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  • 九年级英语英语教案




    九年级英语英语教案 篇1

    Unit 15 We’re trying to save the manatees!

    Part 1: Teaching design (第一部分:教学设计)

    Structures: Review of structures

    Target language: I think that animals should not live in zoos. I disagree with you. I feel that zoos provide clean and safe places for endangered animals to live.

    Vocabulary: manatee, cheetah, kangaroo, chimpanzee, recycle, aquatic, habitat, gentle, aggressive, playful, furry, gray, enormous, strong, spotted, underwater, mangrove, vegetation, swamp, save, environment, educate, public, politely

    Learning strategies: Classifying, Listening for specific information

    Section A


    ● To review structures learned

    ● To listen and talk about animals


    Warming up by learning about animals

    Animals are living things. Plants can make their own food or

    energy from the light of the sun, but animals can't do this.

    Animals have to eat plants or other animals to get energy to live.

    Some animals eat only plants. We say that these animals are herbivores. Some animals eat onlymeat. We say that these animals are carnivores. Some animals eat both plants and meat. We say that these animals are omnivores. Plants can't move around, but most animals can move around. Animals are divided into groups.

    1a Looking and describing

    On page 118 in the picture you will see a zoo with animals and visitors. Now choose adjectives listed in the box to describe the six animals.

    African elephants


    Kangaroos Manatees

    Cheetahs Polar bears


    noisy playful gentle,






    1b Listening and circling

    Victor and Ginny are talking about animals. They are describing them with many different words.

    Now listen to their talk and circle the words used in 1a to describe the animals.



    Boy: Hey, Ginny. What’s that big, furry animal in the pond?

    Girl: It’s a polar bear, Victor. They’re kind of aggressive.

    Boy: Are they? Looks like they really love water.

    Girl: Uh-huh.

    Boy: And what do you call those big, gray things in the water?

    Girl: They’re called manatees.

    Boy: What?

    Girl: Manatees. They’re very gentle and very shy.

    Girl: They’re cheetahs. The cheetah is the fastest animal on earth

    1c Doing groupwork

    We humans are animals, too. So we are like animals in some ways. Now in groups of four, you are going to think of an animal that is the same as you are in some ways. Then you are to describe the animal and the others are to guess its name.

    A: I am like this animal because I am strong and intelligent. I like water, and I like to eat vegetables.

    B: You’re like an elephant.

    A: No.

    B: You’re like a manatee.

    A: Yes!

    A: I am like this animal because I am heavy and enormous. I like forests, and I like to go around the mountain.

    B: You’re like a chimpanzee.

    A: No.

    B: You’re like an elephant.

    A: Yes!

    A: I am like this animal because I like spotted clothing and I run the fastest in my school.

    B: You’re like a manatee.

    A: No.

    B: You’re like a cheetahs.

    A: Yes!

    2a Listening and matching

    A boy is asking a man about animals he likes.


    Boy: Can you tell us about the manatees, please?

    Man: Sure. We’re trying to save them.

    Boy: Why? Are they endangered?

    Man: Yes. There used to be a lot of manatees, but now there aren’t very many of them.

    Boy: Do you know how many there are?

    Man: At this point, there are only about 2, 500 in the U.S. In 1927, it was discovered that they were endangered. Since then, the government has passed laws to protect them.

    Boy: Where do they live?

    Man: Their favorite habitat is the water under the trees in mangrove swamps.

    Boy: And why are they endangered?

    Man: Some of the swamps have become polluted. Also, there sometimes isn’t enough food for all of them. As you can see, they’re large. The average manatee is about ten feet long and weighs about 1, 000 pounds. They need about 100 pounds of aquatic feed a day.

    Boy: Aquatic feed?

    Man: Oh, that’s underwater plants and vegetation. That’s what they eat.

    Now listen to their talk and match the words with the definitions in the box on page 119.

    1. endangered →b. there aren’t very many of them.

    2. mangrove swamps → d. a place where trees grow in water

    3. habitat → a. the place where something lives

    4. aquatic feed → underwater plants and vegetation

    2b Listening and completing

    Next you are going to complete the chart on page 119 in the middle. Listen to the talk once more for the necessary information.

    Kind of animal Manatee

    Number 2,500 in the US

    Habitat the water under the trees in

    mangrove swamps

    Reason why they are endangered Some of the swamps have become polluted. Also, there sometimes isn’t enough food for all of them.

    description The average manatee is about

    ten feet long and weighs about

    1, 000 pounds. They need

    about 100 pounds of aquatic feed a day.

    In the end you are going to read the tapescript. While reading, you must try to blacken all the predicates, underline all the expressions and circle all the connectives.

    2c Doing pairwork

    You are going to interview a zoo attendant. Now use the facts from above activities to role play a conversation between you and the attendant.

    A: How big are manatees?

    B: They’re about 10 feet long and they weigh about 1,000 pounds.

    A: How much do they eat everyday?

    B: They need about 100 pounds of aquatic feed a day.

    A: What is Aquatic feed?

    B: It is underwater plants and vegetation.

    A: That’s what they eat?

    B: Yes, it is.

    A: Are manatees endangered?

    B: Yes, they are endangered. But, we’re trying to save them.

    A: Wait a moment. Why are they endangered?

    B: Because their homes are disappearing.

    A: Where do they live?

    B: They live in the swamps. And they have become polluted. They are endangered also because there sometimes isn’t enough food for all of them.

    A: I am sorry to hear that. There used to be a lot of manatees, but now there aren’t very many of them left, I think.

    B: You are right. At this point, there are only about 2, 500 in the


    A: Are there any laws to protect them.

    B: Since 1927 laws have been passed protect them.

    A: Thank you for your information.

    3a Reading and underlining

    Turn to page 120. Disgusted has written a letter to the editor. Now read it to underline the reasons why Disgusted is opposed to zoos. While reading remember to box all the connectives, blacken all the predicates. That’s grammar study.

    Dear Editor,

    I am writing to say that I am against building a new zoo in our town. Zoos are terrible places for animals to live. I've visited a lot of zoos in my life, and I have never seen one I liked or one that was suitable for animals to live in. Just last week, I visited a zoo and couldn’t believe what I saw. The animals are kept in tiny cages and can hardly move at all. And they are only given food once a day. Is this a good way for animals to live? I don't think so.



    3b Reading and writing

    A man called Animal Friend wrote a letter to the editor, too. Now read this letter on 120. While reading, underline all the expressions, box all the connectives, and blacken all the predicates. That’s grammar study, too.

    Dear Editor.

    I visited our zoo yesterday and I was very surprised to find hardly anyone there. Zoos are very important places. They are like living textbooks for young people. They provide homes for many endangered animals, and help to educate the public about caring for them. If we don’t support our zoos, they won't have enough money to take care of so many fine animas. I urge all of your readers to visit our wonderful zoo soon.

    Sincerely, Animal friend

    4 Debating

    Next we are going to have a new activity-to debate.

    Let’s make two teams. Team A is to debate against keeping animals in the zoos, and Team B is to debate for keeping animals in the zoos for protection and education of the people.[一起合同网 www.Hc179.cOm]

    Useful expressions

    I think that… I agree with you.

    I believe that… I disagree with you.

    I feel that… I agree with…

    A: I think that animals should not live in the zoos.

    B: I disagree with you. I feel that zoos provide clean and safe places for endangered animals to live.

    A: I don’t think so.

    B: A zoo is a place where many different species of animal are kept and usually can be seen by members of the public.

    A: Why can people go and see the animals in the forest?

    B: In that case, more harm will be done to the animals.

    A: Kept in the zoos animals are losing their natural nature of living.

    B: Most modern zoos are also centers where animals are studied so that more animals in the forest could be saved and protected.

    A: Some rare animals are dying out.

    B: Yes, they are. Rare animals could be preserved when they are in danger of dying out.

    A: You are right in saying that. But I still think that it is not right to put animals in the zoos. They belong to the forest, the river, the sky and the sea.

    Closing by learning about Brown Eared-pheasant(褐马鸡)

    To end this period we shall turn our attention to a rare animal found almost only in Shanxi, China, Brown Eared-pheasant, or褐马鸡 in Chinese.

    This species qualifies as Vulnerable because it may have a small population, and although its numbers within protected areas appear to be stable, elsewhere remaining unprotected and isolated populations are declining (potentially rapidly) through ongoing habitat loss and hunting.

    九年级英语英语教案 篇2


    1. 语言知识目标:

    1) 能掌握以下单词:international,competitor, its, form, clay, balloon,scissors, lively,fairy, heat,polish,complete

    2) 能掌握以下句型:

    ① They are made of bamboo and coveredwithpaper.

    ② According to Chinese history, skylanternswere first used by Zhuge Kongming.

    ③ They are seen as bright symbolsofhappiness and good wishes.

    ④ After drying, they are fired at averyhigh heat.

    2. 情感态度价值观目标:



    1. 教学重点:

    1) 掌握本课时出现的生词及用法。

    2) 进行听力训练,提高综合听说能力。


    2. 教学难点

    1. 听力训练

    2. 阅读2b部分的短文并完成相关要求。


    Step I. Revision

    1. Daily greeting.

    2. Review. 主动语态变被动语态的方法

    Computers areusedto search information.

    The story isoften repeated by the teacher.

    The cats arecarefully looked after by Bill.

    English isn’toften spoken by us at home.


    1. Present thenewwords on the big screen and learn the new words together.

    clay n. 黏土;陶土 balloon n. 气球

    scissors n. 剪刀fairytale 童话故事

    paper cutting 剪纸 celebration n.庆典;庆祝活动

    internationaladj. 国际的

    e.g. The kilogramisthe international standard of weight.


    competitorn. 参赛者;竞争者

    compete (动词)+ or → competitor (名词)

    e.g. We cancompete with the best teams.


    Each competitorshould wear a number.


    formn. 形式;类型

    e.g. Jogging isahealthy form of exercise.


    itsadj. 它的

    e.g. My petdog likes catching biscuits inits mouth.


    livelyv. 生气勃勃的;鲜艳的

    e.g. Mary isalovely young woman with imagination.


    historicaladj. (有关)历史的

    e.g. These arenotjust historical points.


    heat n.热;高温v. 加热;变热

    e.g. Heat thewater,otherwise it will freeze. (动词)


    The heat fromthefire will soon dry your coat. (名词)


    polish v. 磨光;修改;润色

    e.g. Let’spolishthe silver before the guests arrive.


    Would you polishupthe article a bit?


    complete v. 完成

    complete sth. 完成某事

    completedoingsth. 完成做某事

    e.g. They madeeveryeffort to complete the task.


    They havejustcompleted building the bridge.


    2. Ss read andtryto remember the new words.

    Step III. Lead-in

    1. T: Play avideoof the Weifang Kite Festival

    2. Asksomequestions about it.


    1. Do you knowwhatfestival is it?

    It’sWei FangInternational Kite Festival.

    2. Do youlikeflying kites?

    What kind ofkitesdo you have?

    Let some Sstalkabout it.

    Step IV. Listing

    Work on 1a

    1. Do you knowhowto fly a kite? What are kites made of? Write down some materials used inmakingkites.

    2. Let Ssdiscussabout it. Then write down their answers.

    3. Check theanswerstogether.

    bamboo,steel,paper, clothes, cord, knife, scissors and so on.


    Work on 1b:

    1. Tell Ss tolistento a conversation between Laura and Zheng Yun and circle the correctanswers.

    2. Playtherecording for the Ss. Ss just listen for the first time. Play therecordingagain and circle the correct answers.

    3. Checktheanswers:

    Work on 1c:

    1. Let Ss readthesentences in 1c first. Tell Ss to listen again and write L for Laura or ZforZheng Yun.

    2. Playtherecording again for the Ss to listen and write the words.

    3. Ss listen totherecording carefully and try to write down their answers.

    3. Check theanswerswith the class.

    Work on 1d

    Listen againandfill in the blanks with what you hear.

    Ss listen and trytowrite down their answers:

    Check theanswerswith the Ss.


    1. Work inpairs.Role-play a conversation between Laura and Zheng Yun using theinformation in1b - 1d.

    2. Let two Ss makeaconversation as a model:

    A: Where did yougoon vacation?

    B: I went toaninternational kite festival.

    A: Thatsoundsinteresting. What did you see there?

    B: I sawmanydifferent kinds of kites at the festival.

    A: Were thekitesnice?

    B: Yes, theywerebeautiful. They were made of different things like silk or paper. Somewerepainted with colorful drawings.

    A: Sounds likeyoureally enjoyed it. I never thought that something as simple as kiteflyingcould be so exciting.

    B: Yes, itwasreally fun to see which kite could fly the highest.

    A: I think I wanttolearn to fly a kite, too.

    3. See whichgroupsis the best.

    Step VII. Talking

    1. Show somepicturesof the paper cutting on the big screen. Tell Ss they are Chinese papercuttings.It’sone of the Chinese traditional arts.

    T: Do you knowfolkor traditional arts? Now discuss with your partner.

    2. Ask some Sssaywhat they know about the folk or traditional arts.


    Tell Ssthefollowing is about three kinds of Chinese traditional arts.

    Fast Reading:

    1. Read thepassageand complete the chart below.

    Traditionalart form Materials used

    2. Checktheanswers.

    Careful Reading

    Work on 2c:

    1. T: Now let’sreadthe passage again and answers the questions.

    2. Let Ss readthequestions first and make sure they know the meaning of each question.

    3. Ss readthepassage and answer their questions.

    3. Check theanswerswith the class.

    Work on 2d:

    1. Let onestudentread the phrases in the box and translate them into Chinese.

    2. Ss readthesentences and complete the sentences using the correct forms of the phrasesinthe box.

    3. Check theanswerswith the Ss.

    send out;rise into; turns, into; put on;such as; covered with

    Step IX.Languagepoints

    1. These usuallytryto show the things that are important in life, such as love, beauty andfamily.

    such as和for example都有“例如”的意思,但是它们的用法有所不同。

    九年级英语英语教案 篇3

    1. this 指离说话人较近的人或物, that 则指离说话人较远的人或物。如:

    This is a book. 这是一本书。(指近处)

    That is a banana tree. 那是一棵香蕉树。(指远处)

    2. 向别人介绍某人时,要说“ This is …”,而不说“ That is …”,也不能说“ He is …”或“ She is …”。如:

    This is Li Mei. Li Mei,this is Wei Hua.


    3. 叙述在一起的两样东西时,先说的用 this ,后说的用 that .如:

    This is a computer. That is a TV set.


    4. 在回答 this 或 that 作主语的疑问句时,要用 it 代替 this 或 that .如:

    - What's this? 这是什么?

    - It's a ruler. 这是尺子。

    - Is that a car? 那是一辆小汽车吗?

    - Yes, it is. 是的。

    其实,我们平时在第一次提到某物时,常用 this 或 that 来指代,后文中再出现此物时,就用 it 来代替 this 或 that 了。

    5. 有时候,人们在打电话时,向对方介绍自己用 this 指代“我( I )”,询问对方则用 that 指代“你( you )”。如:

    - Hello, is that Mike? 喂,你是迈克吗?

    - No, this is Tom. 不,我是汤姆。

    此时切不要用“ I am …”、“ Are you … ? ”或“ Who are you? ”等句式,但可以用 it 替换 this 或 that .如:

    - Hello,is it Mr Green? 你好!你是格林先生吗?

    - Yes,it is Mr Green. Who is it?


    6. 当指性别不明的婴儿、身份不明的人或是只闻其声不见其人的时候,用 it 而不用 this 或 that .如以下敲门时的对话:

    - Who's it? 是谁呀?

    - It's me. 是我。

    最后提醒同学们注意: this 和 is 不能缩写,但 that 、 it 与 is 连用时可分别写为 that's 和 it's .如:

    This is a bike. (不可写成: This's a bike. )

    It is a pencil-box. (可以写成: It's a pencil-box. )

    九年级英语英语教案 篇4

    九年级上册英语第九单元课件: 《Unit 9 I'll help clean up the city parks》

    Teaching Aims and Demands(教学目标):

    Knowledge and Ability objects(知识与能力目标):

    (1)重点词语 :重点掌握如下描绘性的形容词 clean up hunger homeless cheer up give out

    (2)重点句型:I'd like to work outside.

    You could give out food at a food bank



    Course and Methods(过程与方法):可采取小组讨论的方法进行知识与技能的训练,调动已有的知识、根据情景推测句子的含义。

    Moral object(情感态度与价值观目标):通过对本单元的学习,增强爱心,同情心,以及社会责任感。

    Teaching Key Points and Difficulties(教学重、难点)

    1、 Key point:一般将来时的应用。

    2、 Difficult point:一些动词短语的用法。

    Teaching Methods(教学方法):Watching and describing methodslistening methodPairwork

    Teaching Aids(教具):Tape picturessmall blackboardTeaching procedures(教学过程):

    课前练习(practice oral English )看谁有勇气想挑战一下自己。




    展示几张需要帮助的人或事的图片。(如:sick people,homeless children,dirty park,hunger)


    二、句型引入和操练(Presentation and practice)

    1.版书:What can you do to help sick people? I can visit them in the hospital.

    I’d like to buy them some flowers.

    I hope to cheer them up.

    让学生给出不同的回答,强调I’d like to,hope to,volunteer to,could和其他动词的搭配。老师不断强化句型,让学生有个模式进行下面的训练。





    What would you like to do if the classroom is very dirty? I’d Iike to…

    I hope to…





    五、作业 (Homework):











    九年级英语英语教案 篇5



    注:陈述句用that引导。 that只有语法作用,没有实在的意义,在口语和非正式文体中可以省略。例如:

    ·She says, “I am from Shuanggu ”。

    She says that she is from Shuanggu .

    2. She says, “She can’t sleep well ”。

    She says that she can’t sleep well


    1. I hear (that) _______________________. (一小时后他会回来)

    2. He said (that) ______________________. (他非常想念我们)

    3. The teacher told us (that)_________________.(地球围着太阳转)

    (二)、由从属连词whether, if 引导的宾语从句。If和whether在句中的意思是“是否”。例如:

    ·He wants to know, “Is Tan Dun a world

    famous composer?” (改为宾语从句)

    He wants to know ifwhether Tan Dun is a world-famouscomposer.

    2.“HasTan built a bridge between the East and the West?” he asks. (改为宾语从句)

    He asks ifwhether Tan has built a bridge between theEast and the West.


    1. I want to know ___________________.(他是否跟我们一起去公园)

    2. Ask him _____________________. (他是否能来)

    3. I don’t know ___________________________.(是否要下雨)

    (注意:当句末为or not时,引导词只能用whether而不能用if.)


    I don’t know _____ he will come or not.

    2.I don’t care of ______ heis taller than the other players.

    3.He wondered ______ to remain there foranother week.

    4. ______ this is true or not, I’m not sure.


    1.whether引导的从句常可以与连词or或or not直接连用。

    2. whether及其引导的成分可放于介词之后,作介词的宾语。

    3. whether可以引导带to的不定式。

    4. 当宾语从句提到句首时,只能用whether引导。


    1. The young man asked it's summer or winter.

    A. either B. that C. if D. whether

    2. We don't know they did it .

    A. whether B. who C. what D. which

    3.Does anybody know Tan Dun is famous for “WATER” or not .

    A. if B. where C. whether D. that


    1.I want to know if he _______ (come) tomorrow.

    If he _______(come). Please tell me.

    2.Can you tell me whenhe________ (appear) ?

    Please call me when he _______ (appear).

    三、由连接代词what, whom, whose, which, what及连接副词 when,where, how, why引导的宾语从句


    n Do you know who (whom) they are waiting for?

    n He asked whose handwriting was the best.

    n Can you tell me where the No.3 bus stop is?

    n I don’t know why the train is late.


    1.He asked __________________________. (谁能回答这个问题)

    2.Do you know_________________________. (他们在等谁)

    3. Can you tell me .(他在哪儿)

    4. Could you tell me ______________________ .(我该怎么去车站)

    5. Would you tell me ______________ .(为什么火车迟到了)



    Jim_______ ( be ) a worker two years ago.

    Jim ( be ) an English teacher now.

    Jim ( cook ) dinner tomorrow .

    Jim ( sing )a popular songnow.

    Jim ( be ) to the Great Walltwice . J


    He will go to Hong Kong.

    2) He is sick.

    3) He is reading a book .

    4) He has finished his work.

    1) He_________ to Hong Kong.

    2) He_____ sick.

    3) He ___________ a book .

    4) He____________



    1)These flowers are from Guangdong. He said.

    He said ____ these flowers _______ from Guangdong.

    2)Light travels faster than sound. My teacher told me.

    My teacher told me _____ light _______ faster thansound.

    3)Are the children playing games? Tell me.

    Tell me ______ the children ______ ______ games.

    4)Have you finished your homework yet? Mr. Zhao asked MaChao

    Mr. Zhao asked Ma Chao _______ _______ ______ _____ _____homework yet. 三、宾语从句的语序

    宾语从句的语序应为陈述句的语序。例如:1. “I am having an English lesson.” He said to me .

    He told me that he was having an English lesson.

    2. “I will play basketball .” Spud said.

    Spud said that he would play basketball


    n I think (that) you will like this school soon.

    n Can you tell me how I can get to the zoo?

    n Please tell me when we’ll have the meeting

    九年级英语英语教案 篇6

    Topic 8: Interpersonal relationships(话题复习)教学设计:


    一.Teaching aims

    1. Continue talking about people

    2. Let the students know how to help people

    3. Writing Practice

    二、 Emotion aims

    Get the students to know the importance of helping others

    三、 Important and difficult points: 在写作中怎样正确套用句型

    四、Teaching Steps

    Step 1.Review what the students have reviewed last lesson.

    Step 2. Tell the students how to get high marks in writing

    Step 3. Writing Practice

    Step 4 Summary

    What have we reviewed this class?

    Step 5 Homework

    写作练习一: ____________________________________________________________________________




    九年级英语英语教案 篇7


    1. 叫醒 wake up

    2. 关掉 turn off3. 担心 be worried about4. 出差 on business5. 整天 all day long 6. 依靠 depend on7. 厌烦 be bored with 8. 照顾 look after9. 许多 plenty of10. 两个 a couple of11. 注意 be careful with 12. 整理 tidy up13. 不善于 bad at14. 玩得开心 have fun15. 请求 ask...for...


    1. so...that... 如此……以至于……

    2. be about to... 即将……3. I am sure that... 我确定……4. unable to do... 不能做


    so...that...意为“如此……以至于…… ”,so 后接形容词或副词的原级,表示程度,that 引导的是结果状语从句,例如:He has so many friends here that he doesn’t feel lonely at all. 在这儿他有很多朋友以至于他一点也不感到孤独。

    although / though 作连词,意为“虽然;尽管;然而”,引导让步状语从句,例如:I exercised for half an hour though I was a little bit tired today. 尽管我今天有点累,我还是锻炼了半个小时。Although / though 引导让步状语从句时,不能与 but 同时使用,但可以与 yet, still 连用。



