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  • 英语教案




    英语教案 篇1

    一、 课程类型:

    二、 教学目标:

    (一) 认知目标:






    在运用语言的过程中培养学生的观察力、分析力、想象力和自学能力,帮 助学生加强记忆力,提高思维能力和运用英语的综合能力,激发创造能力。

    三、 教材分析:


    四、 教学重点:

    1. 学会审题和谋篇。

    2. 掌握多样化的表达方式。

    3. 熟练各段中的固定写作套路。

    五、 教学难点:

    1. 如何帮助学生运用写作策略,促进学生自主写作。

    2. 使学生了解谋篇的重要性,培养谋篇的能力和习惯。

    六、 教学方法:



    七、 教学设计:

     Step 1. Warming up

    Come up with some proverbs for the students to put them into Chinese.

    Recitation is of the first importance in any language learning!

    Practice makes perfect! …

    What do you learn from the above proverbs?

     Step 2. Presentation

    Make it clear to the students the importance of writing in English subject of the college entrance exams and then the goals of this lesson.

    Step 3. Exhibition

    Show on the whiteboard a writing.

    英语教案 篇2

    Unit3 This is my sister.

    I. Instructional objectives

    Key vocabulary: son , cousin , daughter , uncle , picture .

    Target language: This is his friend. That is his sister. These are his parents. Those are his grandparents.

    II. Educational objectives

    Train Ss’ listening skill. Train Ss’ intuition thought ability.

    Ss should help with household and respect parents.

    III. Focus Points

    Key vocabulary. Target language.

    IV. Difficult Points

    Ss can introduce their family members everyday situations.

    IV. Teaching Methods

    Guessing game

    Sence Teaching Method

    V. Teaching Aids

    A tape recorder.

    A picture of my family and friends.


    VI. Teaching Procedures

    Step I Pre-listening

    Task One Review the words

    Task Two Learn the new words

    T: Do you like games?

    S: Yes.

    T: Let’s play a guessing game. Please listen carefully. He is my brother. But my father is not his father. His father is not my father. His father and my father are brothers. We have the same grandfather. Who is he?

    S1: It is your “表哥”.

    T: No, it isn’t.

    S2: It is your “堂兄” or “堂弟”.

    T: Yes, it is. Let’s see how to say it in English.

    T: It’s cousin. Read after me, C-O-U-S-I-N, cousin.

    SS: C-O-U-S-I-N, cousin.

    T: Spell it, please.

    SS: C-O-U-S-I-N, cousin.

    T: This time you must say it in English. She is your sister. But your father is not her father. Her father is not your father. Her father and your father are brothers. You have the same grandmother. Who is she?

    S: It’s my cousin.

    T: Your father’s brother is your …?

    S3: “大爷,大伯”.

    S4: “叔叔”.

    T: You are right. Let’s see how to say it in English.

    T: Read after me, please, U-N-C-L-E, uncle.

    SS: U-N-C-L-E, uncle.

    T: Your uncle’s wife is your…?

    S5: “伯母,婶婶”.

    T: Right.

    (Teach the new words son and daughter in the same way.)

    T: Read the words together.

    SS: …

    Task Three Practice the new words

    T: Look at the family tree. Some words are missing. Add the words in the box, please.

    T: Check your work.

    Step II While-listening

    Task One Listen and check the words you hear.

    T: Lin Hai and Dave are talking about Dave’s family. How many family members are they talking about? Please listen and check the words you hear.

    (Play the recording of 2a once.)

    (Ask two more students to say the answers.)

    Task Two Listen and check the picture.

    T: I have two pictures here. Which one is Lin Hai talking about? Let’s listen and find it out, please.

    (Play the recording twice again.)

    (Check the answer.)

    Step III After-listening

    Task One Pairwork. Draw your own picture and talk about it.

    T:We find out the picture of Lin Hai’s family. Can you draw a picture of your family?

    SS: …

    T: OK. When you finish drawing, tell your partner about your picture. You can use “This is …” and “ These are …” to talk about. Then report it to the class.

    (Students work.)

    (Check students’ work. Ask two or three students to report.)

    Task Two Talk about the family tree.

    T: Look at the family tree. I think it’s a big family. You can do it in groups of four or three. You can do it in pairs or only by yourself. Then report it to the class.

    (Students work. Teacher walks around in the classroom and helps the students.)

    T: Stop here. Let’s check it out.

    (Choose students to do it.)

    S1: Look at my family tree. This is my… This is my … They have two … This is my … This is my …This is my …This is my. My parents have two children. This is…This is my …My uncle and my aunt have a son. He is my …

    (Ask two more students to do it.)

    Task Three Homework.

    Write a passage about your family.

    英语教案 篇3

    Unit 1 Making New Friends

    Topic 1 Welcome to China!

    Section A

    The main activities are 1a, 2a and 3a. 本课重点活动是1a, 2a和3a。

    Ⅰ.Teaching aims and demands 教学目标

    1.(1)Learn the letters Aa-Gg.

    (2)Learn some new words:

    good, morning, welcome, to, China, thank, you, hello, I, am, are, yes, no, not, nice, meet, too

    2. Learn about greetings and introductions:

    (1)—Good morning.

    —Good morning.

    (2)—Welcome to China!

    —Thank you./Thanks.



    (4)—I’m … Are you …?

    —Yes, I am./No, I’m not. I’m …

    (5)—Nice to meet you.

    —Nice to meet you, too.

    Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具


    Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案

    Step 1 Introduction 第一步 介绍(时间:6分钟)


    Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:9分钟)


    1. (运用真实情境,让学生学会如何与他人简单地打招呼。)










    —Hello! =—Hi!(非正式)



    T:Please look at us and see how we are greeting. Then you can use your names to greet each other.(教师给以适当的汉语提示。)

    T:Hi, Li Lei!

    S2:Hi, Mr./Miss__.

    S3:Hi, Zhang Hua!

    S4:Hi, Chen Jun!

    S5:Hello, Zhou Jie!

    S6:Hello, Zheng Hua!


    T:Good morning!


    Ss:Good morning!


    Good morning!

    (让学生猜测Good morning!的意思,教师给予提示:早上见面问好可用Good morning!代替Hello!师生互动操练Good morning!)

    (教师让学生用自己的真实姓名互动操练Hi!/Hello!/Good morning!)

    S7:Hi! S8.

    S8:Hi! S7.

    S9:Hello! S10.

    S10:Hello! S9.

    S11:Good morning! S12.

    S12:Good morning! S11.


    2. (用投影仪或教学挂图出示1a,图中康康在接机大厅接人,三个外国学生刚下飞机。问学生:他们之间应该怎样打招呼呢?)

    Ss: Hi!/Hello!/Good morning!



    T:Good morning! Welcome to China!

    Ss:Good morning! Thank you./Thanks.(帮助学生回答。)


    —Welcome to China!

    —Thank you./Thanks.


    3. (播放1a录音, 让学生跟读, 注意模仿语音语调。)

    T: Listen to the tape and follow. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.

    4. (出示四个小主人公的人物图,让学生认识他们,并教学生读Kangkang, Michael, Jane,


    Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:12分钟)


    1. (1)(教学I’m … Are you …? Yes, I am./No, I’m not.)

    (教师找两名男生和两名女生分别扮演Kangkang, Michael, Jane, Maria。分别教他们说I’m Kangkang. I’m Michael. I’m Jane. I’m Maria. 引出I’m=I am. 再问Are you …? Yes, I am./ No, I am not.)


    —I’m …

    —Are you …?

    —Yes, I am./ No, I’m not.


    T:Hi!/Hello! I’m … (教师手指着自己,并引导学生作自我介绍。)

    S1:Hi!/Hello! I’m Wu San. (S1站起来。)

    S2:Hi!/Hello! I’m Wang _iang. (S2站起来。)

    S3:Hi!/Hello! I’m Wei Hua. (S3站起来。)


    T:I’m … Are you Wei Hua?

    S3:Yes, I am.(学生点头,这时教师引导学生作答。)

    T:I’m … Are you Li Feng?

    S2:No, I’m not. I’m Wang _iang.


    (2)(再找来一名学生S4,教学Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, too.的情景用法。板书重点句子。)

    —Nice to meet you.

    —Nice to meet you, too.


    T:Hello! I’m … Are you Liu Siyang?

    S4:No, I’m not. I’m Wendy.

    T:Oh, nice to meet you, Wendy.

    S4:Nice to meet you, too.(教师引导学生作答。)


    2. (播放3a录音,让学生跟读,注意模仿语音语调并进行人机对话。完成3a。)

    T: Listen to the tape and repeat. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation, please. Then practice the dialog with the tape. (教师给以适当汉语提示。)

    3. (让学生自由组合操练1a和3a,然后两人一组上讲台表演。进行小组竞赛,巩固1a和3a所学内容。完成3b。)

    T: Practice a dialog according to 1a and 3a in pairs, then act it out. (教师给以适当汉语提示。)

    S1:Good morning!

    S2:Good morning!

    S1:I’m … Are you …?

    S2:Yes, I am.

    S1:Nice to meet you.

    S2:¬Nice to meet you, too.

    S1:Welcome to China!

    S2:Thanks./Thank you.

    4. (再让学生四人一组上台表演打招呼和作自我介绍。)

    T: Act out the dialog with your own names.



    S3:I’m … Are you …?

    S4:Yes, I am.

    S3:Hello! Are you …?

    S5:No, I’m not. I’m …

    S3:Nice to meet you.

    S5:Nice to meet you, too.

    S3:Hi! Are you …?

    S6:Yes, I am.

    S3:Welcome to China!

    S6:Thanks./Thank you.

    Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:10分钟)


    1. (学习字母Aa-Gg。)


    T: Listen to me and read the letters after me. Learn Aa-Gg by heart.

    (教师先教学字母Aa-Gg,然后全体学生跟读Aa ,Bb , Cc , Dd , Ee , Ff , Gg 。)

    T:Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg

    Ss:Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg


    T: Now let’s learn how to write the letters.

    2. (1)(英语字母接力游戏。)

    T:Now let’s play a game.


    T: The first student in the first row says “A” quickly, and the second student says “B” and then other students say C, D, E, F, G, A, B … one by one. (教师给以汉语提示。)


    T: Well done! Now the first one says “AB”, the second one says “BC” quickly, the third one says “CD” and so on. (教师给以汉语提示。)


    T: Pair work. Form the capital letters with your bodies and read them aloud.

    3. (教师讲解2b的做题方法并示范,让学生听录音,完成2b。)

    T: Now let’s listen and circle the letters you hear.

    Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg

    4. (把标注中的大小写字母放在四线格上相应的大小写字母旁边。做配对练习,让学生自主完成4,最后核对答案。提醒学生,字母是该动物单词的首字母,来引发其兴趣。)

    T: Match and write down the letters on the line.

    Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg

    Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:8分钟)


    1. (让学生想象并列举生活中有哪些物体与正在学习的英文字母A-G形状相似。如:板凳腿像A,耳朵像B,残月像C、D等。)

    T: Can you imagine and list some objects which have the same shapes with English letters? For e_ample: The legs of bench are like “A”, ears are like “B”, the moon is like “C” or “D”, etc. (教师用汉语给以提示。)

    2. (做游戏:字母配对)(Letter Matching)









    3. (小组活动。七名学生一组分别取名为Aa-Gg,用学过的打招呼和问候语进行对话。)

    T: Group work. A group of seven students act as Aa-Gg, greeting each other.


    SA: Hello!

    SB: Hello!

    SA: Are you Cc?

    SB: No, I’m not. I’m Bb.

    SA: Nice to meet you.

    SB: Nice to meet you, too.

    4. (教师用投影仪或小黑板展示句子,配对。巩固本课所学句型。)

    T: Match the sentences in Column A with those in Column B.

    A B

    (1)Hi!a.Thanks./Thank you.

    (2)Welcome to China!b.Hello!

    (3)Nice to meet you.c.Nice to meet you, too.

    (4)Good morning!d.Good morning!

    (5)Hello!e.Yes, I am.

    (6)I’m Kangkang. Are you Michael?f. Hi!

    5. Homework:





    Welcome to China!

    Section A

    1.— Good morning!5.— Are you Maria?

    — Good morning!— No, I’m not. I’m Jane.

    2.— Hello!6.— Nice to meet you.

    — Hello!— Nice to meet you, too.

    3.— Hi!7.— Welcome to China.

    — Hi!— Thanks./Thank you.

    4.— I’m Kangkang. Are you Michael?

    — Yes, I am.

    英语教案 篇4


    1 、能听懂会说本课单词和对话,能初步使用“Mr/Miss+姓”的表达方式,要求发音准确,语调自然流畅。

    2、能用“How Are You?”引导的对话大胆、自然、灵活地响别人问候。


    4、了解“How Are You?”的文化内涵,将其与中国打招呼用语进行简单比较,渗入跨文化交际意识。




    1、本课单词的发音,特别要注意son dauhter和brown这三个单词的发音。

    2.、对话以及灵活使用“How Are You?”和相关回答与人交往。



    课时 1-2课时



    二、教学对话How Are You?

    三、学习Let’s sing;How Are You?

    四、学Magic box


    2.复习Miss 学习Mr





    六、Let’s sing;How Are You?

    七、Let’s chant : Mum





    英语教案 篇5




    Teaching procedures(教学步骤) :

    Step 1 Leading in(导入话题,激活背景知识) (导入)

    1.Greetings and free talk .

    2.Check their Homework(家庭作业) :Ask two or three Ss to speak out what they wrote down .(教师作出适当的评价)

    Step 2 Pre-task(任务前活动)

    1.Go over what we learnt yesterday .(复习昨天所学的知识)


    Step 3 While-task(任务中活动)

    SB Page 4 , 3a .

    1.Point to the three picture and say :This is Sally .The first picture is Sally five years ago ,the second one is Sally now ,and the third one is Sally five years in the future .

    2.Read the instructions .

    plete filling in the blanks individually .

    4.Check the answers .

    5.Practise reading .Then ask some Ss read them out .

    SB Page 4 , 3b .

    1. Look at activity 3a .Make predictions about Sally .

    2. Point to the example in the sample dialogue .Ask two Ss to read the dialogue to the class .

    3. Practise reading .

    4. Pairwork .Make their predictions about Sally .

    Step 4 Post-task(任务后活动)

    1. Write about yourself .

    With the help of the sample of Sally .We can write sth about ourselves five years ago ,today and in five years .

    2. Complete the work individually .

    3. Review the task .Ask a few more Ss for answers .

    Homework(家庭作业) :

    Draw a picture of the city in 20 years .Describe it to the class .


    英语教案 篇6




    ⑴According to the chart/graph/ table/ picture, it is clear that 图表/画内容总概括.⑵The chart/graph/ table/picture shows .⑶Many reasons contribute to 现象概括.

    ⑷To begin with, 原因一.⑸进一步阐述原因一.⑹Moreover, 原因二.⑺In addition, 原因三.⑻As a result, 段落总结句.

    ⑼As to me, I think 我的观点/态度/建议.⑽ First of all, 理由一.⑾ Besides, 理由二.⑿To conclude, 模板二


    ⑴From the chart/graph/ table/picture, we learn that nowadays, 总述社会现象/事实现象, which has aroused the great /common concern.⑵what imprees me most is .⑶That are many reasons accounting for .

    ⑷First of all,原因一.⑸进一步阐述原因一.⑹ What is more, 原因二.⑺ For example, 举例说明原因二.⑻ In addition, 原因三.

    ⑼As far as I am concerned, 我的观点.⑽For one thing/On one hand 理由一.⑾ For another/ On the other hand, .⑿Thus/In brief/Taking above mentioned factors into consideration, I may reasonably conclude that….


    ⑴As is described in the chart/graph/table/picture, in the past few decades, there have arisen sharp increase in…如图中所示, 在过去的几十年中, ……急剧增长。

    ⑵The chart/graph/table/picture describes that the figure declines/falls smoothly/markedly, it indicates that…

    图表显示数字下降平缓/明显, 这表明……

    ⑶In the chart/graph/table/picture, we can seen that there was a slight/ marked reveals that…


    ⑷Recently, the problems of …has become the focus of the public concern.


    ⑸There may be a combination of factors which contribute to/ are responsible for/ explain… …可能是好几个因素造成的结果。

    ⑹There may be several poible reasons for which will be demonstrated below.可能有几个原因导致了我们下面所要阐述的问题。

    ⑺It’s no easy /simple task to offer the reasons for this phenomenon which involves more than one complicated factors.


    ⑻ Among all the important/convincing reasons for…,one should be emphasized… 在所有重要/有力的原因中, 我们应当重点关注…




    ⑴It is well-known that 相关背景, but nowadays 总述不良现象或问题.⑵现象具体表现一.⑶现象的具体表现二.

    ⑷It should be paid attention to that 该现象 is causing great harm/该现象 is caused for many reasons.⑸On one hand, ⑹On the other hand, .⑺Therefore, it is high time that ⑻First of all, 解决方法一.⑼进一步阐述方法一.⑽Secondly/In addition, 解决方法二.⑾Thirdly/Besides/Morever.解决方法三.⑿Only in this way can we解决问题.



    ⑴There has been a discuion recently about 事实现象.⑵ It is obvious that 危害一/作用一.⑶ Additionally, 危害二/作用二.⑷So how to 解决问题is worth paying attention to.

    ⑸On one hand/ Firstly, 解决方法一.⑹进一步阐述方法二⑺On the other hand/Secondly,解决方法二.⑻For example,支持该方法的例子.⑼In addition/ Thirdly, 解决方法三.

    ⑽In fact, more than three ways can be adopted.⑾As for me, 我的思考或看法.⑿All in all, 总结全文.


    ⑴It is important that effective actions should be taken to prevent the situation.

    ⑵There is little doubt that serious attention must be called to…

    ⑶There is no immediate solution to the problem of…,but …might be helpful/ but the general awarene of the neceity of…might be the first step.

    ⑷In order to make our world a better place in which we live, we should make great efforts to… ⑸To conclude, we can see the best way is…

    ⑹Following these methods may not guarantee the succe in solution to…, but the payoff will be worth the effort.




    ⑴Different people have different views on看法/问题.⑵Somme prefer 一种看法观点.⑶Others tend to .⑷As for me, I agree to the first/ second opinion.

    ⑸Of course, 我不赞同的观点的合理性.⑹For example, 支持其合理性的例子.⑺But 我不赞同的观点的不足.⑻The following reason can account for your preference.

    ⑼The main reason is that 支持观点的理由一.⑽ A good example to illustrate is that 支持理由一的例子.⑾In addition/ What’s more,支持观点的理由二.⑿For the foregoing, 重申观点.模板二


    ⑴When it comes to事物/问题, different people will offer different opinions.⑵Some people take it for granted that 观点一.⑶In their opinion, 观点一的理由一.⑷Besides, 观点一的理由二.⑸However, others hold that观点二.⑹They maintain that 观点二的理由一.⑺And 观点二的理由二.

    ⑻Weighing up these two arguments, I am for 观点一/观点二.⑼ On one hand, 理由一.⑽ On the other hand, ⑾ For instance, 举例说明理由二.⑿ Therefore, as stated above, 常用句式

    ⑴ There is a general discuion nowadays on the problem of …Some argue that …,but others set forth a totally different argument about the iue.

    ⑵ In response to the problem, some people believe…,in their minds,…Other maintain that…, in their eyes,…

    ⑶ Personally, I side with the former/ latter opinion.

    ⑷ In conclusion, it is clear that



    ⑴ It is true that 普遍的观点.⑵ However, 不同的观点/现象.⑶ I think,我的观点.⑷ 理由或其他论据 can be listed as follows.

    ⑸ Firstly,论据一.⑹ Secondly, 论据二.⑺ For example, 支持论据二的事例.⑻ Thirdly, 论据

    三.⑼ A case in point is 支持论据三的事例.

    ⑽ There is no doubt that 重申观点.⑾ Therefore, 与该观点相符的做法.⑿ In a word, 总结全文.



    ⑴ Many people believe that 社会现象/事实.⑵The truth is deep and profound.⑶ As we all know,具体表现一.⑷ In addition, 具体表现二.

    ⑸ There are numerous examples supporting this argument.⑹ A case in point is 阐述第一个例子⑺ For another example, 引出并说明第二个例子.⑻ Moreover, 阐述第三个例子.

    ⑼All mentioned above that tells us that重申观点.⑽ But (One thing we have to notice is that ) 提出个人建议.⑾ In short,总结全文.


    ⑴ It is well known that …plays an important part in…

    ⑵ It is believed that …

    ⑶ There are many reasons explaining …

    ⑷ From what has been mentioned above, we may safely come to the conclusion that …




    Dear ___________,

    ⑴ I am delighted to learn that _________.⑵ It____________.⑶ In my opinion, ________.⑷ On one hand,_________.⑸ On the other hand,_________.

    ⑹ As to ________, I suggest ___________.⑺ If__________.⑻ It is unneceary for you to _____________.⑼ In addition, ________________.⑽ I am sure _______________.

    ⑾ Please inform me _________________.

    ⑿ I amlooking forward to __________.

    Sincerely yours,



    ⑴ I would like to suggest that …/ I am writing with my suggestion that…

    ⑵ You have asked me for my advice with regard to …and I will try to make some conducive suggestions.

    ⑶ If I were you, I would…

    ⑷ As you may agree that...

    ⑸ I hope you will find these suggestions helpful/ practical/ useful.

    ⑹ I hope you will take my suggestions into consideration.

    ⑺ I would be happy to see improvements in this regard.

    ⑻ I would be ready to discu this matter to further details.




    ⑴ I am writing this letter to call on ____________to ____________.⑵ As some of you may know,___________.⑶ In fact,___________.

    ⑷It is neceary for us to___________.⑸ On one hand,__________.⑹ On the other hand, ______________.⑺ However,___________________.⑻So it is high

    Time_____________________.⑼ Firstly, ________________.⑽Secondly, _______________.

    ⑾ If you are willing to ____________, please ______________.⑿ Join us in the action and extend ________into a spirit that dares any poible difficulties.

    Thank you.




    ⑴ I am applying for the position of _________advertised in _________.⑵ I major in

    _____.⑶ My training in ________definitely meet your qualifications.⑷ My complete resume is attached.

    ⑸ I will graduate on____________ from_________.⑹ In addition to the required courses of this program, I have_________.⑺ I also have some experience in ___________.⑻ I believe my training and experience _________________.⑼ You will find me to be ________________⑽ I hope that you will consider me for your position.⑾ May I have a personal interview at your convenience? ⑿ I can be reached by telephone __________.

    Sincerely yours,



    ⑴ I am writing to apply for the post of …advertised in …

    ⑵ In reply to your advertisement in…, I beg to apply for the post …in your company.⑶ I feel I have the qualifications and experiences needed for the position of …

    ⑷ I shall bring with me the full details of my testimonials as you request.

    ⑸ I hope I may be granted an interview when I can explain my qualification more fully.

    ⑹ It seems that my experience, together with my education, has given me ideal preparation to aume the role of…in your firm.

    英语教案 篇7


    学生能够会说、认读本课对话并能够使用句型:What are you doing? I’m making a model me an egg,please,Give me two apples.






    重点:1)理解并灵活运用句型What are you doing? I’m…

    2)两个祈使句:Pass me an egg,please。

    Give me two apples。

    难点:knife、scissors、minute的发音。以及长句子:We‘ll go to the lake and try it on the water。



    英语教案 篇8

    Unit 1 Will people have robots ?


    1、Words&phrases: robot, paper, less, fewer, simple, unpleasant, factory, seem, etc .


    more , less , fewer 的`用法.



    There be 句型的一般将来时态。

    How to make predictions .






    Step 1 Leading in(导入话题,激活背景知识)(导入话题,激活背景知识)

    1.Greetings: Welcome to school .

    What’s the date today ? Who’s on duty today ?

    Do you enjoy your winter holiday ?(你喜欢你的寒假吗?)

    Do you finish your Homework(家庭作业) ?(你完成你的假期作业了吗?)

    Do you want to live on the moon ?(你想去月球吗?)

    Can you guess what will happen in ten years ?(你能猜出十年后将会发生什么吗?)

    Collect the Ss’ answers and say something about their predictions .

    Step 2 Pre-task(任务前活动)

    SB Page 2 ,1a .

    1.Look at the picture :How will the world be different in the future ,100 years from now ?We’re going to talk about sth in 100 years .

    2.Read each predictions to the class .Explain the new vocabulary .

    3.Read the instructions .Make sure Ss know what they should do .

    4.Do it by themselves .

    5.Talk about the answers with the class .

    Explain :一般将来时态

    构成: will / be going to +动词原形=

    Step 3 While-task(任务中活动)

    SB Page 2 ,1b .

    1.Practise reading the six predictions .

    2.Read the instructions to Ss .Circle the things you hear on the recording .

    3.Play the tape twice .(放录音,两次)

    4.Play the tape a third time .At the same time ,check the answers .

    SB Page 2 , 1c .

    1、Pay attention to the dialogues .

    2、Read the dialogues fluently .

    3、Pairwork .Work in pairs to make predictions according to the sample .

    4、Ask several pairs to share their conversations to the class .

    SB Page 3 , 2a & 2b .

    1、Read the predictions .

    2、Read the instructions and point out the sample answer .

    3、Play the tape twice .Ss circle the word they hear in each sentences: more , less , fewer .

    4、Check the answers .

    学生探究: less , fewer 的区别。

    Step 4 Post-task(任务后活动)

    1、Point to the example in the sample dialogue .Practice reading .

    2、Look at activity 2b .Groupwork:Take turns to make conversations about the predictions .

    Grammar Focus:

    Review the grammar box .Ss say the statements and responses .

    2、Make summaries about “will” ,“fewer” and “less” .


    1、Make predictions about yourself in 10 years .Write down 5 sentences .

    2、Go over the new words .


    英语教案 篇9



    (1)本单元要求掌握基本的词汇和短语:atmosphere, climate, concentration, emission, extremity, methane, paly part in, weather patterns etc.

    (2) 能够掌握本单元单词短语的音形义,学会运用词语造句。

    (3) 口语学习要求:要求学生会掌握如何表达责备,抱怨的英语表达。并要求学生学完本单元Speaking 部分能够进行相对应的对话练习。






    1、 掌握握一些词汇和短语的用法:Climate, concentration, emission, extremity, methaneetc

    2、 学习英语口语中表达抱怨,不满的表达方法。

    3、 语法板块学习了非谓语动词,主要讲解了现在分词和过去分词以及他们的用法和区别。













    Step1 lead in



    a. Do you these pollutions? What are they?

    b. Do you know the global warming?

    c.What causes the global warming?

    学生回答上述问题。并让学生进行讨论:什么是全球变暖,全球变暖的危害? 说明:通过课堂讨论,使学生很快进入课堂准备之中,从心里上做好接受新知识的准备,可以调动学生学习的积极性,同时抓住学生的注意力,并且引起学生对本单元的'学习热情和兴趣。

    Step2 Presentation

    教师播放有关全球变暖的相关图片,视频。播放完后,教师进行Lead in部分问题的解释,并引导学生将注意力转移到本单元的课文上

    T:During the last thirty years, the economy of the world has increased sharply, so it is the same with the temperature. Global warming is an extremely serious problem facing the world , everyone, Let's begin our new class. “Environment”

    说明:教师通过播放相关视频,加深学生对global warming的理解,为后面的进一步引入新知做准备。

    Step3 Practice in class

    1、 教师留给学生5分钟左右的时间进行课堂预习。要求学生将生词,新知短语等标示出来。

    2、 教师讲解词汇和短语的用法:

    (1)The teacher explains the usage and pronunciations of the new words.

    (2)The students read the words and phrases loudly.

    (3) The students make the sentences with the words and phrases.



    Step4 Teacher explains the text.

    (1) 教师对课文进行逐句的讲解,讲授新词和短语的意思并引导学生自己翻译


    (2) 对于简单的句子要求学生自己朗读并翻译,教师指导个别单词发音。

    (3) 本单元Reading A部分的课文中的语法点不多,但是有一些专业的词汇比

    较难一些,发音,单词长度等都是学生掌握的难点,比如二氧化碳: carbon dioxide,等。因此单词要多领读,多练习使用。其他就是一些新的单词难一点,本单元的reading A部分并没有过多难以理解的语法点。

    (4) 课文讲解完,再将课文整体通一遍大义,将文中重难点再次强调。

    (5) 课堂练习。Task 2,并进行讲解。



    Step5 Homework

    1、 Read and write the new words and phrases.

    2、 Preview the text of speaking& grammar.






    Step1 Preview大概用时10分钟

    (1) 复习上节课所学单词,短语。首先要求学生根据音标以及上节所学进行单


    (2) 复习课文,将课文中的重难点点名提问,看看学生掌握的如何,同时根据


    (3) 反馈上次作业,对没交的同学进行批评教育,督促下次积极交作业。对作


    Step2 课堂现场做课本TASK2-5的练习。大概用时20分钟。



    1、 相近短语的辨别:

    play with 玩耍,play down 贬低,play off 取笑 play up 夸大

    give in 上交 give off 发出 give up 放弃 give away 发出

    cut down 消减cut off 切断 cut back 修减 cut in 插嘴

    result in 起因于 result from 导致 lead to 导致

    2、 As a result 所以 in result 结局 as a result of 作为的结果

    Step4 学生订正,并自己总结练习题中的知识点。

    Step5 留几分钟时间,学生有不懂的题可以问老师




    Step1 Speaking 板块的学习

    PPT 展示一组关于blame & criticism的英语对话。

    T: Today,we will learn how to express the blame and criticism. Firstly, let's come to the new words.

    Responsibility 责任insane 不健全的fed up 感到厌倦 shame 羞耻

    Step2 学习Listening部分的新单词首先学生拼读一边,然后教师代读几遍,最后教师和学生进行英汉互译练习。进一步使学生掌握新单词的读音和意思。

    Step3讲解Speaking 部分的实用口语表达。

    (1) 对其中口语表达就其读音,意思,用法进行重点讲解。并要求学生进行替换练习。

    (2) 要求学生自己读一读,练一练

    (3) 挑学生读句子。

    (4) 学生集体将该部分的实用表达大声读一读。



