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  • >九年级英语课件经典十二篇
  • 九年级英语课件




    九年级英语课件 篇1


    1. 语言知识目标:

    1) 学习掌握下列单词和短语:block, in linewith, worker, stare, disbelief, above,burn, burning, alive, airport, till ,west

    2) 能掌握以下句型:

    Life is full oftheunexpected.

    I was about to goupwhen I decided to get a coffee first.

    As I was waitinginline with other office workers, I heard a loud sound.

    Before I coldjointhe others outside to see what was going on, the first plane had alreadyhit myoffice building.

    3) 进一步熟练掌握过去完成时的用法。

    2. 情感态度价值观目标:

    1) 通过学习使学生认识到生活中充满着许多出乎预料的事件,培养学生正确看待事物的积极心态。




    1. 教学重点:


    block, in linewith,worker, stare, disbelief, above, burn, burning, alive, airport, till ,west

    2) 学会用过去完成时叙述自己曾经有的特别的一天。

    2. 教学难点:



    Ⅰ. Revision

    1. Could youpleasemake sentences with these words and phrases below?

    unexpectedadj. 出乎意料的

    by the time … 在……以前

    backpackn. 背包

    oversleepv. 睡过头;睡得太久

    2. Please makeyourown sentences.

    By the time Igothome, _____________.

    By the time Icamein, ______________.

    By the time I gottoschool, __________.

    By the time thebellrang, ___________.

    By the time Igotup, _______________.

    3. Retell thestoryof Mary’sbad day according to the pictures in 1a and 2a.

    Ⅱ. Discussion

    Tell Ss Life isfullof the expected. Did you experience the expected things? Share your storywiththe class.

    Ⅲ. Reading

    Work on 3a. Readthepassage and answer the questions:

    1) Which twoeventsdoes the writer mention?

    2) How didthewriter end up missing both events?

    1. Ask Ss to havealook at the questions before they start.

    2. Let Ss completethework on their own.

    3. After awhile,ask some students to report their answers to the class.Write the events on the blackboard as theyreport.

    Keys: 1. Thewritermentions the September 11 attack in New York and the

    earthquake inNewZealand.

    2. The writerwent to get a coffee first andwas not in the office when the plane hit theWorld Trade Center. He/she hadoverslept and missed his/her flight, so he/shewas able to avoid theearthquake.

    4. Aftercheckingthe answers, tell students to read the article again more carefully.

    Tell them tofindout the words or sentences which they can’tunderstand this time.

    Do someexplanationand make sure that the students make everything clear about thearticle.

    5. Ask studentstopick out the sentences with the Past Perfect Tense.Tell them to underline them and come upwith thereason to use the tense.




    第一段:found a job,arrived at, was about to, eventhough, stared, in disbelief, the burningbuilding alive

    第二段:woke up, went off,had taken off , till,unexpectedly , turned into

    Ⅳ. Careful Reading

    Work on 3b.

    1. Ask Ss toreadthe passage again and find words from the passage with opposite meanings tothewords below.

    1. lost --2.west-- 3. below -- 4. dead --5. empty --

    Keys: 1.found 2. east3. up4. alive 5. full

    2. Let Ss writeasentence with each word on their own.

    e.g. I foundthemoney on the floor.

    1. Askseveral students to write their sentenceson the blackboard.

    2. Check their answers together.

    V. Practice

    Finish 3c.

    1. Work inpairs.Retell one of the events to your partner.

    2. Ask some Sstoretell one of the events to the class. Practice their skills.

    Keys: OnSeptember11, 2001, I arrived at my building in the morning and was about toenter theoffice building, when suddenly I decided to buy a coffee. Theunexpected thingcame about when I was waiting in the line that a plane crashedthe officebuilding where I work. People were staring at the burning plane indisbelief.How dangerous it was!

    Ⅵ. Language points

    1. I was about togoup when I decided to get a coffee first.

    be aboutto 忙于;即将做某事。侧重于表示动作马上就要发生,常与when引导的从句连用,但不与具体的时间状语连用。

    e.g. One of myfriends is about to have hersecond baby.


    2. I went tomyfavorite coffee place even though it was two blocks east from my office.

    eventhough 即使,虽然,尽管,用于引导让步状语从句。

    blockn. 街区

    e.g. He’sthe best teacher, even though hehas the least experience.


    3. We staredindisbelief at the black smoke rising above the burning building.

    stare v. 盯着看,凝视

    表示看得比较仔细,有时候也带有吃惊的意味去看,常与at, into连用。

    e.g. Don’t stare at me like that.别那样盯着我看。

    in disbelief 不相信,疑惑,怀疑

    e.g. Tamarastaredat him in disbelief, shaking her head.


    She lookedat him in disbelief.她全然不信地看着他。

    above prep.

    1)(表示位置)在…正上方;高于”(与 below相对)。

    e.g. Thatbighigh-rise above us is where Brian lives.


    He liftedhis hands above his head. 他将双手举过头顶。

    2) 表示在地位、级别、能力、资历、重要性等方面“超过”、“在……之上”、“比……强”。

    e.g. He is abovetheothers in ability.他的能力优于其他人。

    He is aboveme in every way.他各个方面都比我强。

    3) adv. 在上面

    e.g. There aresnowypeaks above.上面是白雪皑皑的群峰。

    See theexamples given above.见上述例子。

    burnv. 着火,燃烧

    (burnt, burnt/burned, burned)

    burning adj. 着火的;燃烧的

    e.g. Ouch! Thesandis so hot! I can burn my feet.


    He wastrapped in a burning house.


    4. I felt luckytobe alive.

    alive 一般作表语;也可以作后置定语或宾补。“活(着)的;在世的;(继续)存在的”;反义词是dead。

    e.g. Do youknow she’salive? 你知道她还活着吗?

    People aliveshould try their best to livebetter. (后置定语)


    Tom was keptalive in the big fire.

    ( 宾补) 汤姆在这次大火中活下来了。

    辨析 alive, living, lively

    alive “活着的”,在句中常作表语或定语。作表语时,常可与 living互换;作定语时,常要放在被修饰词之后。



    5. But by the timeIgot to the airport, my plane to New Zealand had already taken off.

    airport n. 机场

    takeoff 脱掉;起飞

    e.g. He tookoff his hat and bowed as hepassed.他经过时脱帽鞠躬。

    We eventuallytook off at 11 o’clockandarrived in Venice at 1:30.

    我们终于在11点起飞,1:30 到达威尼斯。

    VII. Exercises


    1. 我在动物园里见过活鳄鱼。

    I have seen a_____crocodile in the zoo.

    2. 他是那场火灾中唯一活下来的人。

    He is theonlyperson ____ in the fire.

    3. 露西是个活泼的孩子,大家都喜欢她。

    Lucy is a_____child and everyone likes her.

    4. Theboy____________________ (正要开始) but someone spokefirst.

    5. Hurry up.Thetrain ______________ (马上就要开了).

    Keys: living,alive,lively, was just about to begin, is about to start


    Recall theunexpectedin your daily life and try to tell them to your friends in English.

    九年级英语课件 篇2
































    九年级英语课件 篇3

    Unit 2.

    plain to …… about …… 向 ……抱怨……

    74.post sth. for sb. 替某人寄某物

    ok/make dinner 做晚饭

    76.do the laundry 做洗衣服的活

    77.make the bed 整理床铺

    78.iron the shirts 熨烫衬衫

    79.sweep the floor 扫地

    80.explore dangerous places 探测危险的地方

    81.own a robot 拥有机器人

    82.change one's life a lot 改变某人的生活许多

    83.buy … from … 从…… 买……

    84.sell … to … 把……卖给……

    85.do housework 做家务活

    86.do homework 做家庭作业

    87.stay in bed 呆在床上

    88.return home from work /school 下班回家/ 放学回家

    89.be happy / pleased / satisfied with 对……满意

    90.be ready for sth. 为……做好了准备

    91.be ready to do sth. 为做某事做好了准备

    92.get ready for sth. 为……做准备

    93.get ready to do sth. 为做某事做准备

    94.go wrong 出毛病, 走错路

    95.catch a virus 染上病毒

    96.cause a lot of problems 引起许多麻烦

    97.wake sb. up 叫醒某人

    98.wake up 醒来

    99.knock sth. over 碰翻

    100.knock on /at sth. 敲(门……)

    101.do with(what) 处理 ,对付

    102.deal with (how) 处理,对付

    103.return sth. to sb. = give back sth. to sb .把……还给……

    104.return to sp.=go / come back to sp. 回到某地

    105.fall to the ground 掉到地上

    106.eat sth. for sb. 替某人吃某物

    107.make a mess 搞成一团糟

    108.throw sth. into sp.along with sth. 把……和……一道扔进……里

    109.use sth. to do sth. 用……做某事

    110.keep my flat as clean as new 保持我的公寓和新的一样干净

    111.pay for 支付

    112.That sounds good. 那听起来很好。

    113.get tired = be tired 疲惫

    114.last for= go on for 持续 ……

    115.sth. needs doing/ to be done 某事需要被做

    116.expect to do sth. 期盼做某事

    117.expect sb. to do sth. 期盼某人做某事

    118.expect that 从句 期盼……

    119.get sth. back = have sth. back 取回,拿回

    120.You are welcome to do sth. 欢迎你做某事

    121.reply to 回复,答复

    122.look forward to doing sth. 盼望做某事

    123.hear from sb. =get a letter from sb.

    =receive a letter from sb. 收到某人来信

    124.clear up sth. 清理 , 整理

    九年级英语课件 篇4


    1.用have \has对物品所属进行谈论、提问等的语言表达能力。

    2.通过学习,具备用Yes,I do.\No,I don't.来回答Do you have…?和用Yes,he/she does.

    /No,he/she doesn't.来回答does he /she have…?的能力,借此来做调查,了解班级同学的所属物,制作表格。

    学具Recorder,pictures,some objects of sports


    Step1:Learn by yourselves

    Learn new words.

    TV,ball,soccer ball,tennis,racket,ping-pong,volleyball,bat,does,doesn't=does not

    Step2: Lead in

    Pick up a pencil case,and ask :Is this your pencil case?Yes,it is. Then ask:Do you have a pencil case? Help the students answer:Yes,I do. No,I don't.

    Ask other students:Does he \she have a pencil case? Yes,he\she does. No,he\she doesn't.

    Step work

    Practice the conversations above.

    Take out a basketball.Present this dialogue:

    What's this in English? It's a basketball.

    Do you have a basketball? Yes I do .

    Does he\she have a basketball?(Ask other students) Yes,he \she does. No,he\she doesn't.

    Step 4.Activities

    1a: Match the words with the things in the pictures. And then read the words.

    1b: Listen and circle the words you hear.

    2a: Listen to the conversations,number the pictures.

    2b:Listen again.Match the people with the balls.

    Step 5.Make a survey

    Ask your classmates:Do you have…? Then fill in the form. Then report them.

    九年级英语课件 篇5



    2.重点短语:get in the way of,care about


    Are you allowed to makeyour own decisions at home?

    His parents won't allowhim to train so much.

    We have nothing againstrunning.

    He needs to think aboutwhat will happen if he doesn't end up as a professional runner.

    I think I should be allowedto make this choice myself.

    I am serious about running.








    1.支持________ 2.进来________ 3.选择________


    1.妨碍 2.关心








    Step 1 情景导入

    Teacher:We all have hobbies.But sometimesthese hobbies can get in the way of schoolwork,and parents might worryabout our success at school.

    We often think we shouldbe allowed to practice our hobbies as much as we want.Do you agree?Now please share your ideas with yourpartners.


    Step 2 完成教材2a-2c的任务



    3.再次阅读短文,写出2c中4个问题的答案,完成后小组内交流答案。 (5分钟)





    (B)1.His parents alwaysworry about ________ at school.

    A.him success B.hissuccess C.his succeed D.himsucceed

    (C)2.Only then ________that he had lost a chance of achieving his dream.

    A.he realized B.didhe realized C.did he realize D.hedid realize

    (C)3.Playing computer gamescan get ________ of doing your homework.

    A.on the way B.bythe way C.in the way D.fromthe way

    (C)4.Parents are all againsttheir children ________ out on school nights.

    A.go B.togo C.going D.goes

    (B)5.Your dream won't cometrue ________ you work hard.

    A.after B.unless C.while D.since


    Step 3 完成教材 2d-2e的任务



    环节说明:通过2d 环节让学生对文章有了更深刻的理解;2e环节使学生的表达能力得到了提高。

    Step 4 问题探究

    ( )1.Playing computer games can get________ the way of his study.

    A.in B.to C.at D.into

    答案选择A,根据句意“玩电脑游戏会妨碍他的学习”,get in the way of sth.意为“妨碍某事”。

    ( )2.At present,many young people are serious______ computers.

    A.about B.with C.for D.at

    答案选择A,be serious about……意为“对……是认真的”,其后接名词、代词或动名词形式。



    九年级英语课件 篇6

    单元教材分析 单元学情分析

    1.本单元主要是使学生学会用过去过去式态表达所做的事情,重点句型是:What did you do last weekend/yesterday? I played football. Did you read books? Yes, I did./No, I didn’t.由于涉及动词过去式的变化规则和读音规则,一般过去式有时学生的学习重难点之一。创设真实情境、组织有意义的任务或活动来展开一般过去式的教学,避免过分强调语法。本单元的内容安排体现了由浅入深、循序渐进的原则,A部分着重学习规则动词的过去式变化,而B部分的重点是不规则动词的过去式变化,如:go—went, read—read等。在教学中,要注意多创设情境,帮助学生内化,达到学以致用。

    六年级学生性情稳静,理性,逻辑思维突起,有效地调动他们的学习积极性和自我表现意识是本课成功的关键。本课首先以学生的生活实际为出发点, 激发学生的好奇心,吸引他们的注意力;唤起学生的感知,调整学生投入到一种轻松,和协,快乐,高昂的学习状态。



    (1)能够对过去某人所做的事情进行问答,如:What did you do yesterday? I visited my grandparents.

    (2)能够用一般过去式的一般疑问句形式询问别人过去某个时间所做的事情并作答。如:Did you go fishing last weekend? Yes, I did./ No, I didn’t.


    (4)能够唱歌曲At the Zoo


    (1)掌握A、B部分Let"s learn 、中的四会单词和句子,掌握一般动词过去式的变化规则,含规则变化和不规则变化。

    (2)听说、认读A、B部分Let"s learn 、Let"s talk中的加粗句子。


    (4)能够理解并会说唱Let"s chant。

    (5)了解Story time 、Good to know、Task time等内容并尝试借助提示表演故事中的部分内容。






    课题:Unit3 A Let’s try Let’s talk 备课人: 上课人:


    掌握四会句型Where did you go over your holiday? I went to Mt. Tianshan, Xinjiang. 并在实际情境中灵活运用。


    掌握四会句型Where did you go over your holiday? I went to Mt. Tianshan, Xinjiang. 并在实际情境中灵活运用。 教学难点:

    1.能够听、说、读、写Where did you go over your holiday? I went to…等句型。

    2. 如何在现实生活中运用所学单词、词组和句型。


    录音机,磁带,单词卡,挂图。 第几课时:1

    探索流程 个性添加(教学反思)

    Step 1. Warm- up and revision

    1、Enjoy the song: At the zoo

    2、Daily oral practice

    Good morning. Glad to meet you. How are you? What day is today? What’s the weather like today?

    Step 2. Presentation

    Let’s talk





    Look, our classroom. It’s very clean and tidy. But who cleaned it. I don’t know. I want to thank him. Can you help me to find him?

    J: I can help you to find him.

    John跑了出去,碰到了Sarah,John就问Sarah. J: What did you do last weekend?

    Sarah: Hmm! I watched TV.

    John跑去问了Wu Yifan.

    J: What did you do last weekend?

    W:Hmm! I played football.

    板书句型:What did you do last weekend? I played football. 学生朗读。

    教师头带John的头饰T: Look, John come to our class. He wants to find who cleaned the classroom last weekend.

    T: What did you do last weekend?

    S1: I …

    T: What did you do last weekend?

    S2: I …

    T: Did you help the teacher clean the classroom?



    Step 3. Consolidation

    2、Activity 2

    3、Activity 3 Make the chant.



    J: What did you do last weekend?

    Z: I played football at school.

    J: Did you help the teacher clean the classroom?

    Z: Yes, I did.

    J: Oh, Zoom. You are great!



    板书设计 作业布置

    Unit3 Last weekend

    What did you do last weekend?

    Where did you go over your holiday?

    What did you do?

    九年级英语课件 篇7






    采用pair work和 Role-playing的学习策略,利用图片、听力材料等开展课堂教学。












    语音教学──让学生进行跟读模仿操练;词汇教学──图文对照给学生释义点拨,让学生在具体的语境中体会、理解其含义,并学会运用;口语教学──主要采取诸多的 pair work 问答式的口语交际活动反复进行操练;听力教学──采取图文配对、排序和填空的方式。语法教学──语言输入、抓住特征、模仿操练。


    1. A blackboard

    2. A computer with PowerPoint


    Step 1:Lead-in

    利用多媒体先展示出中国古代的四大发明,回顾久远的历史发明,再呈现出几张近现代的发明物图片,如mobile phone, car, , alarm clock, fridge, computer, light bulb, telephone , TV, robot, , camera等。让学生说出图中物品名称,感受到层出不穷的新发明,初步感知发明带给我们生活的巨大改变。



    Step 2:Think and say(1a)


    Step 3:Listening (1b)




    Step 4:Memory game(1c)

    Activity1:让学生回顾刚才的听力材料,利用多媒体逐步呈现刚才听力材料中出现的四项发明物,运用目标语言When was it invented ? It was invented in…进行本节课的第一次pair work



    Step 5:Pair work




    Step 7:Think and say



    引出句型Who was… invented by? It was invented by….的学习。

    Step 8:Listening(2a)

    Activity1 让学生先听对话,然后根据听到的顺序排出所提供的三项发明物。(在听对话之前,先引导学生学习理解三个新词:heel, scoop, electricity,扫清生词障碍。)





    进行句型What is it/are they used for? It is/They are used for….的输入训练。

    Step 9:Pair work

    Activity1 让学生根据刚才表格填写的内容进行对话练习。熟练使用What is it/are they used for? It is/They are used for…等句型。



    Activity2让学生根据刚老师提供的信息,用目标语言When was it invented ? It was invented in… Who was… invented by? It was invented by… What is it/are they used for? It is/They are used for… 来谈论 fridge, light bulb, car这三项发明的时间、发明者和用途。



    Step10:当堂检测(Test in class)


    (1)Cars were invented in l885.(对画线部分提问)

    When were cars invented?

    (2)Julie Thompson invented electric slippers.(改为被动语态)

    Electric slippers were invented by Julie Thompson.

    (3) The shoes with lights are used for seeing in the dark.(对画线部分提问)

    What are the shoes with lights used for ?

    (4)The light bulb was invented by Thomas Edison. (对画线部分提问)

    Who was the light bulb invented by?

    (5)The refrigerator is used to keep food fresh (改为


    The refrigerator is used for keeping food fresh.

    Step11: Summary

    本节课我们紧承第五单元进一步学习理解了The passive voice in the simple past tense,并学会了用以下目标语言

    When was it invented? It was invented in…

    Who was… invented by? It was invented by…

    What is it/are they used for? It is/ They are used for…来谈论发明的历史.


    There are many kinds of inventions in the world. They make our life better and better, easier and easier, more and more convenient.

    We should study hard to create more useful things with our wise brains. Believe in the world will be more and more beautiful, our life will be more and more wonderful because of us.




    Think of three inventions to make conversations using the target languages.

    Step14:Blackboard design

    Unit6 When was it invented?

    Section A (1a-2c)

    When was it invented? It was invented in…

    Who was… invented by? It was invented by…

    What is it/are they used for? It is/They are used for…



    九年级英语课件 篇8


    Section A


    Where would you like to visit?

    I’d like to visit somewhere relaxing.

    Step 1 Warning up

    Show a map of the world to the students.

    T: What kind of countries do you know in the map?

    S: China, the U.S.A, Canada, Australia, France, Germany, …

    T: What kind of cities do you know?

    S: Beijing, New York, London, Sydney, Paris….

    T: What do you think about the countries and cities?

    Ask the students to say out adjectives to describe these places. Write the words on the blackboard and read them.

    Then read the instructions, and use the words from the box to describe the vacations. Write them in the chart.

    Step 2 Presentation

    Lead-in the drill like this:

    T: Where would you like to visit?

    S: I would like to visit USA.

    T; Why would you like to visit USA?

    S: Because it is beautiful.

    The students can have different answers to the questions in the drill above.

    Show pictures of some places, like the Great Wall, the scenery of Guilin, Sydney Opera House, Big Ben in London. Ask the students to practice the similar conversations.

    Then look at the picture in 1a. Practice the dialogue by two groups.

    Step 3 Listening

    1b, first, read the instruction. Then play the tape. The students finish the chart. Play again, the students read after the tape sentences one by one.

    2a. Comprehend the sentence first. Tell the students to point out the Attributive Clause. Then listen to the tape and number the statements in the order.

    2b. Listen again. Match each place with a reason person do not visit the place in the chart. Check the answers. Then read the listening text together.

    Step 4 Role play

    Get the students to use the information in 2a to role play conversations.


    Comprehend the sentences in Grammar Focus and recite them.



    1. 能运用语言和语法知识进行阅读并理解文章意思。

    2. 能比较流利地描述一个自己想去的地方。

    Step 1 Competition

    Have a competition about the sentences in Grammar Focus by groups. Every group chooses a 8representative to write the sentences on the blackboard.

    Step 2 Reading

    Before reading, ask “ Where would you like to visit when you grow up? Please tell us the things you like in that place. ”

    Show a picture of Effiel Tower in Paris, ask “ Do you know what is it? Where is it?” After the students answer, say, “ Today we’re going to learn a passage about a famous travel spotlight: Paris.”

    Then study the passage carefully.

    Some key points:

    1. consider doing sth 意思是“考虑做某事”

    例:I’m considering changing my job.

    consider + 从句,相当于think+从句

    例:I consider that he is a kindman.

    2. cost 当“花费”用时主语是物或事,常用sth cost sb some money / time

    spend 主语是人,常用sb spend some money / time on sth 或sb spend some money/ time ( in) doing sth

    take 常用结构为It takes sb spend some money/ time to do sth. 或sb take some money / time to do sth.

    pay当“花费,支付”用时主语是人,常用sb pay (sb) some money for sth.

    例:This dictionary cost me five dollars.

    I spent five dollars on this dictionary.

    I spent five dollars (in) buying this dictionary.

    It took me five dollars to buy this dictionary.

    I took five dollars to buy this dictionary.

    I paid five dollars for this dictionary.

    3. quite adv.意思是“相当地”

    ① quite + a / an + n.

    例:It’s quite a nice car.

    ② quite + adj = very + adj.

    例:The car is quite nice.

    3. unless conj. 意思是“如果不,除非”= if…not

    例:You can not get good grades unless you study hard.

    = You can not get good grades if you don’t study hard.

    Then the students read the passage by themselves.

    Step 3 Practice

    Look at the instructions in 3b. Ask two students to read the conversation. Point out “ be supposed to = should”, “ pack = put things into bags for vacations or business.” Then look at the information, ask the students to make new conversations using the information. Ask some pairs to act out their conversations.

    Step 4 Homework:

    Read the passage in 3a.


    Section B

    Step 1 Revision

    Review the passage in 3a. Ask students to retell the text.

    Step 2 Talking and writing

    T: What are important to you when you go on vacation?

    S: The weather is the most important thing. I like to go somewhere warm.

    Encourage the students to say as much as possible.

    Then Part 1. Let the students write the things that are important to them when they go on vacation.

    Step 3 Listening

    2a. Before listening to the tape, ask students to talk about three pictures. Then listen and number the pictures.

    2b. Listen to the conversations and complete the chart.

    Then students read the listening text after the tape.

    Step 4 Pairwork

    2c. Get the students to practice the conversation similar to the one in the box. Then ask pairs to act out their own conversations.

    Step 5 Exercises


    1. 我想去温暖点的地方。

    I’d like to ________________.

    2. 我喜欢天气凉爽的地方。

    I’d love places _____________.

    3. 我们更喜欢人们真的很诚实而友好的地方。

    We prefer places ____________.

    4. 天凉了,最好穿上温暖些的衣服。

    It’s cool. _____________ to wear warm clothes.




    Step 1 Free talk

    Ask “ Do you like traveling? How do you often travel with your family, by yourselves or by travel agency?” Talk about the questions. Then ask some to share their answers with the class.

    Step 2 Reading

    First, get the students to look through the passage and find out the answer to the questions “ Where do they want to go for a trip? What do they want the firm to offer?” After this simple comprehending passage, learn it carefully.

    Some key points:

    1. in eastern China = in the east of China

    2. provide sb with sth = provide sth for sb 意思是“为某人提供某物”

    例:The boss provided his workers houses.

    = The boss provided houses for his workers.

    offer sb sth = offer sth to sb 意思是“ 提供某物给某人”,可以与以上例句转换。

    3. It has to be a place where we do lots of outdoor activities.

    此复合句中where we can do lots of outdoor activities 为定语从句,修饰先行词a place。其中where是关系副词,才从句中担任状语。

    例:The factory where my father works is in the east of the city.

    That is the house where we lived last year.

    4. It’s best to do sth 意思是“最好做某事”= You / We had better do sth.

    例:It’s best to visit Beijing in spring or autumn.

    = You’d better visit Beijing.

    Then read the passage with the tape and finish the task below it.

    Step 3 Writing

    Ask the students to write an e-mail message to S.T. Zhang. Tell where they think he / she should go on vacation. Share their replies then.

    Step 4 Groupwork

    Complete the survey using words from the box and any other words. Then survey three students. Agree on the best place to go.

    Step 5 Homework

    Read the passage in 3a.




    Step 1 Revision

    Review the passage in 3a. Ask some students to retell it.

    Step 2 Self check

    For Ex 1, fill in each bland with the correct word given Check the answers then. And later ask the students to make their own sentences with each word.

    For Ex 2, look at the instructions. Then ask students to write an article about why they would like to go to their ideal places.

    Step 3 Exercises


    1. It’s best ______ (do) our homework by ourselves.

    2. Could you please ______ (give) me some suggestions?

    3. It’s a good place _______ (visit) in summer.

    4. I hope _______ (see) the Great Wall in Beijing one day.

    5. Hong Kong is a wonderful place for _______ (shop).



    Step 1 Free Talk

    Talk about the dreams with students. Ask “ Do you have your dreams? What would you like to do after you finish school? What will you do to make your dream come true?”

    Step 2 Reading

    First, students scan the passage and find out the main idea of it: “ It’s about dreams. Then learn the passage carefully.”

    Some key points:

    1. dream about / of sth, dream about / of doing sth 意思是“梦想做某事”

    例:Lots of teenagers dream of flying to the moon one day.

    2. continue doing sth = go on doing sth 意思是“继续做某事”

    3. quite a few = a lot of / lots of 表示“许多”,但quite a few后接可数名词复数。

    4. It was clear from the survey that teenagers have similar hopes.

    此句中it 是形式主语,that….是真正主语,表示“很清楚….”

    例:It is clear that he can finish his task in time.

    Then reading the passage again. Finish 3b.

    九年级英语课件 篇9

    I. 重点词组

    1. get lost 迷路

    2. each other 彼此

    3.at least 至少

    4take place发生

    5because of 因为

    6.be strict with sb. 对某人严格要求

    7.carry out 实行

    8.be short of 缺乏

    9.take measures to do sth.采取措施做某事

    10.be known as… 作为……而著名

    well in doing…在……方面起作用

    12.a couple of 一些

    13keep up with赶上,跟上


    1. Have you found him yet? 你已经找到他了吗?

    2. ——I really hate to go shopping. 我的确讨厌购物。——So do I.我也如此。

    3. But it seems that their living conditions were not very good.但是似乎他们的生活条件不太好。

    4. But great changes have already taken place in China recently.但是近来中国已发生了巨大的变化。

    5. Because of the one-child policy, now most families have only one child.


    6. What’s the population of the U.S.A.?美国的人口是多少?

    7. ——What’s more, the population in developing countries is growing faster. ——So it is.

    而且,发展中国家的人口在更快地发展。 的确如此。

    8. Our government has taken many measures to control the population.



    常用于现在完成时的时间状语:already, just , yet, ever, never, recently.

    e.g. 1. I have just called you.

    2. ——Have you ever been to France? ——No, I’ve never been to any European countries.

    3. ——Have you seen him yet? ——Yes, I have seen him already.

    九年级英语课件 篇10




    The key word: prefer,lyric Language goals: what kind of music do you like? Why?

    What kind of singers do you like? Why?

    Teaching goals:

    To learn to use Relative clause with that and who.

    I like music that I can dance to.

    I like music that has great liyrics.

    I like music that I can sing along with.

    I like music that isn’t too loud.

    过程与方法, 在听说读写的教学环节中,采用看图说话和编造对话方式进行授课。



    这一节课我分为两个部分:第一部分引入定语从句的学习;第二部分围绕I like music that I can dance to.这一话题展开思维(1a)、听力(1b)、 口语 (1c) 训练进行授课,最终完成本课时的教学任务。采用情景教学、看图说话、小组对话以及听力训练的方法进行教学。




    首先,我将采用音乐视频片段导入新课,引出这一单元地主题:I like music that I can dance to , 然后再运用幻灯片来展现以前在课文和听力中出现地定语从句,从而加强对定语从句的理解与掌握。同时运用幻灯片,将学生对定语从句地认识从音乐扩展到更大地层面,比如人物、衣服动物等方面;其次,运用幻灯片将本课出现地目标语言让学生加以练习(1a),在掌握目标语言地基础上完成听力训练,并完成对听力(1b)习题的处理,让学生在听力中对目标语言加以应用,达到巩固地目的。



    九年级英语课件 篇11

    1. try to do sth.尽力做某事

    2. play a part in doing sth.参加做某事

    3. used to do sth.过去常常做某事

    4. instead of doing sth. 代替做某事

    5. start doing sth.开始做某事

    6. remember to do sth.记住去做某事

    7. can’t afford to do sth. 担负的起做某事

    8. by doing sth.通过做某事

    9. be good at doing sth.擅长做某事

    10. plan to do sth.计划做某事

    11. hope to do sth. 希望做某事

    12. need to do sth.需要做某事

    13. loud music/soft music 强劲/轻柔的音乐

    14. have fun doing sth 做某事很有趣

    15. make money(=earn money) 赚钱

    16. save money 存钱

    17. learn from向某人学习

    18. scientific study科学研究

    19. soft colors柔和的色彩

    20. blue light浅蓝色

    21. soft lighting柔和的灯光

    22. serve sb招待某人

    23. heavy traffic 繁忙的交通

    24. endangered animals濒临灭绝的动物

    25. keep out不让进入

    26. pros and cons 利和弊

    27. in the modern world再现代社会

    28. advertising is everywhere.广告到处都是

    29. aim at瞄准,针对

    30. more than多于

    九年级英语课件 篇12




    ⑴掌握一些主要的词汇和句型 used to be like 等。









    依据纽南(David Nunan)所提出的任务型及合作式教学原则,使学生在小组学习中获取信息,处理信息和运用信息,激发学生用所学语言进行交际的愿望和自信心,促进合作精神和文化意识的发展.


    1. 总体思路:

    本节课是在多媒体的课堂教学环境下实施的大容量、快节奏的课堂教学.笔者先让学生简短描述父母以前和现在的职业,外貌,性格,爱好再欣赏英文歌曲thank you, dad. 导入,酝酿了一种感激父母的氛围,接着引导他们畅诉父母对自己的帮助的故事,然后让学生阅读短文,感受母亲爱的伟大。在阅读过程中,通过让学生看标题,预测课文内容、概括文章段落大意、根据上下文填所缺的句子,判断正误等各种方式提高阅读技能。最后,笔者提供关键词让学生复述课文,使其能熟练得掌握所学的重点词汇、短语和句子。阅读后,笔者抛出这样的问题让学生讨论:我们该用什么方式报答父母?培养学生反哺意识。最后通过写作,提高学生综合运用语言的能力。

    Step1 Pre-reading

    1. Get the students to describe their parents

    T: Parents are the most familiar and loved person to you. Can you give a brief description of them? You can describe what they used to be like and what they are like now.

    (students may describe their age, appearance, personality, hobbies they used to be and now.)



    2. Play the song “thank you, dad” for the students and enjoy it with them.

    Thank you, Dad

    Thank you, Dad

    Thank you, Dad

    Thanks for loving me

    Hugs and Kisses, hugs and kisses

    Comes to you from me

    Thank you, Dad

    Thank you, Dad

    You are such a friend

    On this day I'd like to say

    On you I can depend.

    T: It is great you know much about your parents. Do you know when is Father's day and mother's day?

    S: Mother's day is the second Sunday of May and Father's Day is the third Sunday of June.

    T: Great. These two holidays are taken for us to thank our parents. Now let's enjoy a song for Father's Day.


    播放 Thank you,dad 歌曲,既可以吸引学生的注意力,激发学习英语的兴趣,又可以引起学生的深思,营造一种对父母无限感激的氛围。

    3. pair work

    ⑴T: Don't you think it's a beautiful song? I think so. It reminds me think of my own father. He has done so much for me. I used to be a shy person when I was a middle school student. I didn't use to dare to speak in front of class or facing a crowed of people. My father encouraged me to believe in myself. And now I'm outgoing. I'm grateful to my father, he is so patient and helpful. I'm sure your parents are the same. Would you like to share the stories you parents help you solve problems with your partner and then make notes on the context?

    ⑵ ask some volunteers to tell class his own or partner's stories.


    a. 通过交流父母在孩子成长过程中对孩子的帮助的故事,使学生体会到父母对自己的恩情,对自己的爱;

    b. 使学生再一次创造性地灵活运用目标语言USED TO,谈论过去的经历,延续和深化本单元的话题,提高口语能力,并为下一任务阅读做好准备。

    Step 2 While reading

    1. Introduce the title of the passage- He used to cause a lot of trouble

    T: Your stories really moved me, Today we'll read a connected story,

    “He used to caused to cause a lot of trouble”, according to the title, what might be talked about in this passage? Would you might to make a list? Please pay attention to the word used to.

    The students may give such answers:

    What troubles he used to cause

    The reason he used to cause so much trouble

    What made him change

    He is now a good person.


    通过让学生在不预习课文的情况下根据文章标题猜测文章内容旨在培养其预测文章大意的能力,并通过下一阶段的阅读来检验学生对标题的预测是否正确。在教学中,教师提醒学生注意USED TO这个词语。

    2. Fast reading

    ⑴What is the passage mainly about?

    ⑵Compare what the students predicted with the content given by the author

    ⑶stick out the key sentences and give the main idea of each paragraph in group and then report to class.

    Para.1 After father's death, Martin's life became difficult.

    Para.2 The troubles Martin used to cause.

    Para.3 A conversation with his mother on the phone changed his life.

    Para.4 What is Martin now like.



    2. Detailed reading

    ⑴ Finish Section3, 3a Put the missing sentences back in the correct place in the reading.



    ⑵Finish Section3. 3b

    Read the statements below. Circle “True”. False”. Or “Don't know”

    According to the reading.



    ⑶let the students design questions according to the text and then ask answer in pairs



    4.Explain some difficult phrases and sentences in the text and help solve the problems students raise

    5. Retell the text in group one by one according to the key words below then choose one to report to class

    Retell the text

    1…problem child…a recent conversation… not used to…after his father’s death…difficult…not afford…to do this…

    2.look after…cause problems…not interested in… get into troubles…

    …patient…make a decision…hate… leave…waste…

    3…necessary…call…change…need…help…understand…no longer…

    watch…take pride in…decide to …realize… be afraid of…pay more attention to…

    4…has changed…work hard…a top student… how…mother’s love…important…



    6. Discuss in class: Why did the author write the Passage?

    S1: The author wants to tell us: Mother's love is great.

    S2:He wants to tell us: Communication between children and parents can help them understand each other better.



    Step 2 Post reading

    3. Disscuss in group: What are nice ways for you to express your feelings and love to your parents ?

    ⑴ T: Don't you think parents' love is magical? It makes Martin, a troublesome boy change into a top student. We can't imagine what would happen to Martin without his mother's love and help.We can say parents are the most unselfish persons. They are someone who listens suggests and defends. They are the givers, but not expect your repay. They are the persons deserving your most respect and love. We should do something for them, too. we can't only receive but not give.. In China, there is an old saying “树欲静而风不止,子欲养而亲不待”。We can't wait until it's too late. We should do something to make them happy and let them know we love them. Do you think what are nice ways for us to express our feelings to our parents? Please share your ideas in group and then report to class.

    ⑵ Choose a representative of a group to report and ask other groups to supplement. The student may give such answers.

    a. to share homework with parents

    b. to send parents small gifts on parent's day or their birthday

    c. to write a letter or a card to express how much we love them

    d. to try to study hard

    e. to do a part-time job to reduce parents' burden.

    f. ...

    ⑶ ask students to do some activities to show their love to parents after school.



    4. Homework: writting

    Write a passage of stories happened between you and your parents. The passage may include

    a. what is your comment or feeling on your fathermother

    b. give some examples of your father/mother helped you solve problems you met.

    c. What you have done or want to do to show your love to your fathermother.





