for us to take chances to make greater progress. →It’s time that we took chances to make greater progress.

    ⑶I don’t know his name, so I can’t phone him.

    →If I knew his name, I would phone him.

    ⑷He didn’t tell me his name, so I couldn’t phone him at that time. →If he had told me his name, I would have phoned him at that time.

    2. 用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空

    ⑴I’d rather he were (be) present at this/tomorrow’s


    ⑵It is right time(that) you experimented (experiment) with new methods of teaching.

    ⑶Without the pills, you wouldn’t have had (not have) such a good sleep.

    ⑷I was busy, or / otherwise I would have joined (join) you

    in the picnic.

    ⑸The boy acted as if he had been (be) to Canada before.


    ⑴Eliza remembers everything exactly as if it ______ yesterday. (2006全国)

    A. was happening B. happens

    C. has happened D. happened

    ⑵-Don’t you think it necessary that he ____ to Miami but to New York?

    -I agree, but the problem is _____ he has refused to. (2005江苏)

    A. will not be sent;that B. not be sent;that

    C. should not be sent;what D. should not send;what

    【题解】在…necessary/important/impossible/proper +that clause这一句型结构中,从句要用虚拟语气其结构为should+原形动词;第二空that在表语从句中仅起连词作用。

    【题解】D as if (though)引导的从句一般要用虚拟语气;用动词过去时表达与现在事实相反。句意“……仿佛就像昨天发生的一样”。

    ⑶He hesitated for a moment before kicking the ball, otherwise he ____ a goal. (上海春)

    A. had scored B. scored

    C. would score D. would have scored

    【题解】D 从题干hesitated理解,只能是与过去事实相反,可转换成if had not hesitated for a moment before kicking the ball, …从句。

    ⑷What would have happened ____as far as the river bank?


    A. Bob had walked farther B. if Bob should walk farther

    C. had Bob walked farther D. if Bob walked farther

    【题解】C 这是省略了if 的倒装,可复原为if Bob had walked farther。

    ⑸How I wish every family ____a large house with a beautiful garden! (上海春)

    A. has B. had D. will have D. had had

    【题解】B wish后接宾语从句需用虚拟语气,用动词过去时表达与现在事实相反。

    ⑹____ be sent to work there? (2002上海)

    A. Who do you suggest

    B. Who do you suggest that should

    C. Do you suggest who should

    D. Do you suggest whom should

    【题解】A suggest(建议) 后接宾语从句需用虚拟语气,从句中的should可省略。B项多一连接词that;do you suggest / think…宾语从句中的连接词(what/which/ when/where等)应位于主句前,故排除C、D项。


    I. 单项填空

    ( )1.When I arrived,I saw the place was already _____ by two strangers .

    A. occupied B. possessed C. owned D. conquered

    【题解】 A句意为“两个陌生人占用了这块地方”。 possess 拥有;具有,own 有;拥有,conquer征服;战胜。

    ( )2.______, I am in the middle of a meeting.

    A.I am not convenient to talk to you

    B. Not being convenient to talk to you

    C. It isn’t convenient for me to talk to you

    D. It isn’t convenient of me to talk to you

    【题解】 C (对某人而言)做某事方便, 只能使用句型It is convenient for / to sb. to do sth.。

    ( )3. I haven’t done anything wrong. I have got a good ____.

    A. confidence B. innocence

    C. consciousness D. conscience

    【题解】 D conscience意为“良心;良知”。have a good /clear conscience 意为“问心无愧”。have no conscience 意为“没良心”。

    ( )4. When I visited her, she was _____in writing a lecture speech on environment .

    A. occupied B. occupying

    C. taken up D. absorbing

    【题解】 A be occupied in doing sth. / with sth.忙于;从事 take up 拿起;从事, 无被动语态。absorb 吸收。be absorbed in 全神贯注于……。

    ( )5. _____her answer, so he wrote her another letter.

    A. Not having received B. Without receiving

    C. He hadn’t received D. Having not received

    【题解】 C 此题很容易误选A,看成是分词做状语,但题


    ( )6. Sorry madam, we’re _____ up for supper.

    A. closing B. cleaning C. turning D. clearing

    【题解】 A close up 关闭, 靠近;clear up 意为“天气转晴”;clean up 意为“整理”;turn up 到达, 出现。

    ( )7.The illness caused him to ____the rest of his class. He had to work hard to make up for the lost time.

    A. falling behind B. fell behind

    C. fall behind D. fall behind with

    【题解】 C fall behind 意为“落后于”,还有“晚交;拖欠”(房租;付款等)之意。

    ( )8. They found the people suffering the storm were __ food and water supplies when they got there.

    A. in thirsty for B. in charge of

    C. in want of D. in place of

    【题解】C 题意为“当他们到达那里时,他们发现遭受风暴的人们需要食物和水。” in want of=in need of “需要”;be thirsty for是“渴望得到”;in charge of是“负责”。

    ( )9. The guide abused at the tourist; _____, he refused

    to apologize.

    A. make matters worse B. making matters worse

    C. to make matters worse D. made matters worse


    ( )10.Only a few people think we shouldn’t go ahead with this plan because of the____ of failure.

    A. future B. pressure C. worry D. risk


    II. 完形填空

    How many different kinds of emotions do you feel? You may be 1 to find that it is very hard to specify (详细说明)all of them. Not only are emotional feelings hard to describe in 2 , they are difficult to 3 . As a result, two people 4 agree on all of them. However, there are a number of 5 emotions that most people experience.

    When we receive something that we want, or something happens that we like, we usually feel joy or 6 . Joy is a positive and powerful emotion, 7 for which we all strive(奋斗).It is natural to want to be happy, and all of us 8 for happiness. As a general 9 , joy occurs when we reach a 10 goal and obtain a desired object.

    11 people often desire different goals and objects, it is 12 that one person may find joy in repairing a car, 13 another may find joy in solving a math problem. Of course, we often share 14 goals or interests, and therefore we can 15 joy together. This may be in sports, in learning, in raising a family, or in just being 16 .

    When we have difficulty in obtaining our objects or reaching our goals we experience negative(消极的)emotions, such as anger and grief. When 17 things get in the 18 , we experience minor(较小的)frustrations(挫折)or tensions(紧张). For example, if you are 19 to go out, you may feel frustration when a button falls off. The more difficulty you have in reaching a goal, the more frustrated you may become. If you really want something to happen, and you feel it 20 happen, but someone or something stops it, you may become quite angry.

    ( )1. A. shocked B. surprised C.terrified D. nervous

    ( )2. A. English B. Chinese C. words D. books

    ( )3. A. list B. recognize C. arrange D. say

    ( )4. A. easily B. rarely C. usually D. always

    ( )5. A. nice B. new C. vital D. basic

    ( )6. A. pain B. happiness C. coldness D. warm

    ( )7. A. one B. and C. thing D. it is

    ( )8. A. wait B. care C. search D. are late

    ( )9. A. practice B. rule C. law D. sense

    ( )10. A. desired B. chosen C. accepted D. final

    ( )11. A. If B. Unless C. Since D. Except

    ( )12. A.strange B. interesting

    C. funny D. understandable

    ( )13. A.though B. because C. while D. even if

    ( )14. A. other B. common C. different D. positive

    ( )15. A. find B. remember

    C. lose D. experience

    ( )16. A. together B.careful C. different D. alone

    ( )17. A. great B. little C. some D. horrible

    ( )18. A. street B. town C. house D. way

    ( )19. A.forced B. preparing C. dressing D. eager

    ( )20. A. may B. will C. should D. can


    1. B 每个人都很熟悉又且时常体验的喜怒哀乐等情绪却又难以一一细述, 确实令人“surprised”(惊讶)。

    2. C in words 意为 “用言语”。

    3. A 人的情感、情绪不但难以用言语描述,且难以“list”(列表、归类)。

    4. B 据上下文和常识选 B。

    5. D vital意为 “重大的”。

    6. B 当事如人愿时,我们通常当然是感到高兴或幸福。

    7. A one作joy的同位语,相当于“an emotion”。

    8. C 据句意选C。

    9. B as a (general) rule乃一词组,意为“通常,一般来说”

    10. A desired “渴望的,想得到的”。 句尾的 “a desired object”也提示了此空选A。

    11. C 此状语从句表原因,故可排除A、B、D。

    12. D 只有understandable“可以理解的”符合文意。

    13. C 句意前后对比,故选while .

    14. B 从后文的sports、learning、raising a family可知此空选common“共同的,普通的”较佳。

    15. D experience joy “体验快乐”。

    16. A 据上文选A。

    17. B 小事让你体会小的挫折感和紧张感,大的就不然了。

    18. D in the way “挡道”。

    19. C 着衣时掉纽扣较为符合逻辑。

    20. C 根据文意选“should”。



    Skiing has become a way of life for many people. From the moment the first snowflake(雪花) falls until the spring thaw(融化,解冻), skiers put their skis on their cars and head for the slopes .There are many reasons behind the popularity of this winter sport.

    Skiing is a true family sport that can be enjoyed by all people whether 3 or 93 years old. Being able to go down a hill ,to turn at will, and enjoy nature at its loveliest are pleasant feelings for all age groups.

    Skiing is also interesting because it provides a variety of experiences. Snow conditions change hourly as the temperature and weather conditions change during the day .Moreover, every trail is different. Seldom does one pass over the same spot twice.

    Improvement in ski equipment, clothing, and ski areas have made the sport more pleasurable, comfortable, and available. Warm light down–filled clothing has replaced layers of heavy sweaters. Ski equipment made with modern materials has made skis and poles lighter, more flexible, and suited to people of all ages and abilities. The availability(可用)of skiing has also been improved by snow –making equipment. Even in areas of the country that have very little snowfall, snow can be made if the temperature is blow 32 degrees.

    For many people, skiing is an opportunity to enjoy the beauty of outdoors, to challenge their physical abilities, and, finally to simply have fun. It is a sport enjoyed worldwide and appears to be gaining in popularity constantly.

    ( )1. The passage is mainly about ______.

    A. the advantages and disadvantages of skiing

    B. the description of skiing

    C. the reasons why skiing is easy today than in the past

    D. the reasons why skiing is a popular sport

    ( )2. The paragraph following this passage probably deals with_____.

    A. snow – making B. skiing accidents

    C. the cost of skiing D. ski places around the world

    ( )3. According to the passage, the underlined word “down – filled clothes” most probably means _____.

    A. something filled with cotton

    B. something filled with feathers

    C. something filled with wool

    D. something filled with silk

    ( )4. All of the following can make skiing fun for all ages except____.

    A. being able to pass over the same spot twice

    B. being able to go down a hill

    C. being able to turn at will

    D. being able to enjoy nature at its loveliest


    1. D 由第一段倒数第一句话可知。

    2. D从倒数第一段倒数第一句话可知。

    3. B羽绒服由其前的warm light 推知。

    4. A


    Water Saving

    Faced with the threat of water shortage, Beijing and Shanghai will take effective measures to save water and protect water resources.

    Beijing will stick more strictly to water saving policies through the readjustment of industrial structures. Beijing is expected to be short of 1,185 billion cubic meters of water by . Beijing will shut down factories with high water consumption and pollution including electric power, steel and paper manufacturing equipment. Advanced water saving technology will be introduced to new industrial projects in the capital city.

    Grain-growing areas will be reduced to save ground water and more trees will be planted. Animal breeding and other “high efficient” agriculture with modern water-saving irrigation methods will be developed.

    It is said that water used in agriculture will drop to 35% of the city’s water consumption in from 43% in , and the figure will continue to drop to 28-30 percent in 2020. Beijing will increase the speed of renovation (修复) of its urban water supply equipment. It’s reported that more than 15% of water is lost during distribution (分发). Water –saving equipment and efficient management can save Beijing more than 537 million cubic meters of water by 2010.

    Shanghai still faces key problems connected with its water resources and environments. Since 1998, the city has invested nearly 9 million to treat its rivers, especially Suzhou Creek. The city’s rivers have become noticeably clearer since putting it into action.

    The government will provide a further million for the treatment of rivers and million to treat sewage (污物).

    This year’s task is to improve the water quality at the three ports of Longhua, Yangshupu and Hongkou. Another emphasis to raise the water system is Songjiang New Area with a project worth .8 million .Efforts will be made to improve public awareness about the need to protect water resources.

    ( )5.Grain-growing areas in Beijing will be reduced because _____ .

    A. a lot of ground water will be saved by this means

    B. Beijing helps to develop advanced technology

    C. highly effective agriculture needs less farmland

    D. grain can’t fetch a good price in China

    ( )6.How much money has Shanghai spent on its rivers ?

    A.9.8 B.9 C.3 D.5

    ( )7.The author wrote this passage to tell us _____.

    A. Beijing and Shanghai are short of water

    B. to save every drop of water in our daily life

    C. big cities like Beijing and Shanghai are trying their best to protect water resources

    D. water shortage has become one of the most important problems that China has to deal with

    ( )8. What is the most important thing for people to do to protect water resources?

    A. We should plant more trees and flowers.

    B. We should clean the banks of our rivers.

    C. The government should invest more money to improve water quality.

    D. Public awareness should be improved.


    5. A 由第三段第一句话可知。

    6. B

    7. C 第一段概括了文章的大意。

    8. D根据文章大意再综合四个选项,只有第四项最佳。

    IV. 短文填空


    The long years of food shortage in this country have suddenly given way to apparent abundance. Stores and shops are choked with food. Rationing (定量供应)is virtually stopped, and overseas suppliers have been asked to hold back deliveries. Yet, instead of joy, there is wide-spread uneasiness and confusion. Why do food prices keep rising, when there seems to be so much food about?

    The recent food abundance is partly because a strange sequence of two successful grain harvests in North America is now being followed by a third. Most of Britain’s overseas suppliers of meat, too, are offering more this year and home production has also risen.

    But the effect of all this on the food situation in this country has been made worse by a rise in food prices, due chiefly to the gradual cutting down of government support for food. The shops are overstocked with food not only because there is more food available, but also because people, frightened by high prices, are buying less of it.

    Moreover, the rise in domestic prices has come at a time when world prices begin to fall, with the result that imported food, with the exception of grain, is often cheaper than home-produced variety. And now grain prices, too, are falling. Consumers are beginning to ask why they should not be enabled to benefit from the trend.

    Title: Food and 1.______

    Present situation 2.______ Abundance--- stores and shops are overstocked

    Food price 3.______ World prices

    Keeping rising 4.______

    People Feeling 5.____-wondering why consumers can't benefit from food abundance.

    Frightened by high prices→6.______

    Reasons for food abundance In North America A successful sequence of 7.______.More imported food with lower prices.

    8.______ Fast increase in home production.

    Reasons for 9____ The government Gradually cutting down 10.______

    1. its price 2. Food storage 3. Domestic prices 4. Beginning to fall 5. uneasy and confused

    6. buying less (food) 7. three grain harvests 8. In Britain 9. price rising 10. support for food




