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  • 一般现在时课件




    一般现在时课件 篇1


    1、 导入:同学们,前面我们陆续已经学习了好几个语法,我们一起来回忆下都有哪些?(板书:名词;be动词;代词;用英语表达“有”)。现在我们一起来欣赏一篇文章

    There are four people in my family. They are my father, mother, sister and I.

    I am a student. I like English. I always go to school on foot. My father is a driver. He likes reading book. My mother is a nurse. She works in No.1 hospital. Usually , my mother goes to work by car. My little sister is a cute baby. She can sing and dance.

    We like sports and we often run in the morning .What about you?

    Ok,我们一起来看下红色部分的单词like—likes--like    go—goes  ; 这些单词有什么不同?它们的意思是一样的吗?有变化吗?对了,没有,意思没变,这些变化都是由语法造成的,动词的变化不会影响意思。这个语法就是我们今天要学的一般现在时。

    什么是一般现在时呢?我们昨天做的事叫过去时,现在做的事叫现在进行时,明天或以后做的事,叫将来时,那什么是一般现在时呢?  吃饭,你昨天吃了,今天吃不吃,明天又吃不吃? 睡觉,你昨天睡觉了,今天睡觉吗,明天还睡觉吗?学习,你昨天学习了,今天还要学习,明天还是要学习。这些事情都是经常要做的事情,就叫一般现在时,还有一种情况也是,就是真理性的东西,比如,the  moon goes around the sun.月亮绕着太阳转  the sky is blue.天空是蓝色的 I am a chinese.我是一个中国人 you are a student.你是一个学生 she is my mother.她是我妈妈。


    经常做的事情,如,我走路去上学,这句话还不够清晰,你是天天走路去上学呢还是有时走路去上学,为了把我们做的事表达的`更清楚,我们经常会加上一个时间状语的单词。如:I go to school on foot everyday. I usually go to school on foot.那这些表示时间的单词一般有以下几个:

    every每个(everyday每天 everyyear每年 …), always总是,usually通常, often经常, sometimes有时;这些单词按频率由多到少是:比如:我走路去上学,10天内,天天走路,那就是everyday;有9天是走路,那就是always;有8天走路,就是usually;7天,often;3-4天,就用sometimes.


    We like sports and we often run in the morning .—人称:we 是第一人称复数

    He likes reading book.                     – 人称:he 是第三人称单数

    I like English. I always go to school on foot.    – 人称:I 是第一人称单数

    She works in No.1 hospital.                 – 人称:she是第三人称单数

    Usually , my mother goes to work by car.      – 人称:my mother 是第三人称单数

    第三人称单数(除I we you 外的单数)很孤独,后面的动词加多个s或es给它做伴。到底动词加多个s还是es给它做伴呢?请记住以下规则:这个规则跟我们的名词变复数有几点是一样的。

    三单变化1) 多数在动词后加s: play—plays  like—likes

    2)以s,o,x,sh,ch结尾的动词加es  go—goes  wash—washes

    这里我们要特别注意have 的第三人称单数是 has 。 has 的原形是have

    只有第三人称单数用动词三单,其余动词均用原形. We like English.   She likes English.

    1. work___ read___ clean__ write___   这一组最后一个字母都不在我们的规则里,所以直接加s

    2. teach__ wash___guess___watch___  这一组最后一个字母是ch,sh,s,ch,变化规则里有一条是这样说的,sos sh ch结尾的加es,所以加es

    3. go__ do__这一组最后一个字母是o,变化规则里有一条是这样说的,sos sh ch结尾的加es,所以加es

    4. study___fly___cry___play___这一组都是以y结尾,变化规则里有一条是这样说的,以辅音加y结尾,把y变i加es. 这里study fly cry 这三个单词都是以辅音加y 结尾,所以 加es. 但是 play 是原音加y,不属于这个规则,所以直接加s .

    5. have______ have 的第三人称单数是has。它是不符合规则变化的,has的原形就是have.


    1. We often___________(play) in the playgound. 第一,时间状语:often,是一般现在时;第二,人称:we动词用原形

    2. Danny          (study) English,Chinese,Maths,Science and Art at school. 第一,时间状语:无,是一般现在时;第二,人称:Danny是第三人称单数 ,动词要变化;study 是以辅音加y 结尾,把y 变i加es

    3.  He _________(get) up at six o’clock everyday. 第一,时间状语:everyday,是一般现在时;第二,人称:he是第三人称单数,动词要变化;get 最后一个字母是t 所以直接加s

    4.  Mike sometimes ______(go) to the park with his sister. 第一,时间状语:sometimes,是一般现在时;第二,人称:Mike是第三人称单数 ,动词要变化;go 是以o 结尾,加es

    前面学there be 时我们曾做过把有变成没有,否定句。还记得步骤吗?

    第一,找be,第二,在be后加not, 第三,some/ many 变any. 其它照抄.

    1、There is a book on the desk .

    --There is not a book on the desk.

    2、There are many apples on the tree.

    —There are not any apples on the tree.

    3、There is some water in the bottle.

    --There is not any water in the bottle.

    在我们今天学的一般现在时里,也有be,它变否定也是一样的。步骤:第一,找be,第二,在be后加not, 第三,some/ many 变any. 其它照抄. 这里还有一个单词can 变否定跟be是一样的。所以我们这的步骤要稍微变一下,记下来:第一,找be或can,第二,在be或后加not, 第三,检查有没some/ many, 有的话要把some/ many 变any. 其它照抄.

    一般现在时课件 篇2


    如: We clean the classroom。 我们打扫教室。


    如:The classroom is cleaned (by us)。 教室被(我们)打扫。


    助动词be +及物动词的过去分词+(by+宾语)其中by意为“被;由”,表动作的执行者。 如:The glass is broken by that boy。



    如:English is widely spoken around the world。 (肯定式)

    English is not widely spoken around the world。 (否定式)

    Is English widely spoken around the world? (疑问式)

    Yes, it is。/No, it isn’t。


    在没有指明动作的执行者或者不知道动作执行者的情况下可用被动语态。如:This coat is made of cotton。这件大衣是棉制的。 ·要强调动作的承受者而不是执行者时,用被动语态。 如:Her bike is stolen。她的自行车被偷了。

    1。 主动、被动互转时,时态不变,但有人称和数的变化。主动句的主语是代词的主格形式,变成被动态by的宾语时,要用宾格形式。主动句的宾语是代词的宾格形式,变成被动时,要转换为主格。如:

    (1)People grow rice in the south。

    (2)Rice is grown (by people) in the south。

    (3) She takes care of the baby。

    (4)The baby is taken care of (by her)。

    2。含有情态动词的被动语态 情态动词 + be + 及物动词的过去分词 +(by+宾语) 如:

    The work can be done。


    Other planets may be visited in the future。


    3。主动句中的宾语补足语如果是不带to的不定式,在变被动句时,要加上to 。使役动词make/ have/ let sb do sth 及感官动词see/ hear/ feel/ notice sb to do sth 如:

    they heard a girl sing in the next room (by them)。


    肯定句:主语+ am / is / are + 动词的过去分词 +(by+人代宾格 )+ 其他

    eg 。English is studied (by us ) every day。

    否定句::主语+ am / is / are + not + 动词的过去分词 +(by+人代宾格 )+ 其他

    eg。 English is not studied (by us ) every day。

    疑问句:Is English not studied (by us ) every day。?

    特殊疑问句:What/Where/When+ am / is / are +主语+动词的过去分词+ 其他?

    一般现在时课件 篇3








    Step 1组织上课,师生互相问候。

    Step 2导入:通过时态大比拼游戏来导入本节课所要复习的语法。

    T:Wow, look! There are three gifts here. And there are three surprises in them . Do you want to have a look?


    Step 3 Practice.

    T:Look at this picture. What is Uncle Wang doing now?

    T: Look at that picture . What does Uncle Wang do every Friday morning?

    Ss: He works on the computer.

    T: Good job! Look these two pictures. I want you to ask and answer in pairs like what we did just now. Who are volunteers?


    2、Look and write.

    Finish the passage according to the pictures on the screen.

    He usually in the morning. But today is Sunday. Now he is ……


    Step 4 Sum up.

    T: Look these exercises ,and sum up the uses of Simple present and Present continuous. Then finish the form.





    一般现在时课件 篇4




    I go to school at 6 every morning. 每天早上我七点去上学。

    Summer follows spring. 春天之后是夏天。

    The sun rises in the east. 太阳从东方升起。

    I learned that the earth goes around the sun when I was in primary school. 我在小学就学过地球是围绕太阳转的。

    Pride goes before a fall. 骄者必败。



    在这种情景中,句子常带有表示频率的时间状语:always , everyday , often , once a week (month , year , etc.) , sometimes , seldom , usually等等,以表示句中的动作或状态是习惯性的、经常性的。


    They raise ducks as a sideline .他们以养鸭为副业。

    I cycle to work every day .我每天骑自行车上班。

    用于一般现在时的副词,除了上面提到的一些表示频率的以外,常见的还有:now, today , nowadays等等。




    He can speak five foreign languages .他能说五种外语。

    That is a beautiful city .那是座美丽的城市。

    Changjiang River is one of the longest rivers in the world. 长江是世界上最长的河流之一。

    She majors in music .她主修音乐。

    All my family love football .我全家人都喜欢足球。

    My sister is always ready to help others . 我妹妹总是乐于助人。



    The sun rises in the east .日出东方。

    The earth goes around the sun .地球绕着太阳转。

    Ten minus two is eight.十减二等于八。

    Light travels faster than sound .光的速度比声音的速度快。

    The United States lies by the west coast of the Pacific Ocean. 美国位于太平洋西岸。



    I'll tell him the news when he comes back. 他回来时,我将告诉他这个消息。

    If you take the job , they will talk with you in greater details.


    1.用于某些动词(tell, say, hear, learn, gather等)表示不确定的过去时间。


    I hear that he got married last month. 我听说他上个月结婚了。

    Mary says you told her to come over here. 玛丽说是你让她到这儿来的。



    The story is set in the summer of 1937. 故事的背景是1937年夏天。

    The story begins in the year 1937. 故事开始于1937年。

    一般现在时课件 篇5

    现在一般时(present tense)概念:表示通常性、规律性、习惯性、真理性的状态或者动作(有时间规律发生的'事件)的一种时间状态。

    It never snows in Australia in December.


    They usually go to school by bike.


    He writes to his father twice a month.


    He is a student.

    肯定句式:主语+be( am, is, are)+其它. 如,The color is blue.

    否定句式:主语+be(am, is, are) +not +其它.如,The color is not blue.

    一般疑问句:Be(am, is, are) +主语+其它?.

    注:在这种构成中,be动词有人称和数的变化,即要根据主语选用am / is / are。Be动词分为单数和复数,am和is是表示单数,am只跟I搭配(除了I其余的单数都用is),are表示复数。

    肯定句式:主语(第三人称单数)+动词(第三人称单数形式)+其它,如,He likes it

    否定句式:主语(第三人称单数)+doesn’t+动词(原形)+其它.如:He dosen't like it.

    一般疑问句:Does+主语(第三人称单数)+动词(原形)+其它? Does he like it?

    肯定句式:主语(除了第三人称单数)+动词(原形)+其它 如:I like it

    否定句式:主语(除了第三人称单数)+don’t+动词(原形)+其它.如:I don't like it.

    一般疑问句:Do+主语(除了第三人称单数)+动词(原形)+其它? Do you know it.



    1. He________ TV every evening. (watch)

    2. We always ________ to school on foot. (go)

    3. Tom, with his classmates, often ______ football after school. (play)

    4. Their classroom _________ four big windows. (have)

    5. Your shoes _______ under the bed. (be)

    6. Sorry, I_______ no enough money with me now. (have)

    7. His uncle usually _________ to work by bus. (go)

    8. There _______ no hospitals here ten years ago. (be)

    9. I always ______ up at six in the morning, but I _____up a little later yesterday. (get )

    10. She _______ swim very well when she was five years old. (can)

    一般现在时课件 篇6


    Where do you work? 你在哪里工作?

    The store opens at 9 o'clock. 商店九点开门。

    I usually get up at 7 o'clock. 我通常7点起床。

    She doesn't often go to the cinema. 她不常去看电影。

    The Earth revolves around the Sun. 地球绕着太阳转。

    What does “strange” mean?“strange”是什么意思?

    I love walking around late at night during the summer. 我喜欢在夏天的晚上四处走走。

    What do you like? I don't want to live in Texas. 你喜欢什么?我不想住在德克萨斯州。

    He doesn't agree with you. 他跟你意见不一致。

    I think he is a wonderful student. 我认为他是个极好的学生。

    The plane leaves at 4 p.m. 飞机下午四点起飞。

    When do courses begin this semester? 这学期课程什么时候开始?


    usually, always, often, sometimes, on Saturdays, at weekends (美式英语说 on weekends), rarely, on occasion, never, seldom


    肯定句就是正常的主语+谓语+宾语的`形式了,但是注意第三人称单数后面的动词要加个-s,如果这个动词是-y结尾的,通常要把 -y 改成 -i再加-es

    We eat lunch at noon. 我们中午吃午餐。

    He eats lunch at noon. 他中午吃午餐。

    She tries to have fun. 她尽量玩的开心。

    否定句就是在动词前面加上don't,如果是第三人称单数用doesn't 加上动词原形。

    We don't leave at noon. 我们中午不离开。

    He doesn't leave at noon. 他中午不离开。


    Do we leave at noon? 我们中午走吗?

    Does he leave at noon? 他中午走吗?

    英语中有个特别的动词需要注意,就是 be 动词,它会根据主语人称的不同发生变化。在一般现在时里,主要变化成 am, is, are 三种形式。am 只跟在 I 在一起,is 修饰第三人称单数,are 修饰第二人称以及其他人称的复数形式。

    一般现在时课件 篇7


    一、用来表示经常性、习惯性地动作或者状态,也可以用来表示与规律地做某事。当我们遇到表示经常的时间状语要使用一般现在时,主要有:awalys、often、once a week、every day、every weekend等等。比如:I and my mother gets up early in the every morning.我和我妈妈早上都起得很早。We take part in the party one a week.我们一周参加一次聚会。I need finish my homework every day.我每天需要完成家庭作业。

    二、在“主将从现”的条件状语从句中,我们要是用一般现在时。条件状语从句是指用来表示条件的`状语从句.“主将从现”是指主句用一般将来时的时候,从句要使用一般现在时来表将来。比如:If you came, we will have a trip.如果你来的话,我们就要去旅行。If it is rain, we will give up our plan.如果下雨的话,我们就要放弃计划了。If your mother come back home, we will leave there.如果你妈妈返回家里的话,我们就要离开这里。

    三.可以用来表示生活中的客观事实。这一类表达经常使用一些名人名句中,还有生活常识常识中。比如:The water can became ice when the temperature is low of zero Celcius.当温度在0摄氏度以下,水就会变成冰。The little cat lives with its mother when it is borth.小猫一出生要和妈妈一起生活。

    一般现在时课件 篇8


    1) 经常性或习惯性的动作,常与表示频腮度的时间状语连用。时间状语: every…, sometimes, at…, on Sunday。例如:

    I leave home for school at 7 every morning. 每天早上我七点离开家。

    2) 客观真理,客观存在,科学事实。例如:

    The earth moves around the sun. 地球绕太阳转动。

    Shanghai lies in the east of China. 上海位于中国东部。

    3) 表示格言或警句。例如:

    Pride goes before a fall. 骄者必败。


    例:Columbus proved that the earth is round. 哥伦布证实了地球是圆的。

    4) 现在时刻的状态、能力、性格、个性。例如:

    I dont want so much. 我不要那么多。

    Ann writes good English but does not speak well. 安英语写得不错,讲的可不行。

    比较:Now I put the sugar in the cup. 把糖放入杯子。

    I am doing my homework now. 我正在做功课。


    1)在确定的过去时间里所发生的动作或存在的状态。例如:时间状语有:yesterday, last week, an hour ago, the other day, in 1982等。例如:

    Where did you go just now? 刚才你上哪儿去了?


    When I was a child, I often played football in the street. 我是个孩子的时候,常在马路上踢足球。

    Whenever the Browns went during their visit, they were given a warm welcome.


    3)句型:It is time for sb. to do sth “到……时间了” “该……了”。例如:It is time for you to go to bed. 你该睡觉了。

    It is time that sb. did sth. “时间已迟了” “早该……了” ,例如It is time you went to bed. 你早该睡觉了。

    would (had) rather sb. did sth. 表示宁愿某人做某事。例如:Id rather you came tomorrow.还是明天来吧。

    4) wish, wonder, think, hope 等用过去时,作试探性的询问、请求、建议等,而一般过去时表示的动作或状态都已成为过去,现已不复存在。例如:I thought you might have some. 我以为你想要一些。

    比较:Christine was an invalid all her life.(含义:她已不在人间。)

    Christine has been an invalid all her life.(含义:她现在还活着)

    Mrs. Darby lived in Kentucky for seven years. (含义:达比太太已不再住在肯塔基州。)

    Mrs. Darby has lived in Kentucky for seven years. (含义:现在还住在肯塔基州,有可能指刚离去)

    1)动词want, hope, wonder, think, intend 等。例如:

    Did you want anything else? 您还要些什么吗?

    I wondered if you could help me. 能不能帮我一下。

    2)情态动词 could, would。例如:

    Could you lend me your bike? 你的自行车,能借用一些吗?

    1) shall用于第一人称,常被will 所代替。will 在陈述句中用于各人称,在征求意见时常用于第二人称。例如:

    Which paragraph shall I read first? 我先读哪一段呢?

    Will you be at home at seven this evening? 今晚七点回家好吗?

    2) be going to +不定式,表示将来。

    a. 主语的意图,即将做某事。例如:What are you going to do tomorrow? 明天打算作什么呢?

    b. 计划,安排要发生的事。例如:The play is going to be produced next month。这出戏下月开播。

    c. 有迹象要发生的事。例如:Look at the dark clouds, there is going to be a storm. 看那乌云,快要下雨了。

    3) be +不定式表将来,按计划或正式安排将发生的事。例如:

    We are to discuss the report next Saturday.我们下星期六讨论这份报告。

    4) be about to +不定式,意为马上做某事。例如:

    He is about to leave for Beijing. 他马上要去北京。

    注意:be about to do 不能与tomorrow, next week 等表示明确将来时的时间状语连用。

    1)下列动词come, go, arrive, leave, start, begin, return的一般现在时可以表示将来,主要用来表示在时间上已确定或安排好的事情。例如:

    The train leaves at six tomorrow morning. 火车明天上午六点开。

    When does the bus star? It stars in ten minutes. 汽车什么时候开?十分钟后。

    2)以here, there等开始的倒装句,表示动作正在进行。例如:

    Here comes the bus. = The bus is coming. 车来了。

    There goes the bell. = The bell is ringing. 铃响了。


    When Bill comes (不是will come), ask him to wait for me. 比尔来后,让他等我。

    Ill write to you as soon as I arrive there. 我到了那里,就写信给你。

    4)在动词hope, take care that, make sure that等的宾语从句中。例如:

    I hope they have a nice time next week. 我希望他们下星期玩得开心。

    Make sure that the windows are closed before you leave the room. 离开房间前,务必把窗户关了。

    下列动词come, go, arrive, leave, start, begin, return等现在进行时可以表示将来。例如:

    Im leaving tomorrow. 明天我要走了。

    Are you staying here till next week? 你会在这儿呆到下周吗?

    现在完成时用来表示之前已发生或完成的动作或状态,其结果的影响现在还存在;也可表示持续到现在的动作或状态。其构成:have (has) +过去分词。



    一般过去时的时间状语:yesterday, last week,…ago, in1980, in October, just now等,皆为具体的时间状语。

    现在完成时的时间状语:for, since, so far, ever, never, just, yet, till/until, up to now, in past years, always等,皆不确定的时间状语。

    共同的时间状语:this morning, tonight, this April, now, already, recently, lately 等。

    3)现在完成时可表示持续到现在的动作或状态,动词一般是延续性的,如live, teach, learn, work, study, know.。

    一般过去时常用的非持续性动词有come, go, leave, start, die, finish, become, get married等。例如:

    I saw this film yesterday. (强调看的动作发生过了)

    I have seen this film. (强调对现在的影响,电影的内容已经知道了)

    Why did you get up so early? (强调起床的'动作已发生过了)

    Who hasnt handed in his paper? (强调有卷子未交,疑为不公平竞争)

    He has been in the League for three years. (在团内的状态可延续)

    He has been a League member for three years. (是团员的状态可持续)

    句子中如有过去时的时间副词(如yesterday, last, week, in 1960)时,不能使用现在完成时,要用过去时。

    (错)Tom has written a letter to his parents last night.

    (对)Tom wrote a letter to his parents last night.

    1)It is the first / second time.... that…结构中的从句部分,用现在完成时。例如:

    It is the first time that I have visited the city. 这是我第一次访问这城市。

    This is the first time (that) Ive heard him sing. 这是我第一次听他唱歌。

    注意:It was the third time that the boy had been late.

    2)This is +形容词最高级+that…结构,that 从句要用现在完成时。例如:

    This is the best film that Ive (ever) seen. 这是我看过的最好的电影。

    ----|----------|--------|----> 其构成是had +过去分词构成。

    a. 在told, said, knew, heard, thought等动词后的宾语从句。例如:

    She said (that)she had never been to Paris. 她告诉我她曾去过巴黎。


    When the police arrived, the thieves had run away. 警察到达时,小偷们早就跑了。

    c. 表示意向的动词,如hope, wish, expect, think, intend, mean, suppose等,用过去完成时表示“原本…,未能…”。例如:

    We had hoped that you would come, but you didnt. 那时我们希望你能来,但是你没有来。

    3) 过去完成时的时间状语before, by, until , when, after, once, as soon as。例如:

    He said that he had learned some English before. 他说过他以前学过一些英语。

    By the time he was twelve, Edison had began to make a living by himself. 到了十二岁那年,爱迪生开始自己谋生。

    Tom was disappointed that most of the guests had left when he arrived at the party.


    1) 两个动作如按顺序发生,又不强调先后,或用then,and,but 等连词时,多用一般过去时。例如:

    When she saw the mouse,she screamed. 她看到老鼠,就叫了起来。

    My aunt gave me a hat and I lost it. 姑妈给了我一顶帽子,我把它丢了。

    2 ) 两个动作相继发生,可用一般过去时;如第一个动作需要若干时间完成,用过去完成时。例如:

    When I heard the news, I was very excited.

    3) 叙述历史事实,可不用过去完成时,而只用一般过去时。例如:

    Our teacher told us that Columbus discovered America in 1492.

    a. 状态完成:表示某事继续到将来某一时为止一直有的状态。例如:

    They will have been married for 20 years by then. 到那时他们结婚将有二十年了。

    b. 动作完成:表示将来某一时或另一个将来的动作之前,已经完成的动作或获得的经验。例如:

    You will have reached Shanghai by this time tomorrow. 明天此时,你已经到达上海了


    a. 表示现在(指说话人说话时)正在发生的事情。例如:

    We are waiting for you. 我们正在等你。


    Mr. Green is writing another novel. 他在写另一部小说。(说话时并未在写,只处于写作的状态。)

    c. 表示渐变,这样的动词有:get, grow, become, turn, run, go, begin等。例如:

    The leaves are turning red. 叶子在变红。

    Its getting warmer and warmer. 天越来越热了。

    d. 与always, constantly, forever 等词连用,表示反复发生的动作或持续存在的状态,往往带有说话人的主观色彩。例如:

    You are always changing your mind. 你老是改变主意。


    3) 常用的时间状语有this morning, the whole morning, all day yesterday, from nine to ten last evening, when, while等。例如:

    My brother fell while he was riding his bicycle and hurt himself. 我兄弟骑车时摔了下来,受了伤。

    It was raining when they left the station. 他们离开车站时,正下着雨。

    When I got to the top of the mountain, the sun was shining. 我到达山顶时,阳光灿烂。

    1) 概念:表示将来某时进行的状态或动作,或按预测将来会发生的事情。例如:

    Shell be coming soon. 她会很快来的。

    Ill be meeting him sometime in the future. 将来我一定去见他。

    注意:将来进行时不用于表示“意志”,不能说 Ill be having a talk with her.

    2)常用的时间状语有soon, tomorrow, this evening,on Sunday, by this time,tomorrow, in two days, tomorrow evening等。例如:By this time tomorrow, Ill be lying on the beach. 明天此时,我正躺在海滩上呢。

    When, while, before, after, till, once, as soon as, so long as, by the time, if, in case (that), unless, even if, whether, the moment, the minute, the day, the year, immediately等引导的时间状语从句,条件句中,用一般现在时代替将来时。例如:

    He is going to visit her aunt the day he arrives in Beijing. 他一到北京,就去看他姨妈。

    1 ) “书上说”,“报纸上说”等。例如:

    The newspaper says that its going to be cold tomorrow. 报纸上说明天会很冷的。

    2) 叙述往事,使其生动。例如:

    Napoleons army now advances and the great battle begins.拿破仑的队正在向前挺进,大战开始了

    1) 有些动词用一般现在时代替完成时,如hear, tell, learn, write , understand, forget, know, find , say, remember等。例如:

    I hear (= have heard) he will go to London. 我听说了他将去伦敦。

    I forget (=have forgotten) how old he is. 我忘了他多大了。

    2) 用句型 “ It is … since…”代替“It has been … since …”。例如:

    It is (= has been) five years since we last met. 从我们上次见面以来,五年过去了。

    18. 一般现在时代替现在进行时。

    在Here comes…/There goes…等句型里,用一般现在时代替现在进行时。例如:

    There goes the bell. 铃响了。

    1) 表示即将发生的或预定中计划好的活动。例如:

    Are you staying with us this weekend? 和我们一起度周末好吗?

    We are leaving soon. 我们马上就走。

    2) 渐变动词,如get, run, grow, become, begin以及瞬间动词die等。例如:

    He is dying. 他要死了。

    1) 如果从句所叙述的为真理或相对不变的事实,则用现在时。例如:

    At that time, people did not know that the earth moves. 那时,人们不知道地球是动的。

    He told me last week that he is eighteen. 上星期他告诉我他十八岁了。

    2) 宾语从句中的,助动词ought, need, must, dare 的时态是不变的。例如:

    He thought that I need not tell you the truth. 他认为我不必告诉你真相。


    1.I will tell him as soon as he _____ back

    A. come B. comes C. will come D. came

    2. Mary _____ on shoes when she ____ them.

    A. tries…buys B. tries… buies C. trys… buys D. trys… buies

    3. The girl often ______ cold when she ______.

    A. cathcs…dances B. catches… dances C. catchs…dancees D. catches… dancee

    4. _____ he ____ himself there? No, I dont think so.

    A. Do…enjoy B. Does… enjoies C. Does… enjoys D. Does…enjoy

    5. _____ your teacher ____ from them very often? Certainly.

    A. Do…hear B. Does…hear C. Do… receive D. receive

    6. _____ your mother _____ some cleaning on Sundays?

    A. Does…does B. Do…does C. Does…do D. Do… do

    7. _____ Tom _____to work hard to help his family ? Yes, he _____.

    C. Does…has…has D. Does… have…does

    8. Which teacher _____ lessons to you every day ?

    A. does …gives B. does… give C. do… give D. gives

    9. Smith does not go fishing on weekdays, ____? _____ , he does.

    A. does he…No B. does he…Yes C. doesnt he…No D. doesnt he…Yes

    10.Mr Black often _____ fishing on Sundays, _____ he ?

    C. doesnt go…does D. doesnt go…is

    11.He usually _____ TV on Sunday evening.

    A. watch B. watches C. watching D. is watching

    12. Well go to play with snow if it ______ tomorrow.

    A. snow B. snows C. will snow D. snowed

    13. Neither I nor he ______ French.

    A. speak B. doesnt speak C. speaks D. doesnt speak

    14. Nobody ______ how to run this machines.

    A . know B. have known C. knows D. is knowing

    15. The Young Pioneer _____ water for the old man every day.

    A. carry B. bring C. takes D. carries

    16. Some are ______ in the river and some are ______ games.

    A. swimming… playing B. swimming…plaiing

    C. swimming… I playing D. swimming…plaing

    17. Look ! The boy students are _____ football while the girls are _____ .

    A. playing… dance B. playing… dancing

    18. He _____ to do his lessons at eight every evening.

    A. is beginning B. is beginning C. begin D. begins

    19. _____ he _____ on well with his friends this term ?

    A. Does…gets B. Does…get C. Is…getting D. Is…geting

    20. Mr Smith _____ short stories, but he ____ a TV play these days.

    A. is writing…is writing B. is writing… writes

    C. writes… is writing D. writes… writes


    1—5 BABDB 6—10 CDDBA 11—15 BBCCD 16—20 CBDCC

    一般现在时课件 篇9


    实义动词的一般现在时如果句子的动词不是be 动词 “am is are” 而是其他实义动词, 疑问句和否定句要借助于助动词“do”或者 “does”, 也就是说be 动词和实义动词原形不能同时使用。 这里的 “do”,“does” 本身没有什么意义,只是帮助构成疑问句和否定句.“do”和 “does”的使用要随着人称的变化而变化。请看下面两组句子,注意区分他们的共同点和不同点。

    肯定句:I go to school every day.

    否定句:I don't go to school every day.

    单三形式 肯定句:He goes to school every day. 否定句:He doesn't go to school every day.

    Do you go to school every day? -----------Does he go to school every day?

    Yes, I do. (No, I don't) --------------Yes, he does. (No, he doesn't)

    否定句为:主语+助动词doesn't+动词原形+宾语 疑问句为:Does+主语+动词原形+宾语


    注:第三人称单数用了 does 后面就不用动词的s形式了,而用动词原形.

    动词的一般现在时态, 除了第三人称单数(he she it) 外,其余都用动词原形。

    否定句为:主语+助动词don't+动词原形+宾语 疑问句为:Do+主语+动词原形+宾语


    注:变为疑问句,要在句首加“do” ; 变为否定句, 要在动词前面加“do not”, 可以简写为 “don't”.

    构成 现在进行时的构成是:主语+be动词(am /is /are)+动词ing形式〔现在分词〕 肯定句:主语+be动词(am /is /are)+动词ing+其他。

    否定句:主语+be动词(am /is /are)+not+动词ing+其他。

    肯定回答:Yes,主语+be动词(am /is /are)。

    否定回答:No,主语+be动词(am /is /are)+not。

    注:is not可以缩写成isn‘t,are not可以缩写成aren’t,但是am not在现代英语中不可以缩写——古英语及诗歌中am not缩写成ain‘t。

    时间状语 可用来表示现在进行时的时间状语,常用的有:now,this week,at the moment,right now 等;或者告诉你一个准确的现在时间,或者用look,listen(常用于句子的开头,表示提醒听者注意正在发生的事情)。例如:

    ◇They are playing basketball now.


    ◇Listen, She is singing an English song.


    ◇Look at the picture. The children are flying kites in the park. 看这幅图。那些孩子正在公园放风筝。

    ◇We are making model planes these days.


    ◇It's 6:30 now. I am getting up.


    ◇Are they putting up the scaffolding? Yes, they are. / No, they aren't.

    ◇Is he showing a foreign guest round the city? Yes, he is. / No, he isn't.


    ◇I am not working.

    ◇He isn't runnig or the track.

    ◇The students aren't playing football.

    使用场合 1、当句中出现的表示时间的词是now,at the moment,;(此刻、现在)等时,表示句子要说明的是现在正在发生的事,动词应用现在进行时。

    ◇Linda's brother is watching TV in his bedroom now.


    ◇We're far from home. What are our parents doing at the moment?


    2、当句中出现的时间状语是these days,this week,this month,this term 等时,如果句子所要表达的意义是在这一阶段正在发生的事,则动词应用现在进行时。

    ◇These days we are helping the farmers work on the farm.


    ◇They're having a test this week.


    ◇Mr Cheng is visiting our village this month.


    3、在句中出现了Look,Listen,Can't you see? 等暗示词时,说明后面谓语动词的动作正在发生,该动词应用现在进行时。

    ◇Look! Maria and Tom are dancing under the tree.


    ◇Listen! Our English teacher is singing the popular English song.


    ◇Many children are swimming in the river. Can't you see?



    ◇— Where is Mr Wang?


    ◇— Oh, he is reading a newspaper in the office.

    — 噢,他正在办公室看报。


    ◇—Is that boy Jack?


    ◇— No,Jack is doing his homework in the classroom.



    ◇They’re getting married next month.




